Untouchable healers is root of all problems - incl snipers

Yeah, no. Tracer oneclips pretty much everyone when she gets up close. Cass needs to only hit 2 shots and grenade. Reaper just shreds any support. Mei is unkillable and will just left-click you to death and you can’t get away.

Junk 2-shots you.

And on it goes.

It’s a warranted honest question- kind of want to make a thread asking people to fess up and say who wanted it. It wasn’t targeted.

All I know was I was not looking forward to the new Overwatch2 or 5 v 5.

At first I was excited for Overwatch2 but as more information came out, I became more doubtable to a point I start dreading it knowing Overwatch1 would be gone and the game didn’t seem to have the same charm.

But here we all are now. We all stuck in the boat now. I guess we can row with what we got, sink, or just abandon ship.

I don’t think we mattered what we all wanted truthfully. The devs were going to do 5 v 5 regardless. They did the experimental and even though it received massive negative feedback they decided to do it anyways.

They’re pretty good at not listening.


Another thing people fall apart on is the idea that if they can’t kill something then they can’t do their jobs… if the other team has two main healing supports, and you shoot one of them, they will often heal each other to survive. That’s two main healers who aren’t doing their job healing the rest of the team, just to save themselves from death. You are doing plenty of work for your team just by harassing them as a flanker.

Okay let my ask you this what team wins 1-2-2 or 1-0-4 because my moneys on the 4 support they do just as much damage as dps have amazing utilities while yes dps have some ways to duel support have better sustain then dps like ana who has 2 lifes with nade or bap who has lamp and group heal while doing amazing damahe and healign at the same time.

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Well, I’m pretty sure we can’t do a thread like that because it’d be considered naming and shaming. However, you could always look up when 5v5 was first announced (Flats has a video about the initial live stream relating to it) and then read threads around that time. Or you can look up “5v5” on here and search the dates. That’ll show you everyone who explicitly asked for it.

I started out VERY pessimistic, but then became more optimistic when I say they made the tanks more durable. If you saw the initial video about them, tanks were just abysmal. They were overnerfed and still expected to make the same amount of space, so they just kinda died and were ignored for the most part.

Still, when I saw I had an invite to the beta, I decided to try it out, and was pleasantly surprised. I still think 5v5 can work, but people really need to know that 5v5 must have certain things to succeed.

True, unfortunately. The devs only respond to an insane amount of whining. Even the typical whining about widow isn’t enough to make them butcher her. Not yet, anyway.

Yup. This is from February 2020, right after the 1-3-2 playtests.

And here’s a comprehensive list of patch notes on how they could have transitioned from 6v6 to 5v5. Which I posted about 2 weeks before the OW2 beta was announced, but a week before the OWL team Owners went into a conference with Blizzard.

[OW2] Balance Design Blueprint

Galactic skill issue.

But I still more or less agree with your title.

Ew grey.

I hate 5 v 5. Why did you join the dark side? You are now officially Darth Vader.

6 v 6 was far more superior. In fact we had solutions to fix a lot of Overwatch1 issues but blizzard was just greedy.

rofl imagine crying about healers :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

Healer was unfun to play when they get killed by any flankers
Sup have too be strong or no one play them

And flanking must be hard, they have mobility, burst, way to escape, it should not be freekill on supp while they reach them

And dont tell “teamplay”
For most player there’s no teamplay and you wont react fast enough, tracer genji may take 2 to 4 sec to kill supp in 1vs1

I agree some healers seems OP, they have the best utility in game, small hb, easy escape
Some get just too many and others get near nothing.

OP: ana nade + sleep
Kiriko suzu + tp + 2 shot hs

Ok or almost
Zen, strong utility good dps low hps low mobility
Bapt strong dps good heal correct utility (but weak compared to others)
Mercy ok still hate this dumb rez tho

Weak or situational
All the others, mostly by lack of real utility

Because I spent about 400 hours looking into alternatives on how to fix Matchmaking Speed/Quality issues with Role Queue, and all the other options were worse than 5v5.

And I’m more in the view that Overwatch should be closer to a Class Based Shooter, than a MOBA with Shooting mechanics.

no support have similar damage and better sustain DPS will lose 1v1 most of the time out side one shots

Tickle damage of Ashe and McCree, and inconsistent spam of Hanzo… I guess I am sniping

Sombra onetaps widow basically.

This is a terrible take. The average accuracy in GM+ is like 45% on Mccree.
So he’s effectively doing < 64 dps when actively shooting. Including reload, it’s only 41 dps.

Even a Mercy beam heals 55 hps without any need to reload.

So Mercy effectively reduces a GM Mccree’s dps to a whopping 9 dps on average, and if Mccree needs to reload… good luck killing anything.

This is why burst damage is king. You either burst through someone before they can get healed or lose your duel 80% of the time.

Heals are extremely strong in OW2 when you consider that they also have 70% of the kill potential of actual dps heroes and ultimates on cooldown.

Got GM1 on support without a ton of trouble, while it’s a real struggle to maintain even GM2 on dps (with many more hours).


Tracer is like, right next to Widow in terms of Top 500 meta…

Ideally you would shoot at someone not being pocketed or land some consecutive headshots to burst the target. Ain’t no GM DPS doing 9 damage per second.

That’s effective dps. Doesn’t mean you can’t have strings of hits… that’s how kills happen.

Heals also aren’t 100% so they can do less hps as well.

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He probably means throughout the map… including moments where you aren’t doing anything.

Also shield damage isn’t counted in the stats. I find I shoot a bunch of shields to break them and help my team kill tanks/supports. For some reason they don’t want you to track shield damage. Which I think is important part of the fight. Shield break/focusfire is a big thing to get actual kills when you add everyone’s dps up…

5 people group dps can be pretty high with focus fire. Vs the two healers heals.


Yeah obviously you don’t target people getting pocketed (not that you have a choice in many situations but w/e), but that’s not the point being made here.

The argument is that healing isn’t too strong, and if people just “aimed harder” then you’d be able to kill through it.

land some consecutive headshots to burst the target

In other words, you just lose the duel in 95% of situations. But sure.

You just don’t shoot anything that’s being actively healed. It’s just not worth it in the vast, vast majority of cases.

Why not? Because healing is very strong.

With the only real exceptions being one-shots like Widow/Hanzo/Soujourn* or when the dps is overtuned (ex. 30 damage Genji).

Heals also aren’t 100% so they can do less hps as well.

It’s almost trivial to maintain almost 100% healing accuracy on every support except Kiriko or Bap at long range.

Honestly healing isn’t the main issue. The bigger issue is that supports have too much survivability for the amount of value (healing/damage/utility) that they provide.

The class as a whole is overtuned due to the whole “supports feel like dead by daylight” meme in Season 1. Well, people adapted but supports kept their buffs… so here we are.

Like, I shouldn’t be able to hop into a GM/Top500 lobby and maintain 80 - 90% of our dps’s elims while providing tons of healing and massive utility… Especially if I have 1/4 the playtime on support as dps.