Upcoming support patch. Anyone else terrified?

DPS are arguably one of the least impactful roles for the past 2 years though…tanks are what carry/decide games and then support behind them

I do agree that Dva and Mercy nerfs/changes drove off a lot of Dva Mercy players who were the BULK of tank and support players, though.


50 armor isn’t what I call immortal and if they’re gonna buff her. Remeber old symm with her pitiful 25 shields, it was useless. Plus I’ve seen more ana lucio than anything else. Except when brig lucio was a thing, but it was her inspire healing that was strong not the armor pack.

I really hope they don’t do this. If they didn’t nerf Mercy’s healing back when they touched the other supports a lot of things would have probably been different.

I can stomach an Ana nerf. If they reduce healing on nanoboost or lower her ammo or give an antiheal nerf. If they give 2-3+ nerfs though :cry:


It makes a huge difference on flankers though. Tracer goes from being 150 HP to being 200 HP, with 50 of it being armor. That’s a pretty huge thing. Imagine if the Devs just buffed Tracer to have 50 permanent armor. She’d be OP. That’s basically what Brig does to her in Dive.

Brig had a near 100% pickrate in OWL this weekend. That’s why she was banned.


I’m assuming it will since they mentioned the Moira changes being experimental.

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All I want is for Mercy to feel a bit better. I don’t want other Supports butchered, I just want my favorite hero to feel just as important as the other Supports, and not just a Rez/Damage Boost Bot.


Terrified as you should be, no more free value means you have to actually try and play the game, welcome to overwatch, we’ve been expecting you


They’re not gonna nerf something obviously NOT op at all on brig when it works just like old symm’s ult, it used to give 75 shields to all the team, didn’t make tracer op all of a sudden. I’m just saying that 25 armor brig is useless brig, better use an ana in that case and heal from afar and much better.

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Syms ult was removed after Brig was added, Torbs armor packed was removed, and they capped how much you can stack extra health. The Devs clearly dislike this mechanic.

Brig and Ana don’t compete at all and don’t fill the same niche.


Yeah. The only reason that she was played in Gravdravon was the “bug” that allowed her to damage boost dragons so they could kill through Trans. The second that got nerfed, she started losing ground to Ana.


I hope the buffs come for mercy so she can actually see a place in certain metas other than pocketing a pharra

If she had 60hps back, her role in dive would come back and we’d see her played more in those compositions after she was basically replaced by Brig


Symm as a whole was removed and reworked into a dps cause she wasn’t doing great in the first place, same for torb. It wasn’t because they were afraid of the stackings.

If her armor is nerfed to 25 they’re gonna belong in the same niche cause 25 armor is USELESS.

I know you’re a mercy main and you hate tracers and genjis but nerfing brig isn’t the way plus genji isn’t that played lately.

Between the matchmaking and the catering to crybabies, I’m probably done with this game before the year is over.


Its better to over complicate it and have a more balanced environment than a busted game where burst damage and one shots become must pick.

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Burst damage only became a must pick after Hanzo was reworked and Brig was introduced into the game

Falcon explains it well here

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Realistically here’s what will happen:

Moira damage orb will be removed and or have its damage nerfed to where it’s pointless to use at all.
Moira self heal reduced or removed.
Fade CD now 8 seconds
Beam hitbox shrunken to 0 charge Zarya levels and now does 40 DPS. Healing spray nerfed to 50 HPS.

This will probably gut Moira for most but Blizzard only balances in the context of making something easier to win against, which usually just ends up in that hero being a soft throw pick. So enjoy Moira mains.

Ana will get maybe a slight nerf

Brig will get a power shift

Zen and Lucio will get nothing.

Baptiste will probably get his gun buffs back.

That’s it. Don’t expect anything meaningful for what it feels like to play those heroes.

It will only affect Moira players the most.


I am terrified too. And I refuse to even get slightly excited until I see it. I’m afraid of over buffing and ineffective nerfs. Or nerfs that don’t actually address issues and feel “slapped on for the sake of needing something”. I am also afraid of over nerfs.

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The community saying “nty” has killed a few changes in Experimental.
Which is why I’m hoping it’ll be an Experimental card vs a PTR patch.
Experimental = no commitment on their part, we can voice opinions
PTR = at best you can lessen the devastation

Plus they can no longer afford to drive people off unfavorable roles, with both D.Va and Mercy the major shifts in their play were pre-2/2/2, and the devastating blow they dealt was mitigated by those players being non-essential. The game would still be playable if the only people left were hardcore DPS only players. Now it’s flat not.

The devs need to do their best to retain and grow the Tank and Support playerbase, because if they drive too many away? They’ve dealt a fatal blow. It doesn’t matter if you have a million players in Plat if only 30 are Tanks/Supports you can only have 6 Plat games live at once. As such I’m hopeful that even if it is a PTR change they’re more willing to change it should there be outcry.

I’m certain we’ll see some people crying no matter what, but I’m hopeful nonetheless. Despair will grant me nothing, but hope at least will give me something to hold on to.

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I’m very nervous that they are going to gut ana and moira like they did to most of the other supports. Whenever they do that, they tend to not fix them for a while. I would rather ana’s nade not get touched. I don’t want her turned into another healbot like bap was.

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Drazan was replying to someone who wanted 60hps AND cast time reduction in rez AND valk buffs.

She’d be OP with all that.