On the one hand, supports have been feeling… not so good to play in recent years. A patch that acknowledges that and gives supports the help they need would be very appreciated.
On the other hand… nearly every time a support shows up in the patch notes, they get changed in ways that demonstrate that the devs do not understand what actual problem is. Supports have gotten so… many… band-aid fixes… that fix nothing. They often only accomplish making a support less fun to play.
I’m wringing my hands knowing that there’s going to be a patch with “a lot of adjustment to supports… some buffing, some nerfing”.
Does that mean that they’re going to adjust supports in ways that make them more enjoyable to play?
Or are are the devs (once again) going to ONLY focus on improving the experience of playing with/against supports, while ignoring any and all feedback about how supports actually feel to play as?
I expect very little from the Overwatch Team in whatever they do. Either they totally botch whatever they were trying to do and seem totally out of touch with their playerbase and are either too arrogant or too bound by PR in order to admit their mistakes or they finally make a basic, much-needed change that came several months too late.
No she doesnt. There are other ways to make Mercy and other supports good without increasing healing. Why cant u people ask for utility buffs rather than healing?
Because giving her 60 HPS solves her balance in one simple change and you can never have to touch her again, or if they want to make her a “utility off support” they need to buff damage boost/her utility (probs give it a speed boost or faster fire rate buff), shorten Valk and make it SUPER powerful like Trans or SB, and probs change rez too.
I am guessing they are gonna make the same mistake they did the last support patch. Nerf Ana and Buff Mercy, so the balance between the two is once again wildly out of whack. But in Mercy’s favor again instead of Ana’s favor.
He said some heroes are getting nerfed. The only 2 supports likely to get them are Brig and Ana. I can see them being reasonable and power shifting Brig. But I doubt they’ll be reasonable for Ana.
They have always yo-yoed Ana and Mercy. The two haven’t been equal or only slightly in Ana’s favor in pretty much ever, barring launch Ana.
Ahhh I was hoping the nerfs meant Brig and Moira only >.> Especially since this past weekend of OWL was just tons of Brig or Moira as the main healer, and contenders this week has been Moira 24/7 even with Ana not being banned. Idk