Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State

I said ruin.

Effect yes.
But ruin, not necessarily.

If you have one or two people peeling, the effect will be felt but the rest of your team should be holding it together.

But Mercy cannot return people to the fight fast enough or keep them out there to prevent too many from having to peel and therefore it can absolutely ruin/destroy the pacing of the fights you are in.

You have to remember and take into consideration that high ranks may not always notice certain effects of Mercy being bad compared to low ranks and it comes down to the fact that;

Lower ranks are more likely to take careless bits of damage compared to higher ranks. If you are a good Mercy player, you are able to work with this but for a far greater effort when any other support choice has better capabilities at dealing with your team taking careless damage, suddenly it becomes incredibly clear there is an issue. If Mercy is an entry level hero, should she not be able to have decent capabilities to sustain a team at that level. Should it not be a space in which she excels incredibly well and likely better than most of the other heroes in the roster?

Eg. Why put into 200% effort in to keep a team sustained on Mercy when I can sustain a team on Moira at about 50% effort?
And that doesn’t just come down to situations, when it is every situation for me.
Why put out 20K heals on Mercy at 200% effort, when I can 20K heals on Moira at 50% effort.

The only reason I keep playing Mercy is because my game sense and skills are overall better on her, my aim for shooting is better. I am better at securing situations with Mercy, but the overall effort I have to put in is much higher. At the end of the day I like playing Mercy’s base kit and I like her aesthetically. I don’t mind having to put in that effort but it feels wrong to put in so much effort and be given very minimal reward and have various aspects of Mercy’s kit dumb her down while also still giving her very little.

She feels like a very imbalanced hero in the sense of the power distributions on her own kit. She may look like a balanced hero stat wise and in the game, but playing her is like a whole different experience.


I don’t see why there shouldn’t be a need to peel etc. I don’t see why you see it as “ruin.” Like… I don’t understand your subjective perspective on the matter.

I think having an element of peeling etc is healthy, adds depth to the game, emphasizes awareness and positioning, etc, etc.

I’m not really understanding your point rn tbh.

If people bot out and just eat damage, they die. It’s always been that way. Any team, regardless of how strong Mercy is at the time, taking needless damage is making mad mistakes. That’s on the team. Balance can’t be based off of “well my friends just suck so plz buff this hero I like playing.” Ridiculous.

Then play Moira. Why do you ALWAYS need a reason to play Mercy? I play all roles, SO MANY HEROES, and I do so according to the situation and what best suits our comp. I’d suggest you do the same.

Spoiler alert: Moira becomes a real bad pick outside of plat.

She is powerful, and she is viable. That’s not to say she can’t use adjustment. But acting like she’s useless and this game needs to cater to you or your team’s inability to play the game is just getting tiring. It’s like holding back a child throwing an arm flailing tantrum.

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Who’s arguing that she’s not viable, or imbalanced? She’s balanced, but feels bad to play – her skill expression used to be: a.) a base kit which flows through continuous GA-heals/dmg boost-GA over and over again until b.) she can’t GA anymore because of dead team mates – after which it culminates into a resurrect where she has enough team mates to use her base kit of continuous GA-heals/dmg boost-GA. It’s similar to Reinhardt’s: a.) on-shield-off-shield-hammer skill rotation, b.) keep the focus of the enemy on Rein as a threat through fire strikes, c.) culminate in a shatter-fire strike-charge combo.

There is a rhythm is skill expression, it’s not difficulty that drives it – it’s an emotional experience when the abilities and the way it is used feels connected with the hero’s lore and personality.

It certainly doesn’t help when players harp on balance and viability, because these players seem to view Mercy solely as tools in a game to win.

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For you. And other people. Her “feeling” bad to play isn’t inherent to her or her fundamental kit design, as people can very much find her current kit fun. Her “feeling” bad to play is entirely on you. You know that whole fun is subjective stuff etc.

It still does that.

Wtf? Team mates just getting head clicked by God tier Widow something?

Tbh you come across like your reasoning is “BUT DEAD TEAM MATES! JUST DEATH! Everywhere… Death… They were my friends… But dead team mates… WHAT HAPPENED TO OUR BARRIER??? WHY DID THEY HAVE TO DIE SO QUICKLY!!! Oh yeah, I can rez!”

There is no “culmination” into a res. 1 dead team mate = Rez. It’s not like “OMFG! We’ve lost 3 people on our team! BEST CAST MY SINGLE TARGET REZ NOW!”

Like… ??? I don’t understand your approach at all.

Yo, you’re free to get whatever kind of emotional expression you want. So long as it doesn’t impede or make it hard for me to get my emotional expression on. Shrugz.

Balance and viability are more important than your individual emotions when it comes to this game. That should be like painfully obvious…

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This is just an emotionally driven paragraph devoid of any facts or anything resembling logic. I really can’t comment on any of it at all.

Mercy is balanced and viable to play. Reworking heroes because of the emotions of a small group of players at the bottom of the competitive tier is pointless.

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brokenstyli says it best:


I believe it was a response to your usual balance arguments, Quest, in a different thread. But I think it holds true in this discussion too.


Yeah it was. And that ended in me dissecting Brokenstyli’s approach and them leaving that thread without responding to me.

I guess refer to the thread you linked if you want to know my perspective on that. I don’t know why you’d link it to me in response to what I said to you.

Defend your own arguments. Why you trying to deflect onto someone else?

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That doesn’t mean he isn’t right.

This is a bunch of non-sense said in a pompous and elaborate way to appear more credible (kind of like what OP does).

Mercy has always been the easiest hero to play in Overwatch. She is a simple hero that had low skill floor and low skill ceiling. There was literally nothing complicated about her. You hold M1 and you press Q when everybody is dead, you try stay alive. That’s it. It ain’t rocket science. She wasn’t more expressive, she wasn’t more creative.

Current Mercy is pretty much the same thing except she is a bit harder to play now. Her skill floor has been raised slightly and the good thing about is that her skill ceiling is also raised. Which is a good thing all around. Mass Rez was unhealthy, good riddance to it. Current Mercy is good and viable, that’s it.

She can be boring to some and they are more than welcomed to play some other hero. We don’t do balance changes cause of emotions.

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Then where’s his response?

Do you want to take the mantle? Argue his position then. I’ll do you like I did him. Like I did Titanium. Like I did RevertMercy. Like I’ve done it all before…

I understand what that emotional appeal of an argument is coming from. I can sympathize. You have to be mindful of the reality. I feel like I’m counselling rebellious teenagers when discussing Mercy. That’s sad.


So? No arguments about viability/balance. The central argument is rebalancing Mercy to give her playerbase greater satisfaction.

So it has absolutely no merit or logic behind it. You don’t re-balance or rework heroes cause of emotions when they are actually perfectly viable. The overall player base is happy with her all around.


I believe his words were: you lack empathy. This isn’t a pissing contest, it’s not an argument about balance or viability. He ended his argument with you on a high note, and moved on to other fun topics, like how he liked devs being in the forums again.

Not according to this thread.

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Yeah I tackled that whole empathy thing in the thread you linked. Read that and then hit me up on my lack of empathy. Show me how and where I am lacking it. Prove me wrong. Any of you.

Fact of the matter is I do have a lot of empathy… Doesn’t excuse a damn thing though.

The discussion is about balance, not on how well we transitioned from having nothing to say in response to a rebuttal toward thanking the devs.



Sure. :slight_smile:
20 characters

Oh cute. Now you don’t have an argument. I guess that’s just another to the list. :slight_smile:
20 characters.

Btw just use < adsljfh > to bypass that. No spaces ofc. :wink: See? I’m helping.

This thread is a terrible broken suggestion and it will never go live cause it would make Mercy an OP, must-pick hero.

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Yeah it’s just a big sort of appeal to emotion. Something they needed to get off their chest. You gotta give it to them though, they came in strong presenting like they had an argument to make and they knew what they were talking about.


In the end, just another way to dress up “but I feel…”

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I’ve stopped replying to this thread quite a long time ago. It’s basically 6-7 people that constantly bring it up saying over and over the same emotional nonsense that’s not backed up by any logic or fact.

People just need to let this thread die, it’s being 2 years. Mass Rez is not coming back, Mercy is fine and viable.

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