Unpopular opinion: Mercy's viability

with apologies, I don’t really feel Mercy needs any changes, but if she did, these wouldnt be optimal

Are you seriously using Tracer as a counter for this? The character who was practically deleted from the meta after they added Brig? Talk about cherrypicking your sources lol ~ Also nothing you said counters what I said about Mercy; that she’s supposed to be a healer for beginner players, as that’s how she’s always been positioned/pitched/presented to us from Blizzard themselves and the community. Everyone has always said that Mercy is supposed to be easy and reliable, with potential for a high skill ceiling but not a requirement for that.

Y’all making everything SuPeR HiGh SkiLLz AiM HeaVY EvErythING! is just killing this damn game.

Except in those situations its only for a short period of time, if Valkryie only lasted 6 seconds it wouldn’t get as much flak as it does. An average Mercy spends 10% of their game time in Valkryie due to its length. That’s not ok.
Ana’s is also fine as she still gets to enjoy the game while her ultimate is going on, Valkryie makes the game boring for 15 seconds and you can’t ignore it like you do nano boost.

She’s the best for healing death ball comps, though not for GOATS because she doesn’t have any utility outside of healing and occasional damage. She can put out pure burst AoE healing. The meta just doesn’t favor her right now.

No, I meant literal balancing differences. Torb’s turret does 30% less damage on console. That’s a literal balancing difference and it’s the only one in this game. Differences related to play style aren’t balancing differences. We play heroes the same way you do because they’re the same heroes. Yeah, there are different pick rates, but that’s due mostly to how styles evolved between platforms. There are significantly different pick rates between PS4 and Xbox, too. Different groups will come up with different preferences and solutions for things. It doesn’t mean anything works better or worse between them. Mercy does work better for the team comps we prefer (not GOATS) than the high-level PC meta, but that has nothing to do with balance between them.

There are people of all skill levels on both console and PC. I promise that the people I play with at my rank on console can out-play, out-shoot, and out-everything 99% of PC players, too, because they’re the best of the best on that platform, just as GM players on PC are the top 1% on their platform. Similarly, there are casual players on both platforms. Neither is better or experiences huge differences in gameplay. I only have about 30 hours on my PC account (almost all in quickplay since I’m only barely leveled up enough for comp) and I’ve noticed no significant differences, only in in things like movement (more jumping/ADAD spamming on PC vs. more deliberate and severe movement angles on console) and style preferences.

As for the respect thing that’s…weird, I guess, since we’re just strangers on a video game forum and I’m the only one of the two of us that actually plays on both platforms, but ok. You do you.

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But it didn’t. Mercy 1.0 wasn’t OP with 60 HPS even though Moira didn’t exist and Ana was considered a troll pick in the last months before the rework. What made Mercy 2.0 God-tier was instant res on cooldown, not her healing.

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Ha! Awesome. This turned out better than I expected. Let’s go bois, I’ll do my best to address absolutely everything said to me. Please, hit me back after this :wink:

Ah I have too much of it unfortunately, but that’s some personal stuff tbh.

The thing is, I can empathize with you, I can empathize with the Mercy mains that been screaming foul play since Mass Rez was removed. I can empathize with that. Just like I can every single other perspective. Those that disliked Mass Rez, found it “unfun,” those that liked what the rework gave to Mercy, on and on.

That’s why I don’t involve it in these sort of discussions. If I gotta show empathy to you and your feelings, that means I have to do the same to everyone else. Regardless of how reasoned or not I perceive them, just on the merit that they are feelings. That’s a lot of unnecessary stuff for me to deal with imo.

Mercy’s ult was changed. That’s as far as her rework went. She was then given rez on E and a FARRRR superior GA. That’s decent. Unlike Sym who literally had pretty much every aspect of her hero changed.

I’m a flex player through and through (comes down to that empathy, I wanna enable people, crazy, right?) If any hero in my wheelhouse isn’t working, I pick another. I have no sympathy for one tricks, you made that bed, sleep in it (not you specifically, speaking generally).

Nah I won’t understand that as, like I said, flex player. And I’m not confusing satisfaction with balance, I’m just saying I have no reason to be overly concerned with your satisfaction compared to other people’s. Again, comes back to that empathy stuff.

Yes. That was basically how the rework started, but it was an iteration that was WOEFULLY underestimated. And the droves of forum Mercy mains screaming about the loss of Mass Rez didn’t help the situation. Then it got nerfed into the ground, rightfully, because it was INSANELY broken.

There is no consensus on what is “satisfying.” What is satisfying for you WILL be different from what is satisfying to me. I can guarantee that. So you have to do your best to appease all factions. Due to the fact this is a multiplayer PVP game, that includes the people you play with and against. Again, if I gotta sympathize, empathize, and get all in the feels with you about how you feel playing Mercy, I gotta do the same with everyone that said “Mass Rez was unfun.” Fair, right? And y’all just cancel each other out. Thus why I don’t mess with feels when it comes to this stuff.

Nah bro. I have said Mercy can be changed MANY times. I have said many times I am open to changing Mercy. It has to be done carefully, and these emotional and hyperbolic arguments do not allow us to discuss things in a careful way. And furthermore, you get those that are like “REEE MASS REZ” that really just degrade the quality of the discussion to almost unsalvagable levels.

Huh? I can express myself in Mercy in many ways previously not possible via Chain beam, 3d movement, unlimited ammo, etc. I can be more creative with my gameplay by making on the fly decisions to focus my beam on the main group, or beam the flanker that will have no chains off it to keep them up, or whip out my pistol and smash on a Widow/Pharah or whoever.

It increases the excitement for me, as I am suddenly able to do far more than I was able to outside of ult. I like it. I like E Rez, I like risk assessments, I like trying to squeeze every little bit of value out of the time I have available.

Clearly, that doesn’t apply to you. The press Q when you team is dead of Mass Rez did not appeal to me at all. Especially considering I spent the majority of my time doing friendly scrims and you didn’t get the opportunity to do some big rez type play in that setting.

See? Now who do I empathize with? Me or you? That’s the problem with these arguments.

Wtf are you talking about? Chain beam wasn’t removed. You still fast af in Valk and you still can “express” yourself a lot during Valk. If you choose to skybox and spectate that’s a player issue, I can’t help you with that man.

Yeah but it’s not? At all? Like… Why you oversimplifying SO HARD? It does nothing to help the conversation.

Preemptive damage boosting? Maybe with the recent change to damage boost, but no, you had to be damage boosting when the damage was applied, not when fired. Wtf preemptive damage boosting?

Uh… And Mass Rez which literally requires your team mates to be dead allowed you to tackle that problem in a creative way? What creative way? Hiding?

Subjective in my feels stuff. Mercy is more exciting to me than she was with Mass Rez, damn right. With the GA tech and what’s afforded to her via Valk she is WAY more exciting than that Mass Rez noise.

Iunno, you leaned on that raw emotion and feelings REALLY hard up until this point. I

I can argue your argument better than you could and have. I can pick up on all these details, I just see the bigger picture. :man_shrugging:

Nah you really haven’t. Mercy 1.0 was trash. Mass Rez was trash. Mass Rez had balance problems at the high end and the low, and it just gave some people this sense of swing in chaotic ladder/QP environments. Imho, it was never OP, and it was just an all around terrible ult due to the fact it requires your team mates to be dead to use it.

Again, “satisfaction” varies.

No it definitely doesn’t. And like I’ve said SO MANY TIMES BEFORE NOW I am down for changing Mercy, but it has to be done mindfully, recognizing this is a hero that was a must pick until a -10hps nerf and major shifts in hero balance.

Mhmmm… Like you?

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This is entirely wrong. She is the best for healing dive comps or even double sniper. Ana is better for deathball. Mercy right now is not good for any comp that is too close together or stationary.

For this month:

Bronze: 3rd most picked hero.
Silver: 4th most picked hero.
Gold: 4th most picked hero.
Plat: 9th most picked hero.
Diamond: 14th most picked hero.
Master: 16th most picked hero. Above Brigitte and Moira.
Grand Master: 16th most picked hero. Above Moira (triple her pick rate tbh) and Brigitte sky rockets to the 8th most picked hero.

She gets niche in top tiers where the meta is NOT even remotely in her favor, see how these PTR changes and Bap rolls out. I wouldn’t call her “niche” though. When I see “niche” I think Bastion, Torb, Sym, etc.

I’m not saying she shouldn’t be changed, I’m down for that, SLIGHT changes, where her kit basically remains where it is. I still remain undecided on if the -10hps nerf was necessary or not. I have said both these things NUMEROUS TIMES. I have also outlined how I would adjust things, reducing the duration of Valk and increasing it’s effects etc etc. All to make the lateral changes that brokenstyli was bringing up. Said all this… Many many times…

She literally isn’t.

Cuz people hold onto Mass Rez like a drug. It’s crazy.

Huh? You can definitely rez stupid, you can’t outheal it.

Huh? Moira is trash in top tiers. Mercy has some rep there. Moira is a QP and mid ladder queen.

Yeah… She’s still that. Dunno what your problem is here?

Alright. That concludes this round. I hope you all come back at me so we can continue this. Please don’t bow out like some other vocal forum Mercy mains have. Let’s talk about this.

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I never played with Mass rez and Im unhappy with her state :man_shrugging:


That’s unfortunate but I can also understand why that’s the case. I have been saying I feel adjustments need to be made to Mercy, and since the -10hps nerf was introduced questioning if it was necessary.

The -10hps nerf dropped the same patch BOTH SNIPERS WERE NERFED which seems to be ignored around here, and supports received buffs and such.

I’ve also described our current version of Valk as a hollowed out shell of what it was when Rez refreshes and CD reductions were in place. I’m all for adjusting the duration of Valk and putting that into strengthening elements of Valk like an increase in range or reduction in cast time on Rez along with main beam target receiving more HPS than the chains. Messing with dmg boost however has too many break point complications imo to really deal with.

None of this would satisfy those Mercy mains wanting to relive the Mass Rez days. And those glory days of Mass rez was really just mid ladder and QP type stuff. Coordinated settings, where I spent a lot of my time playing, I’d pop it just to bring my Pharah pocket up. Trash ult.

I want viability. Not “screw you being able to play her in a diversity of comps I just wanna hard swing my gold elo QP matches on the back of Mass Rez cuz no one hunts me down.”


I’d be happy with a stronger main beam in Valk, it would keep it interesting having to juggle that strong beam to keep people alive. 70-75 hps with chain beams healing 30-50 would be cool imo.

I’m strongly against the -10hp/s nerf, it’s as you said the other supports received buffs it wasn’t necessary to bring Mercy down a touch.

I’d love if the devs could explore some quality of life changes for Mercy like giving Rez a manual cancel mechanic resulting in a short “penalty” cd for using it (maybe 6 seconds before you can rez again)

Maybe if they explored the idea of making Rez into a resource they could tweak things like cast time as well to make it more satisfying and rewarding to use but also keeping it balanced

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I agree, it would be nice. I can understand their hesitation to making shifts to Mercy though. Like for the LONGEST time on this forum it was “Must pick so long as Rez is on E. Rez is so strong.” Etc etc. Now we have E Rez and Mercy is not a must pick. That’s a good thing imo, though she needs some help I agree. Though it’s gotta be done very carefully. It took us -10hps and meta shifts/other hero changes for us to go from must pick to where she is now. Thin line right there.

Right now the devs are clearly trying, imho, to bring Bunker comps up and to lower the dominance of GOATs style comps in high tiers. Throwing some big shift at Mercy could REALLY mess up things.

I think there’s a lot that could be done/changed with Mercy in a way that benefits her viability and overall gameplay experience. However, that all has to do with slight adjustments to her current kit (E rez, Valk as an ult, etc) and the suggestions for a sort of “remove Valk and make rez an ult thing and give her another E and etc etc” that’s a LOTTTTT of changed variables that could lead to another long cycle of balancing. I think it’s obvious the devs dont wanna go there again.

I think we have to be reasonable with our desires when it comes to Mercy adjustment. And the fact of the matter is a lot of people will not be happy regardless of that. Just look at some of the :blush: Forum Users :blush: around here. They been rocking the same position since the beginning.

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I said it back then and I’ll say it now

Mercy will not receive changes because a small part of the community thinks she’s boring

She will receive changes when she and the game requires it…

It’s not blizz’s job to create characters that you specifically like…it’s their job to make characters that work in game…likability is entirely up to you the player…

I love the fact that for baptiste they basically said “we don’t care that you want an anti-goats character…we’re making what we think is a good support character…you can like him if you want”…because that’s their actual job


That’s real. +1 on that.

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It’s hard not to get pissed off when the devs contradict themselves where Mercy is concerned saying “she’s fine” hits her with a nerf time and time again.

It’s not that she’s boring that I personally am frustrated with. It’s that she’s been redesigned so poorly and certain people are too stubborn to see this.

She’s a high mobility hero that has to stand relatively still for 1.75 seconds with 75% reduction in movement speed… that’s so excessive and given the fact they’ve watered down the rest of her kit (removal of instant rez in valk + 1 charge and lowered healing all to accommodate rez on e) and they have not gone back and touched on this previous change to rez.
Maybe 1.5 seconds is good enough and a 60% slow.
Maybe an extra rez charge in valk is okay as long as they’re both cast times.

They’re just being stubborn. She’s being played, not so often but still being played and isn’t broken for the game. Good enough for them, job done. :sigh:


Not a Mercy main, and literally identified how to empathize, and you clearly just don’t?

It’s very easy to invalidate someone’s entire argument just by saying so. We’re done talking, you clearly only care about your own opinion.

Damn. So you pick that one thing out and then bow out? That’s sad man. I gave you an entire post and addressed legit everything you said… and then you give me this?

I was hoping for more…

Take care, friend. You gave it a good effort…


I know what empathy is. If you quoted the rest of my post youd see I talked about it at length.

Not mad… Just disappointed.

At least you’re in good company. RevertMercy and Titanium all failed to address my arguments. Now I add you to the list.

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I don’t think Mercy is as terrible as people make her out to be, with that said I have a few issues with her. Please tell me your opinion on them as a high rated player.

I think Mercy lacks direct impact. I think this makes her hard to climb in ladder. I think she is too team reliant and while being in a high rank it could be easy to say that’s fine, in lower ranks relying on randoms is more of drawing names out of a hat and hoping they are good enough feels bad. Ana for example can sleep someone who has ult and therefore save a team fight, for Mercy it’s like hope they only kill one person so I can rez them or hope someone else can save the day. I’d like her to have a direct way to direct impact. (I don’t mean this to sound like I want her to be OP or anything, I don’t. I just want some oomf.)

My other issue is I think her heals while aren’t horrid, were a bit faster. It takes 4 seconds to heal a Dva to full health without her taking damage which 4 seconds is a long time in a fast pace game like Overwatch. She lacks a burst heal and a secondary healing ability which can make it hard to keep people alive sometimes especially in high stake situations. This being said I don’t think she needs burst heals or a secondary healing ability, but making her healing a bit faster would be nice.

The only rez change I want is to be able to crouch. Just let me crouch when I rez please haha.

I have no problems with her mobility. Thats why I play her. I adore her mobility.

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I’m a new player and currently in bronze (unfortunately) and I think this post is really right about mercy. Before i bought the game, a lot of people said that she is just an off-healer and her healing is weaker than the other supports. I main mercy and whenever I use her, I always gets the most healing (my average heals in 10 minutes is 10,000 healing). Her primary healing is fine as it is, but I do think that her ultimate needs a little buffs.

I don’t understand why most players said baptiste (or any other support) is going to overshadow mercy. By mobility, mercy is probably the second best in the support category. Her consistent healing is also her primary strength as the other support didn’t provide healing like mercy does.

Her self-heal passive is also a really good ability that most people taken for granted. Most supports has to either deal damage to heal themselves or use their ability or being healed by the other support. Mercy however, just need to keep a safe distance from her enemies while healing her allies and herself.

I used to think that her healing is not as strong as the other primary healers. While it’s true, her consistency is what makes her stand on the same ground as they are. I do think her ultimate needs a little buff so that Valkyrie can be more useful.


Quest, that was beautiful.

Just beautiful

Like tears forming in my eyes beautiful

Thank you

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