Unpopular opinion: Mercy's viability

I think this is a good point. Right now, Mercy is actually a pretty hard hero. I’m a gm/top 500 Sombra main but I couldn’t get out of diamond on my Mercy one trick account if my life depended on it. Sure, she doesn’t have to aim, but she has to manage a lot of things, and she’s not very forgiving like other supports

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Mercy is fine right now I really agree. Just cuz she isnt a must pick 100% anymore doesnt mean she is underpowered. She is OP in the right hands AAAAAAAAAND in the right comp. No longer 100%must pick = good ; if mercy doesnt work SWITCH

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See Mercy is great in higher tiers where people know what they’re doing.

We’re talking about a game that has players with varying levels of skill. Our experiences in the same game may be vastly different.
People playing on PC vs console will have a difference experience with Mercy. Personally I find Mercy is useful and like you say more capable of solo healing than any other support but my problem with her is no matter how good you are with her you can’t provide enough for you team on your own to make a meaningful difference or impact in a lot of fights (staying alive and keeping the healing consistent is her biggest asset to the team). This is more prevalent in quick play.

For example in quick play, I’ll often be the last to die, gold healing (as always) watching as my Valk is vastly ineffective due to our team being so split or just taking too much damage. The idea of pistoling is out of the question because leaving your team for more than 3 seconds at a time will get people killed. And even after all the constant beam juggling, clutch heals and mid fight rezzing you still lose the game. On the flip side when we win I feel unsatisfied because I know I’m very consistent with Mercy so the only real thing that’s affected the outcome is our team was good and it allowed ,me to flourish as Mercy. I’d like some carry potential that helps me swing fights in our favour. I’d like to be excited that I have my ult not just this MEH feeling because its so trash in QP. I’d like my basic ability (rez) to not feel like a chore to use or be this butt-clenching moment of “will I die or will I not”. Mercy is viable but it doesn’t mean she’s perfect.


Zarya being niche at the highest level of play and being fine everywhere else means that overall, she’s fine.

Mercy is niche literally everywhere. Now that alone does not mean that she absolutely needs changes… but maybe look into it.

Then you look into it… and realize that Mercy’s game play has been complained about non stop since her rework. That’s in spite of her being OP for a while. If you manage to make a hero OP and people STILL hate playing as her… that should raise the largest, most red flag you’ve got.


Zen gets to press ult and hope his team doesn’t get naded. He can’t even do anything while it’s up.
Moira presses ult and loses the ability to fade, making her a huge, easy target, sometimes even crippling herself because orb+m1 would heal more if the team doesn’t line up.
Lucio presses Q and that’s it, yay shields, no more interaction needed.
Brig, essentially the same. Press ult run in faster flail around. Or just press ult at spawn/on point for free armor.
Ana just presses Q in the general direction of her Rein charging in or the Genji pulling the blade.
Meanwhile Mercy gets to fly around for free for 15 seconds, having +10 meter range on her tethers that heals or boosts everyone, her regen being unstoppable, and she can even go 1v1 a Widow, not having to reload for 15 seconds.
I mean, regarding how boring other supports’ ults are, how does Valk become the “most boring autopilot ult”?

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Because it’s both boring and weak.

When you use Transcendence, you can clearly see your teammates absorbing massive damage and not dying. With Valkyrie, you just as clearly see your teammates still falling dead left and right.

Very accurate description of Mercy experience up to gold, at least.

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IDK about you, but the last time I used Trans in gold I clearly saw my teamamtes deliberately dodge it like it’s enemy DVa bomb, and subsequently die. Almost all support ults can be ****ed up in lower ranks in a similar fashion.

At least you saved those you could, right? With Valkyrie, unless your teammates make actual effort to survive(like keeping distance from enemy Reaper), they will die, despite your own efforts to save them.

I wish -_-

Like, I know I’m not good with Zen. Still, it’s very rare for me to actually use Trans in a way that doesn’t feel wasted. People simply refuse to play around it down here.

Regardless. That was just a half-joking point, nothing more. I saved my share of people with Valk though.

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Thing about gold, is that you shouldn’t attempt to save people, who clearly want to die. But that also means, that your ult should be strong enough to make those “chosen few” able to win on their own.

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Agreed, couldn’t put it better myself. That, in my opinion, is also what makes a hero more fun to play as.

Mercy right now feels like a sidekick, she’s fairly dependant on her teammates to deliver as all she can do is pretty much enhance them to a degree. Her kit’s flow is conflictive and, quite frankly, it’s also somewhat garbage. Valkyrie feels like a standard ability with slightly more power than most other standard abilities, but runs for a long time. Resurrect feels like an ultimate ability on a fixed cooldown, but unfortunately impedes the flow of Mercy at the same time. It feels like a lot of Mercy’s kit is balanced around ‘resurrect’, which just reeks of a bad design in my opinion. It’s quite difficult to get ‘on fire’ with her if you compare that to most other heroes in the game. Valkyrie is also another question mark, she’s supposed to be pacifist in lore but the rework made her quite the opposite (Battle Mercy appears to be encouraged in Valkyrie).

Still, the team appears to be too prideful and/or stubborn to accept that this rework still has problems. They insist she’s fine and still end up applying more nerfs whether direct or indirect. Maybe acknowledging a rework as a failure (even a partial failure) would not be seen too positively by those with higher positions in the company.


Her degree is lower, than most other supports. It’s kind of whole idea behind support role - buffing teammates and debuffing enemies.

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But as I said, you can’t out-Rez it either, which you said she could.

Very arguably. Especially when excluding GOATS.

This is all I have been saying for ages. The developers even said on the patch that nerfed Mercy’s healing that she is more consistent than other healers. They know how 60 hps imbalanced the game, so they refuse to revert it on her primary, it’s fine in valkyrie because it’s an ultimate, and they don’t last forever.

That’s what makes her balanced, as opposed to 60 hps Mercy. If you look at all the main healers, they also have the same balance, being good with some compositions, while not recommended with others. Ana and Moira are better with tanky comps, and not very good with DPS-heavy ones. The problem right now is that the meta doesn’t favor Mercy. Do you remember how Reinhardt became meta as soon as Brigitte was born? He didn’t get any changes. It just that the meta favored him more. Buffing Mercy right now will make her more powerful or even a must pick if DPS return to the meta. I say “if” instead of when because I believe GOATs won’t die after the upcoming balance changes, but that’s just my opinion.


I really like this idea. it would have to be rebalanced, but it increases mercy’s skill cap

If you combine Mercy’s damage, healing, etc. it is obvious that she needs a little bit of love. Using Mercy’s Resurrect ability can be inconsistent, be too easy to counter, & feel too sluggish with the current iteration of Mercy. There are also a few note-worthy bugs that need to be sorted out.

My suggested changes to Mercy:

Caduceus Staff

  • Healing increased from 50 to 55 per second


  • Cast-time reduced from 1.75 seconds to 1.5 seconds
  • Movement speed during cast increased from 25% to 35%
  • Cool-down reduced from 30 seconds to 28 seconds
  • Cast can no longer be interrupted due to distance from the target


  • Resurrect cast-time reduced from 1.5 seconds to 1 second
  • Regeneration self-heal increased from 20 to 30 per second

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that allowed Mercy to fly very vertically into the air without a vertically elevated Guardian Angel target (no more super-jumping)
  • Fixed a bug that allowed Mercy to fly at full speed while Resurrecting an ally during Valkyrie (it’s a bug on the PTR)

with apologies, I don’t really feel Mercy needs any changes, but if she did, these wouldnt be optimal

Are you seriously using Tracer as a counter for this? The character who was practically deleted from the meta after they added Brig? Talk about cherrypicking your sources lol ~ Also nothing you said counters what I said about Mercy; that she’s supposed to be a healer for beginner players, as that’s how she’s always been positioned/pitched/presented to us from Blizzard themselves and the community. Everyone has always said that Mercy is supposed to be easy and reliable, with potential for a high skill ceiling but not a requirement for that.

Y’all making everything SuPeR HiGh SkiLLz AiM HeaVY EvErythING! is just killing this damn game.

Except in those situations its only for a short period of time, if Valkryie only lasted 6 seconds it wouldn’t get as much flak as it does. An average Mercy spends 10% of their game time in Valkryie due to its length. That’s not ok.
Ana’s is also fine as she still gets to enjoy the game while her ultimate is going on, Valkryie makes the game boring for 15 seconds and you can’t ignore it like you do nano boost.

She’s the best for healing death ball comps, though not for GOATS because she doesn’t have any utility outside of healing and occasional damage. She can put out pure burst AoE healing. The meta just doesn’t favor her right now.

No, I meant literal balancing differences. Torb’s turret does 30% less damage on console. That’s a literal balancing difference and it’s the only one in this game. Differences related to play style aren’t balancing differences. We play heroes the same way you do because they’re the same heroes. Yeah, there are different pick rates, but that’s due mostly to how styles evolved between platforms. There are significantly different pick rates between PS4 and Xbox, too. Different groups will come up with different preferences and solutions for things. It doesn’t mean anything works better or worse between them. Mercy does work better for the team comps we prefer (not GOATS) than the high-level PC meta, but that has nothing to do with balance between them.

There are people of all skill levels on both console and PC. I promise that the people I play with at my rank on console can out-play, out-shoot, and out-everything 99% of PC players, too, because they’re the best of the best on that platform, just as GM players on PC are the top 1% on their platform. Similarly, there are casual players on both platforms. Neither is better or experiences huge differences in gameplay. I only have about 30 hours on my PC account (almost all in quickplay since I’m only barely leveled up enough for comp) and I’ve noticed no significant differences, only in in things like movement (more jumping/ADAD spamming on PC vs. more deliberate and severe movement angles on console) and style preferences.

As for the respect thing that’s…weird, I guess, since we’re just strangers on a video game forum and I’m the only one of the two of us that actually plays on both platforms, but ok. You do you.

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