Unpopular opinion: Mercy's viability

But that’s actually the problem. Mercy definitely CANNOT outheal stupid now, and Rez isn’t an elixir for it, either.

The way I see it, all healers are technically “viable” at low ranks, but I think that Mercy and Brigitte have the worst uphill battle right now. She’s only really viable with the exactly right team to help her.

That’s not a problem. No one should outheal stupid.

At all ranks. Arguably Moira is the least viable support when it comes to all ranks of play. That’s right. The healer with the most healing is the least viable when it comes to all tiers (pro included) levels of play.


Just wanna day, when talking about Winrate, a 4% difference is huge.

Especially when you also factor in that Mercy is supposed to be the ‘easiest’ healer in the game, one of the characters for beginning level players or non FPS players to introduce them to the game. She’s always been pitched as a good character for those kinds of players, so now all of a sudden we’re supposed to accept that she’s only really viable at extremely high level of play where you can expect your team to be smart enough to avoid consistent damage? Like - you can’t have your cake and eat it too.

Saying that Mercy can be used as a niche skill pick doesn’t really fly when you remember her reputation and the fact that that ‘skill pick’ healer is supposed to be Ana.


She is viable at all levels of play. She wont always be the optimal choice, and she isnt meta, but she is viable.

Tracer isnt meta. She has trash tier stats for the vast majority of the ladder. Are we gonna argue she needs to be buffed?

Like you said, cant have your cake and eat it too. Just because she is entry level doesnt mean she requires a certain level of success regardless of everything.

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There’s a difference between needing changes because of balance, and needing changes because of satisfaction (or lack thereof).

You saying “get gud” only applies to balance. Not satisfaction.

I personally believe you can satisfy both balance and satisfaction, and I don’t even play Mercy.


Playing Tracer was unsatisfying during GOATs meta. Plz buff.

That’s what this sounds like to me.

Striking a balance between balance and funness is something to consider, but should I really listen to Gold tier Tracers complaining about how difficult they have it now? The hero is clearly balanced. Sucks you dont have fun with her. Ain’t about to make it easier.

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That’s about her resurrect, too. At times I wish it simply spawned expert level AI.
She used to make up for quality of teammates by increasing numbers of players being resurrected.

Strongest ability in game, right. Only as strong as your teammates are would be more correct description. And you can’t increase that strength by resurrecting 3-4 instead of 1-2.

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Again. Player issue. Not balance. You can E rez your GM widow smurf in a gold game and ez clap. Or rez a bot player that throws themselves into damage and dies immediately.

These are player issues.

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What part of “needing changes because of balance” versus “needing changes because of satisfaction” did you not understand?

  • Tracer being bad in GOATs meta is LITERALLY balance
  • Tracer’s Pulse Bomb dealing self-damage is an unsatisfying part of her kit, when two other explosion ultimates removed self-damage

And Mercy being bad in GOATs meta is literally balance.

Wow. Amazing how that works both ways huh?

Still need help understanding?

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Wrong. Those are balance issues, as it’s one of those team-reliant abilities.

None of other supports have them, as their ults/abilities don’t require teammate to know what they are doing, to be useful. Simply making them more resilient target is often enough to tip the fight in your favor.

Or, to put it simply, “base impact” of those abilities is a lot higher, than resurrect. Impact, that is always there, even if your teammates are potatoes.


Except this isn’t about Mercy being bad because of balance…

On the surface, she’s falling out of favor of the meta and it’s easy to point the finger at the current meta as a reason for the lack of satisfaction.

But these complaints existed long before GOATs existed – Mercy’s rework has left certain parts of her kit to be underwhelming. So right now, she’s bad because of balance, AND unsatisfactory because of her kit.

Those aren’t mutually exclusive. You can be both.


Preach :heart:
Went 10-0 in placements, me and friends doing 4-1-1 with me being Mercy
I’d say this is p good for an ‘off healer’
(tfw low average heals bc friends are good at not taking damage haha)


No. Quite sure I’m correct. Team reliance is pretty much the entire core of this game. Is how it is. Just because you and your team can’t use it properly, doesn’t mean it’s broken or bad.

It is though.

Uh… Sure? It sucks playing Tracer into GOATs, things happen. Should we rework Tracer into a burst DPS!? Give her like some shotgun blast or Widow charged shot on right click. Cuz you know, so unfun to play.


Mhm… And? Unsatisfactory because of her kit? Why? I’m all for a buff in her healing, like I don’t see the -10hps nerf as necessary. But the stuff you’re describing existed long before that. All the way back to the rework announcement.

Mercy doesn’t get the Zen/Lucio type ult anymore. Now, can her Valk be more short duration and higher impact? Sure, so long as the current balance is maintained.

I don’t think she requires a defensive ult at all.

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Never was, and never will be. It’s always most independent heroes, who get things done.


Yeah nope. Like I said. Player issues. I can’t help ya with that. You could upload gameplay so people can see exactly what kind of craziness happens in your games. Outside of that I can’t help you.

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You seem incapable of separating satisfaction from balance. You seem to think that a hero is unsatisfactory ONLY because they’re bad in the meta, and that once a hero is back to being in the meta, they’re suddenly satisfactory.

Let me say this clearly. I will not repeat myself again.

There is MORE THAN ONE REASON for something to be satisfactory. Something can be good and still be unsatisfying.

Even if Mercy was excellent in this meta, these complaints about her not being satisfactory would STILL exist. The complaints have existed before GOATs, exist during GOATs, and will continue to exist after GOATs.


I find playing Torb unsatisfying. #ReworkTorb. Why? My feelings.

I have determined this standard of “satisfaction.” And this is now what I weigh all heroes by. I find Ana unsatisfying. The aim requirement turns me off. ReworkAna. Why? I find her unsatisfying.

Why should I care about these complaints? And what is it that is “satisfactory”? There’s no consensus on that.

Running down this rabbit hole of emotions doesn’t help us discuss accurately and considerately the characteristics of Mercy’s kit and how it interacts with the game as a whole.

Will see how PTR changes and Bap introduction plays out. In the end though, this standard of satisfaction you got… I just don’t see a reason to care about it.

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I do see she has some advantages like mobility and steady heal. Res.
But is Valkrie really ok? Seems less praised than Coalescence