Untouchable healers is root of all problems - incl snipers

Lets face it, whatever source of damage, random or skilled, that we cannot contest due to our characters. And this due to poor matchmaking or simply cause our character cannot contest it. I know is not an excuse but

  1. matchmaking
  2. The dependency of teammates
  3. The amount of abilities perceived as unfair, unfun or simply annoying

This game was a casual mess, the issue started when it pretended to be competitive or “e-sports” and some people bought the idea that the game design was prepared for it. It wasnt and it is not now. The fact that they add more and more characters unbalanced or with weird synergies or with overloaded kits doesnt help. The game is a mess really really hard to balance now, impossible to balance for all ranks. No matter the post, the character that now needs a nerf in this or the next one… it has been a mess for years and it have not gotten better.

Who is “you all”? I sure as heck did not ask for 5v5. I didn’t and still do not want that crap. OW2 is an abomination because of it.

You can most certainly do it. Focusfire in this game does more damage then healing…
D.Va can do like 160ish dps
Say you have a tracer thats 220 dps
Cassidy… 140 dps/280 headshot dps
Mercy 30% damage boost to any one of these heroes or up to 100/200 dps with pistol
Baptiste 127.5 dps/ (headshots x2 for the 3 hits)
Lowest dps is lucio at around 86 dps. Which is 172 headshot dps…

Focus fire one a target can do quite alot. Some heroes like bastion do 360 dps.

Alot of dps by themselves can do enough to kill with two healers… Armor mitigates that a bit more… but 2-3 people shooting someone getting healed is enough to kill them most of the time.

Healing vs potential damage is very weak in actuality. Which is why you are forced to play so defensive. Because if healing was strong they wouldn’t have fear/stand right in the open.

Team dps is often 500 dps or higher. Team healing is roughly 100 hps give or take some cds. If you have say a zen/mercy that’s just 85 hps for the team. But they have higher group dps with the orb. For example.

Other teams have higher hps… but lower group damage.

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your forgetting that’s with 100% accuracy most healing is auto or tracking

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The only healing that requires the littlest aim is zen and mercy.

Even then they have to be in Line of Sight.

If you can do more then 85 dps… you are sort of at the mercy of your supports messing up. That’s when you have to go to an aimtrainer. Or pick heroes that help you get more accuracy for your group. With snares or torb who’s turret by itself does 65 dps.

My only gripe with the Supports honestly is that they’re designed to be extremely easy to use.
Just take the core design of them all and remove their abilities.

Every DPS you have to perfectly track and aim to kill a target, most Supports you just have to look at your ally and press/hold a button and they’re going to get healed.

The effort-to-value is extremely disproportionate between the DPS and Supports.

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zen brig weaver mercy moira lucio and kiriko all have low aim to no aim healing.

ya its effort to value.
supports are low effort for high value

while dps are high effort for low value

And tanks sit in the middle at mid effort for mid value

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If that’s your standard for “strong healing” you may as well rename supports as the “God” role.

Healing is very strong in the context of the game. To the point where things rarely die unless people overextend or healers are distracted/dead.

Team dps is often 500 dps or higher. Team healing is roughly 100 hps give or take some cds.

Sure, if you ignore the fact that there are many damage mitigation abilities, shields, corners, high grounds, invulnerability cooldowns, average accuracy, etc.

This is probably why so many metal ranks think tanks like Orisa are immortal. (They’re not, you have to go for their backline).

In general, nothing happens until you 1 v. 1 an isolated target (ie. someone that doesn’t get healing) or you go for the healers.

That’s all fine and balanced, but once again healers are becoming too survivable. So “going for the healers” is weighted too heavily towards the support’s favour.

But either way, healing definitely is very strong in this game. This problem could technically be solved by nerfing sustained healing cacross the board… but it would be better to make supports a bit more vulnerable (as suggested by this post).

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They have lowest hps. Bridgette has to land a hit to activate her passive healing. Her burst healing is comparable to sustain healing from heros like mercy/ana.

Anyways supports have to deal with both killing enemies and keeping their team mates alive. Dps just focus on red is dead. Best supports can do both. Dps have like 5 targets. Supports have 9. Sometimes 10 (themselves) if they got self heals.

Dps’ only real job has a higher skill cap and higher damage potentials. If you are a good widow… you might as well be the tank because if that isn’t countered you just kill everyone from any point of the map and make a ton of space. Play hanzo? One lucky shot and you do enough damage that is “unhealable”. Dps two shot you? Oh but that 55 hps is really op now!


Healing used to be much stronger in 6 vs 6… where literally some people never died maybe 2-3 deaths in a 3 minute fight…

You play games like world of warcraft the healing is absurd and no one can miss their attacks. Literally that game relied on cc/ your enemies messing up to get kills. Overwatch has low healing by design. With you having to fall back and use cover to mitigate more damage. If healing was op you would just walk anywhere safe and no one would die unless they were afk.

Literally you don’t even need to kill the healers. You could kill the target getting healed. You can make the supports heal each other and not heal their team mates. You can block their healing. You can straight up kill them and the other team loses half their healing. I think you guys who think healing is really strong haven’t actually played in a strong healing game. The pinging system makes focusfire a whole ton easier. It’s why mercy pocketing can be so strong… its 2 vs 1 focusfire. It’s a team game. Every hero has their damage portfolios they excel at. And healing ones. And can be denied effective with multiple strategies. Focusfire tends to be underrated, but it was often used in stuff like goats for stuff like shield break. Bunker comps also used it a bunch to out bunker each other. In a team game you will come accross 5 vs 5. Or 2 vs 3s. Or 4 vs 2s. Or 1 vs 2s. Etc. Different match ups. Healing isn’t powerful enough to outheal focus fire alone. That’s when cds are used. Eventually resources run out for your team to get kills. Part of overwatch is learning how to burn/pressure enemies to waste their cds and make plays for your team’s win conditions. Focusfire is an easy tactic to deal with healing. A simple ping and say kill x is enough in many cases.

Okay, and Overwatch isn’t an MMORPG?

If you want to look at another extreme, CSGO has no healing at all. Valorant has almost no healing at all. Apex Legends has very slow healing, RS6 doesn’t have a ton of healing.

By that standard, Overwatch’s healing is insanely high. OW has always been somewhere in between an FPS and a MOBA.

If healing was op you would just walk anywhere safe and no one would die unless they were afk.

That’s beyond OP. That’s utter insanity and would break the game on a fundamental level.

Healing is very strong already… you don’t need to make someone borderline immortal for “healing” to be strong. Healing is strong in the sense that healing puts the game in a stalemate and you HAVE to go for healers to finish fights.


The game’s state from 6v6 → 5v5 has actually gotten far less sustain heavy. Mostly from 1 less tank being an impossible health bar to kill and providing its own self-sustain. There were some offsets such as less ult spam (tanks feeding less, 1 less tank to feed ults). Supports getting their own support passive. The healing on a tank that could be dispersed to others.

However, without the ability to physically block damage anymore (aka tanks) kills happen more frequently as being able to focus fire the same target still obliterates a 200hp target despite how much healing you might try.

Which really puts more of the game on being individual incredibly talented to take on a 1v2 or more team play with the right tools to actually secure kills. Using ults offensively correctly. Not trying to play bad heroes into bad situations. Things of that nature.


Thats the game though.

Healing isnt about keeping people alive all game. Its about keeping up most of your team up as they do the objective.

The healing is designed around going back to cover or safety to get healed. And wasting your enemies resources to do the objective.

Killing is powerful in this game, but it isn’t permenant. Death keeps you from helping to get the objective which makes it more powerful to kill people. DPS have the higher dps potentials already. Best dps can carry a match. Way more then a support that just heals cause damage is very important in this game.

The better you are at aiming the higher damage you can do.

Its not like healere can headshot someone back to life lol.

Either way, we’re basically arguing over semantics here. What you call “normal healing” is considered “very strong healing” to others.

The point is this “The healers have too much sustain (to cross-heal), self-sustain and with the newer designs get-out-of-jail abilities.”

Which has become too big of an issue when you combine this with support’s “normal” (or “very strong”) healing, damage potential and utility… they aren’t vulnerable enough to justify this.

Way more then a support that just heals cause damage is very important in this game.

Yeah no, supports have like 70% of the “kill potential” of actual dps and much, much better utility. While dps have 0% the healing of supports and much worse utility.

It’s way too easy to climb to GM as a support, mostly due to the buffs we got in Season 1. Turns out most of those issues were growing pains… no reason to keep them in the game.

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i cant speak for the OP but i willing swapped from being a masters dps to a diamond support because of how strong the support role is and i do not regret it.

some of what the OP has said is incorrect but alot of it is atleast semi accurate

if you play the supports that are the best for carrying matches you can easily out duel any dps hero, you can bully tanks and you have instant-team fight winning ults.

not all supports can do this though

like brig is good at bulling ball and some other dive tanks but is pretty meh against poke comps. mercy is great at enabling a hero like sojourn (and formerly ashe) but on her own is fairly meh, though her pistol is deadly.

its really just ana, zen bap and sometimes kiriko that can take over a match.

but the supports being able to duel squishies isnt what makes burst dps/ snipers so strong, its the raw healing output combined with the life saving abilities (like suzu, defensive anti nades and immo field).

because this makes it alot harder for people to kill anyone, unless you have perfect aim and are landing nothing but headshots you arnt going to cut through the healing so you might get someone down to 1 hp but they are full again in less then a second.

“then kill the supports!” you can try but the supports will just pocket eachother so youd have too ambush them with perfect aim so the other support cannot react quick enough or hope that you distracting the supports was enough for your team to win the team fight.

or you can just play widow and headshot everyone

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Most of the strong healing is in regards to tanks. Tanks got omega buffed survival. less ult feeding. Armor universally stronger. Increased health pools. Only 1 tank not 2 to get pocket’d. Less dmg from other tanks. In that regard, tanks almost never die trying to focus them down.

However, with 4 squishy targets of only 200hp the game has gotten more focused on don’t focus tanks, but focus supports because tank is unkillable without support. However, DPS and supports are equal game having only 200hp bars at most.

Which has actually seen an increase in the desire for Supports to become DPS focused. More are realizing that healbotting doesn’t get you anywhere. Killing things does and when the entire team is providing 5x damage dealers it doesn’t matter if you have ‘strong heals’. Kills are coming in regardless as 2 supports healing stuff won’t get you kills as 5x enemy providing it is too much to heal through.

However, with 4 squishy targets of only 200hp the game has gotten more focused on don’t focus tanks, but focus supports because tank is unkillable without support. However, DPS and supports are equal game having only 200hp bars at most.

Yeah that’s my point, supports need to be rendered ineffective in some way (ex. by killing them or removing them from the fight) to progress the fight.

And dps aren’t equal game… supports have very strong peeling capabilities. You can 1 v. 1 the dps, but the Kiriko can always teleport in and Suzu them. Anas can always heal them up. Zens can discord/harmoney, etc.

Unless the dps is complete isolated from supports or the supports mess up, you generally aren’t getting the kill.

So in most cases, it does boil down to “go for the supports.” Which is a bit of an issue when we consider “The healers have too much sustain (to cross-heal), self-sustain and with the newer designs get-out-of-jail abilities.”

It doesn’t mean that you can’t or shouldn’t go for supports. It just means it’s been tilted too far towards the support’s favour.

I have literally had matches in mmos where one really good healer can keep 5 people up. Or two really good ones with a lobby that like numerically couldn’t kill the other team.

So… overwatch is very very very low healing in comparison with much shorter cds. It’s all skill no gear. And a good way to make your damage go up is just good positioning and good aim. I’ve enjoyed also playing destiny with similar ttks to overwatch/ no healers. Still whoever has better aims generally gets more kills and wins usually unless they just aren’t even playing objective.

Even on dps there are heroes that have less aim requirements and still have high lethality. Many of the dps also have aim bot ults. Cassidy/ Soldier/Ashe/ Genji’s ult makes his primary a big rectangle. Torb/sym have turrets. Mei can two tap headshot from any range most 200 hp heroes. Hanzo/Widow one shot from anywhere. Healing in this game is less impactful at the high end, just for making fights a bit longer them everyone dying in 1-3 shots.

You should be going for “the easiest target” at the moment. If everyone is playing perfectly supports are ideally the best target. But literally no one is perfect all the time. Which is why punishing bad positioning is more important in this game.