Reminder that “viable” =/= meta, and heroes who aren’t meta aren’t not viable by default.
Op, I haven’t seen a take this boneheadedly wrong since a YourOverwatch YouTube upload.
You need to start getting paid for this quality of delusional misinformation. Time for you to stream and give us more takes that aren’t tied to reality.
But counterpoint, I would say map design, one less tank, and the mistake filled balance changes patch after patch is the problem.
Not one role.
Because someone like you once said Tank X was the downfall of Ow 1.
The devs changed tanks completely, game still has problems.
If fixing Ow was simply a role issue that would have been solved way back in 2016
Tracer is literally the 2nd most played DPS in GM and has been one of the most consistent to see on the top500 leaderboard since OW2 came out lol…
More like for almost the entirety of both OW1 and ow2 lol
How about they nerf/rework the snipers, and then AFTER that’s done, they choose one of these methods to tone down Composition Durability:
- Lower Tank health
- Lower Tank Healing Received
- Convert Tank Armor into HP
- Lower the effectivenes of Tank/DPS defensive/escape/sustain abilities
- Raise the cooldown of Tank/DPS defensive/escape/sustain abilities
- Buff Support Firepower
- If the above doesn’t work, Lower some of the heals on Ana/Bap/Moira
- Reduced amounts of OverTime
Also they could offset reduced mid-combat heals, by giving everybody an out-of-combat regen passive and/or out-of-combat healing-received boost.
It’s really not that difficult to make things die more in an FPS game.
There’s so much to take apart here it’s not even worth it. Just one of the absolute worst takes I’ve seen in a long time.
Because Snipers are only so strong because other roles can’t do their jobs due to damn support mains whining and btching over and over because they face even the slightest amount of challenge. Why should snipers be nerfed when it’s literally not their fault?
Because Overwatch Snipers are bad for overall playerbase retention.
Which literally is their fault. 100%
And the Support part is more about counteracting the mild negative side-effects of lowering burst damage in the game.
Maybe the healers are just better than you? Ever thought of that?
You guys are so funny… try to find any reasoning but your own skill issue.
Technically, the best counter to a widow are shields/barriers. People have come to assume “counter” to mean “beat”, but really, even clever use of geometry counters a widow.
I’m impressed you even bothered to make a huge post like that, complete with citing talking heads and everything. This is the overwatch forums; all you need to say is “snipers bad, therefore remove” and you’ll have people blindly agreeing with you.
I wonder, will you be mature enough to admit it if snipers get over nerfed and the game suffers for it? So far, you all haven’t admitted that powerful snipers is THE RESULT of you all wanting 5v5. You can’t accept the reality that less hands to stop snipers IS WHY you’re struggling with snipers.
Play a barrier tank, press a ping to highlight the widow, and then shield the ally widow in hopes that even if worse, they can line up the shot… and oops. Your diamond teammate widowmaker decided to go have a melee 1v1 with the enemy reinhardt and then your team ignored the pinged and outlined widow for 40s.
Throw two firestrikes out of frusteration and then be either dumbfounded and hope you don’t get a enemy widow with the masters or grandmaster rank or you get a bronze widow who sits through consecutive firestrikes and dies.
It does kinda bring up a fair point how Widow is a very skill rewarding player for the person piloting them, but the counterplay of “be a stealthy target 400 meters back, sniping headshots at a range the enemy team can’t contest or see you” is “watch your team ignore a pinged widow, refuse to pick any hitscans or counters”… or play the classic plat or diamond “widow counters” of junkrat and tombjorn no crap…
Somehow we only ever won that game because the diamonds were too busy trying to 1v1 widow from 50 miles away with shotguns that everyone just somehow ignored the objective and we somehow pushed the bot all the way enough to win… no one ever killed the widow in the entire game and she scored 20 kills. But she usually has no capture power, i guess???
I really hope the diamond’s rank main was something like a mercy or something since who in their right mind tries to counter a widow with 50m reaper tickle guns. You might as well use a 8 dmg pepper shaker from a mile away that gives away your location at some point. There are always definitely a few questionable choices from a few players at every rank, maybe they were playing a non main or messing around, who even knows.
But who in their right mind tries to counter widow with tombjorn…
This is the overwatch forums
Well this is more of a rough-draft before spamming on reddit and getting half a million views on it.
I wonder, will you be mature enough to admit it if snipers get over nerfed and the game suffers for it?
Sure, but I honestly can’t comprehend of any problem with nerfing snipers that couldn’t be solved in a few weeks on number tweaking.
I also don’t foresee any possibility of them losing more players than they would gain off of this.
Blizzard designed healers to be untouchable monsters that can singlehandedly defeat DPS if they dare venture close. This has resulted in flankers being extremely low value, as they can not do their job as disruptors and assassins.
Completely ignores that diver heroes still have the advantage in most 1 vs 1 situations, against other DPS heroes included.
The healers have too much sustain (to cross-heal), self-sustain and with the newer designs get-out-of-jail abilities
If you’re expecting to be able to just run in and 1 vs 2 and expect to win, your warped perception of balance is the problem here. Stop trying to run in solo and play with a dive tank.
A new hero like Kiriko on top of that has a projectile with a size so big, that she is extremely lethal in the preferred range of flankers, while having a tiny hitbox and an escape that can not in any way be disrupted or chased down (who wants to chase when she is 100% with an ally?). She can not be successfully duelled by flankers.
Her projectile size is on the smaller end of projectile heroes and her damage is heavily reliant on headshotting, which makes her damage output very inconsistent. The only thing you’re correct about is her hitbox as hers is very skinny.
Its funny because y’all types complain about supports healbotting but then get mad whenever they can do something which isn’t healbotting. Get a grip.
Since flankers are now invalid to play, there is really no way to touch the backline, except with snipers.
Enter Widowmaker, Ashe, Hanzo and McCree.There is no better counter to Widowmaker than Tracer, but Tracer gets too little value to be usable, and therefore Widowmaker can run unchallenged.
There is your Widowmaker problem: It is rooted in the healer-problem.
Ignoring that Widowmaker was played in dive metas regardless. Her being peeled for isn’t the issue, it’s that she’s given way more than enough time to get picks for her team due to being able to position up to 70m range before her damage falloff even begins to kick in. Most maps her falloff won’t even become a problem, and it takes enemies multiple uses of mobility skills to even get close to her especially on maps like Havana or Illios ruins.
Now lets compare this to Ashe who is overall rather balanced. Ashe has up to 30m effective range burst shots, along with her plain M1 being a good higher DPS option in lower range scenarios, but she’s got a big drawback in the fact that reloading at inopportune times can get you killed and her overall mobility is lacking and can be punished for both of these.
There are so many ways to kill supports in this game. More than a handful of heroes can kill supports by themselves. They are by no means invincible.
I find some supports to be very touchable.
There are so many ways to kill supports in this game. More than a handful of heroes can kill supports by themselves. They are by no means invincible.
Think the main problem is that people will just straight up ignore them.
I’ll be shooting at enemy supports and notice that I’m literally the only one shooting them… as Mercy. You’d think it would be common sense but unfortunately not.
So you want to nerf supports so flankers can do their job more effectively?
So in turn the flankers can deal with the sniper problem?
Okay, so what’s stopping the flankers from just targeting the supports like it’s open season? Like honestly the truth is if we did that the flankers would just be having a support buffet.
Or you know we could just deal with one-shots properly.
In fairness though as a support player, some of the abilities are overloaded- primarily anti and Suzu and some are just problematic like rez or discord.
THE RESULT of you all wanting 5v5.
You know I see this throw around all the time here on the forums.
Blaming others for asking for and wanting 5 v 5.
I don’t know who did want 5 v 5 but I personally would like to give em a kick in the pants.
I sure as hell didn’t want 5 v 5. Who wanted this mess?
I sure as hell didn’t want 5 v 5. Who wanted this mess?
Well, I’m pretty sure Grey specifically wanted 5v5. He had a plan where Mei becoming a tank would approximate 5v5 or something like that, right?
Anyway, when I say “you guys” I’m specifically speaking towards the majority. Its possible I’m wrong, as I always admit, but more often than not I’m correct in accusing people of wanting 5v5 because the majority genuinely did. Heck, I wasn’t too upset with the idea of 5v5, but I was afraid of tanks being made incredibly weak for it and you saw the footage of tanks being mostly useless in 5v5 back when they first showed it.
Side note: I’m pretty sure I called Zarya being really strong in 5v5, didn’t I?
Anyway, if I’m ever wrong in my accusing, I just take the L because its well deserved.