notice how everyone thinks the niche heros are failures when they force them outside their niche.? almost like that hero is designed to do a specific job better than anyone else. this is like me complaining ball is doomed to fail because rein ball is bad
have you considered that a character being this niche is a failure within itself?
Man I love the time these people put into these manifestos that won’t change a thing
All Sym needs is half her nerfs removed.
Beta Phase 2 has Sym buffs described as “meaty” by the devs, let’s see how that goes.
I don’t think there’s a rework design for sym that doesn’t makes her annoying without changing her into an unrecognizable hero, so in that regard devs are pretty hand tied, for example removing TP at any level is basically destroying her, same for turrets and shield on some kind of way
I do think her best version is a support but alas they disagree so there’s not much to do
oh my god THERE ARE 16 OTHER DPS. they are quite literally designed to do specific things well.
Is ashe a failure because she gets beat by cass in brawl? is cass a failure because he gets beat by ashe in double shield?
I just gave up on Symmetra’s kit being balanced properly around her, instead of her teammates, over a year ago.
Literally, the cooldowns, wind-up time of all her animations, & abilities are around her playing as a Support hero, but is forced to replace & take up a Damage Role slot.
I admit that it is very easy to get gold damage with her when she was Sym 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and even now as 3.1.
But the fact that what is important of Damage heroes isn’t how much damage or kills they get, but rather when they get it.
It’s more useful if they get kills while the team is alive, instead of after most of them are dead because if they get a few kills & then they & their entire team is dead right afterwards, it defeats the purpose of getting that kill, since both teams will have regrouped by then.
So, where I’m getting at is that Sym’s kit has too much down time between using her abilities & her primary form of high damage, The Beam.
She has no good burst damage outside of stacking 3 turrets in one spot & even then, they easily get destroyed from being sneezed on or just simply walked out of their range.
Sym was put into the Damage role, expected to do the job of a Damage hero, but continues to function like a Support hero with lots of down time in utilizing her kit.
You didn’t have to write an entire essay to tell us “Blizzard is bad at balancing”.
In my eyes, a main is when you just play that hero more than anything, or default to them. A OTP is when you refuse to swap off even though you’re contributing nothing.
The reality is that Symm is objectively a worse pick than most DPS nearly everywhere except the first point of maps and KoTH. If you refuse to swap off her after losing first, you’re hurting your team.
one thing that always irked me about Sym is everyone used to complain about how she was a “no skill hero” because of her lock-on beam lol. They removed it, and they still call her no skill
People on OW2 beta still called Mei no skill and she didn’t even have freeze lol
And if they replaced Moira’s RMB with a sniper rifle and you got a kill with Moira, they’d still say how you’re “no skill”
Heck look at how many ppl say Widowmaker is no skill, and she’s the one literally holding the sniper rifle lol
No skill = something (helped) killed me and I don’t like it
Abandon the idea of a teleporter and turrets and maybe they will rework her properly.
Orisa got completely reworked with no remaining actual identity from the original design(sorry fortify doesn’t count and that’s all it is, even primary fire doesn’t function the same since it has a heat mechanic).
The other reworks they did focused on core identity and retained most of it for Sombra, Doom, and Bastion. Symmetra can make anything out of hard light, the potential is literally endless, just get rid of the turrets and teleporter already, these outdated ideas are holding the character back for no good reason anymore.
What would you replace them with? Assuming we’re keeping her builder identity
This forum is obsessed with that cringelord hero for some reason, god help them. A guy made a whole essay…
Honestly, I have no clue, I have never sat down and thought about it for too long but I do think there has to be something else she can make.
You can go be a troll elsewhere if you don’t like it. Reported
Yeah, I disagree with a lot of this. When 2.0 was done, there was no way to make her a Support, given that half of the previous 6 heroes released were Supports.
Also, her kit did not fit the Support role, being the only support with no healing abilities at all.
Now the game is faster, maps are more open, and a short range support like all the propsed Sym kits would just be terrible. And, no, don’t tell me 2.0 was good. Watch an OW game on YT from 2018 where 2.0 was played and admit that kit was so much worse than the rework.
Everything here is wishcasting for some fictional universe where Sym 1.0 or Sym 2.0 could be dropped in and suddenly the same playerbase who reported Sym mains to the Shadow Realm would accept her with open arms as a support.
The one thing that OP doesn’t go over in this exhaustive post is how many Sym 1.0 and 2.0 players who don’t even play anymore camp on these forums and spam all kinds of nonsense in any Sym discussion like “OWL taxibot” and help keep players from actually trying her.
This forum is obsessed with acting like twitter users. God help them. A guy refuses to read more than 20 words because he has a 5 second attention span…
That’s not necessary. They could just go back to 2.0 TP and it would be just fine.
100% agree with your post. Symmetra is a disaster and it looks like she’s staying this way.
Actually, for me the true fun of Symmetra 2.0 was not playing the hero in games. I had so much fun going into custom games and searching for good SG/TP spots when a new map came out. I even did that in OW2 beta just for fun.
It just made her so interesting. The rework removed all of that and the new rework removes her utility even further.
Symmetra will become a bland, lifeless and generic DPS hero. Symmetra was THE definition of a utility hero but she’s going to lose all of that and that’s what the DPS people want.
On top that her weapon simply isn’t made for the DPS class. It has every draw back you can think of.
It’s quite obvious what will happen: The devs nerf the hell out of her utility so it becomes unusable for Symmetra herself but in OWL her TP will still be abused by the team so Symmetra will still suffer and stay Reinhardt’s b*tch. And all of that for slightly faster orbs that are still too slow to compete with actual DPS weapons. Well done.
This should be Pinned and put on display here on forums so everybody can see it and hit them with this reality!
And this one line alone has you ignored by the entire dev base, good job your point will now be ignored by anyone that could meaningfully done something about sym
Symmetra’s design has always been counter to how Overwatch is largely played–it rewards playing aggressively and taking space away from other players, and Symmetra’s kit has never been effective at preventing that. She’s a highly defensive hero with a kit that’s easy to bulldoze through or completely avoid, making her the least effective choice for holding territory and running out the clock.
A huge reason Torb’s rework has been met with high acclaim and is generally effective in-game is because he has lots of agency even if you disregard his turret. Symmetra is tied to wherever her nest is, and if you just don’t play into it she’s basically useless outside the specific interaction of mutilating Sigma comps. They need to make Symmetra more of an active participant and adjust her kit to the way people actually play the game.
So yes, OP is right, Symmetra was always designed to fail, but not because of whatever nonsense about how the devs hate her. It’s the typical Blizzard short-sightedness of designing a hero around a scenario that never, ever happens in real games, and then not really considering what they would want that hero to do when they increased the tempo of the game.