Unwinnable matches are unwinnable by design

We do need to do a better job of not placing players into “unwinnable” matches. When the matchmaker creates a match, it determines the % chance for each team to win based on the match it made. The VAST majority of matches are usually near to 50% (especially if you’re a player closer to median skill rating and you’re not in a group), but I’ve definitely seen logs of matches where that’s really not the case and my eyebrows raise.
Quote by Scott Mercer 10.19.2016

I just had the high silver match of the year right here.
My Team: Level 85 and 41 placements tanks, Level 1467 (me) and 73 dps, level 50 and 44 Supports. Not alts, I asked.
Their team: Level 78 placement and 554 Tank, Level 1695 and 380 DPS, level 659 and 96 supports.

My team was so inexperienced they did not know how to approach point 1 on Kings Row. Cooldowns all over the place and anyone who went in to make something happen got shut down by the more experienced team.
What I eventually had to do even to touch point was pop off kill both dps and healers and ult the point as hanzo. Then we managed to stagger them to point 2, again with me hardcarrying and making it easier for the team (who still died to the very air pressure of being near the enemy)
We lost ofcourse because the noob tanks didn’t know what to do, positioned wrong and on top of this got sub par healing, and I can’t be everywhere when I have to also watch for not getting headshot by their 1600level hanzo wich I guess was about my skill, tho I won most of the duels.

My question is: How could the matchmaker even let this match happen at PEAK HOURS in the evening? How is it even POSSIBLE to make a match like this?

It’s not “balance” of any sort to team 5 actual honest noobs in with one “carry” experienced guy and hope for the best - I am not GM I can’t fricking 1 v 6 an entire team of silvers and golds.

Giving me teammates that are this inexperienced actually influence my performance because I can’t rely on them for anything. This “team game” becomes a Deathmatch FFA with 5 feeding bots helping the enemy win.

At the very least have the decency to inform me of the matchmakers stupid decision and dock me a symbolic 1 SR when I inevitably lose this 1% game…


Well the matchmaker uses rank, not level.

Level/Time = Skill <-- That’s false, so that’s why it puts those players with you.
You’ll be put with new players in Gold/Platinum and lower, so if you want to prevent that you should group up.

If I may, I recently responded here with an example of how such a match can exist.

It’s no mystery how it’s a problem too.
In my example, you would be the “100” value player.

I hope it’s helpful for you!

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its true, i also had many matches like this, way more in this season then ever before. it isnt their fault, they just dont know better … ranking these new fellas in mid gold - high plat is just too high.

dont think its funny to lose all the way down until they reach their true rank. good way to keep the new players around i guess … :roll_eyes:


Winnable matches are winnable by design too.

Do you have replay code for that match. I am curious to see it.

I probably wouldn’t share the gameplay even if I had it. Wich I don’t.

Anyway, I agree that winnable games are winnable by design too. I just don’t see why Blizzard creates unwinnable ones at peak hours in the evening. Noobcarrying is only fun for the noobs and there is the whole mode of quickplay to use for these fringe matches.


Why not? I dont get it lol, people claim they hard carry but they are afraid of posting it :slight_smile:

You didnt post the game, we dont know if it was unwinnable yet. Its just your claim :slight_smile:

I dont trust you Zax. It’s that simple. Your a dishonest debatant and your disbelief of any claim aligns perfectly with your bias any time it pleases you. Your understanding of statistics is non-existent wich suits you fine so you can ignore more anomalies found in the matchmaker. You’ve said directly to me, i paraphrase, that you see “any mention of system troubles as excuses by people that don’t want to see the truth about their own flaws”.

I’ve posted the details I have of this game, a noob stacked game versus a non-noob stacked one and me playing games untill this one was out of my list is just the way it is - also i dont post my gameplay on this forum ever. Because it’s full of trolls like you and your get gud white knight brigades to tell you how much you suck even BEFORE anyone posts anything. That’s the goto response to anything. If it’s a discussion about matchmaking, trolls, leavers, smurfs WHATEVER. Some moron will allways go in and say somehing like “you’re just angry because you suck” or whatever.

This game, whether it was fully unwinnable or not should never have happened. Blizzard, who creates these matches, should know better than to sacrifice match quality for one experienced player so that some new players can get a better experience after placements dumps them into gold matches. With all the newbies around these last weeks (what’s up with that anyways?) match quality is down the drain, and the only way out is up. Or possibly down, I’ve acctually considered deranking to get away from low-mid gold so I can be the one ruining games for once. out of pure undiluted SPITE. The problem here is navigating the stream of deranking idiots and deranking new players hitting you in the face as you try to climb.

And there is no opt out of noobery either. No shield of levels, no paywalls, and endorsmentlevels are useless.


Weird because I dont lie and didnt do anything to give you reason to not trust me. It almost feel like you are scared that i would found out that you didnt hard carry and match was actualy winnable. Thats very common amongst the players who are claiming how hard they carry. They strangely dont want to show it, which is super weird because I think that anyobe proud about his/her games would like to show it.

Please, you are free to visit any of my topics where i shared the statistics and review it. Since you say that my understanding of statistics is non existent, i am sure that you already know what i did wrong in my calculations. I have no problem to learn something new. I think i still have a lot more accurate data than majority players who do not keep the statistics and just react based on emotions how many smurfs or leavers they had.

Also you talk about annomalies. Like what? What is anomaly by your standards i ignore?

My reactions are based on what person write. When player have Unbelievable claims without any kind of evidence and blaming team mates or matchmaker, i react in different way than when someone ask for honest replay review.

I have spend tens of hours by reviewing replay codes of players from to help them climb and give them tips how to improve, some if them actualy improved which always makes me very happy. So you telling me that i am trolling players is kind of insulting. I troll only trolls. Not players who need help.

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I’m sorry, but I stopped reading at this line, Zax is a high plat-mid diamond player, when he asks for the replay code, it’s more so he can help you identify problems, not to criticize your gameplay, while you might not believe it, hes helped many people over my years here on the forums climb, even hard stuck bronze players.

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See? you do it again - this topic isn’t the “Help Porkypine hotline”. You cant be trusted to stay on topic for even 2 seconds. Get out of your coach mode and back into explaining why noobs stacked on one team is a benefit to me. do it.

I’ve played this game since before season 1 - i can tell if there are skill missmatches in my team.


So did I, i played it even before it was
released :slight_smile:

I was on topic but you started to accuse me and insulting me. Also I dont offer you coaching. I was just honestly curious to see that unwinnable game.

Also I dont understand your fear, you stated that you hard carried so how i could possible tear up your gameplay? If you really carried, i would agree with you. I have unwinnable games too sometimes.

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I just dont TRUST YOU Zax. You’re untrustworthy. Your intelectually dishonesty (or is it incapability) has burned any chance of me caring for your curiosities about replays. Untill you show some capacity for understanding concepts like fairness in games and lay off the pet peeve of yours this will remain.

Instead of looking for a chance to confirm your bias you should have taken my post for what it is with the data it contains. Wich is at the very least 5 people with unstable noob MMR and one with rock solid MMR against a team of mostly stable MMR.

It’s a clear failure of matchmaking no matter what way you look at it, Zax. And if you can’t see this simple thing there is no hope for you.


For you, we didnt see that so nobody can confirm what you are saying. You might be right, i am not denying that but if you play competitive games, try to ask others who carried at the end. I guarantee that you will often have more than one player in match who think he/she carried. Often you dont even have to ask because people start arguing who carried harder lol.

Even i though I carried in many games and when i actualy watch the match back and watch others, its not the case sometimes. Even when that was my feeling from match.

I cant look at it, since you didnt post that match.

Ok lol, i swear on my life that I would be honest when checking your future replays if you post some. You cant know how would i reviewed before i do. Its not matter of trust anyway and you know it, you just dont like possibilty of anyone telling you that you were wrong. Unlike you, i posted many games even those i claim i carried as i am not afraid of reactions even if i played like garbage.

The problem here, as is allways the case with you, is you miss the point of why it’s a failure of matchmaking and why it’s so no matter what.

The topic here is, “one team was stacked with noobs, the other wasn’t”. Yet you can not let go of your pet peeve “people are allways delusional about teammates”, and procede to derail the topic with this instead.
You completely ignore the data you ARE provided, in favour of data you aren’t. Data I haven’t got because the replays get pushed out when you play more.

These things is why I think you’re intelectually dishonest BTW. And I will continue to not post replays as has been my custom for the last 5 years. If i want coaching I will get some from someone I actually think has a non biased mind.

Edit: And if I get some coaching, wich I actually have been considering for some time, it will be from someone who is not flatly denying the flaws in the system they coach in.


Not always but its pretty common,just saying.

What do you mean by that. I dont get it, can you explain please?

I dont think i did offer you coaching anyway, so ok? I wish you luck to find someone who will hep. Its always nice to see climb topics.

Anyway this discussion we had so far is not going anywhere. I just wanted to see the replay code as i like to check anything interesting. It was important enough for you to create topic about so I just wanted to see that. Lets not fight again.

There are unwinnable games, i agree with that.

Its possible because new accounts have fixed MMR which can be wildly different vs player skill on the account. Its not like its done on purpose. Its the way of how are new accounts being placed. They have to start somewhere.

One more thing, I am sorry if you were offended by anything I said in past and i dont want to antagonize you. I am just naturaly carefull to not trust anyone here, since i am here several years and met way too many players who are lying or not saying whoe truth. So sorry if you feel like i didnt trust you. When i first asked for replay code, it was just because i was curious. I didnt have plan to make fun of your game play or anything like that.

Since you have me added in overwatch and we both play in EU, we can play some comp games to burry the hatchet. What do you think?

Ahah, um…

You reiterated OP’s point. It’s the same logic.

A game shouldn’t be “winnable” just the same as it shouldn’t be “unwinnable”. Forcing it to be is by definition rigging the game.


Apology accepted. I never thought you wanted to make fun of me as such, more that you were looking for your pet peeve.
I understand you’re fed up about whining on the forums, every 2. post is some rant and every 2. of those is someone triggered person having some breakdown…

Never mind you haven’t offended me as such, you just made me angry wich peters out and is allready gone. No worries.

I’d happily play some games, I’m online as we speak.


I am not, still working, i usualy play after 18:00 :slight_smile: