Unpopular opinion: Mercy's viability

There’s no denying the difference between console and PC. There’s no denying the differences in tiers throughout the ladder.

Mercy is viable. She is played at all levels successfully, there are better choices given different comps/maps/etc, but she is still viable. Ana isn’t “meta” when it comes to OWL or pro play, but in ladder she gets a lot of rep. Many differences to take into consideration.

With the upcoming PTR changes and Bap’s introduction, gotta see how the dust settles before really making assessments on Mercy. If there’s a significant meta shift Mercy could see a LOT more play. Will see.

Thanks Slyther for the level headed perspective. I wish forum Mercy mains would refrain from being hyperbolic. It’d make things so much easier…


Same here, bud. Like I said, we switch off Pharah when there’s a good hitscan on the other team, too. At my level, they rarely miss. We use the same strategies and abilities as you do because it’s the same game.

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The stats don’t really show that being equal between PS4 and PC at all.

Not the problem most of us have with her.

Yes she is. She specializes in comps that are DPS heavy and spread out. Last I checked, that wasn’t the meta.

True. She hasn’t got a defensive ult.

It isn’t. A good classification system gives people an idea of a hero’s strengths and weaknesses without diving into the nitty gritty of how exactly their kits work.

That strongly depends on what the comp looks like. I’ve solo healed as Lucio for a comp that wanted to go all out close quarters brawling and every single one of them had a self heal, so it worked. Usually 1 healer comps have 4-5 DPS so… yeah. You are probably right on this one, but your mileage may vary.

That’s not meaningless. If your Reinhardt gets pinned, only being able to pump out 50 HPs all the time no matter what matters a LOT. Most other healers have some way to either burn extra resources to save him or pop off and get 100% accuracy for those crucial seconds and save him.

That matters.

You know what doesn’t matter? Total healing per game. What matters is “Was my healing enough to save my team when things go south?” I have lost track of times where I was on Mercy and the answer was a definite no.


No, she isn’t. Her favorable comps are ones that are not meta outside of the anti Goat comps that have sprung up in OWL and Contenders. Not being meta does not mean niche.

Or are we going to argue Reinhardt and Zarya were “niche” during dive? When after the fall of dive, with very little changes, are now meta af?

If a hero is niche or not is not dependent on the meta.

And she shouldn’t have one.

Yeah, which isn’t a bad thing. At all.

I have no sympathy for solo heal comps. So this again is all fine for me.

If your Reinhardt gets pinned there’s a good chance even having 100 hps wouldn’t matter. It’s all situational. There shouldn’t be one singular hero who is the best healer for all situations. That’s ridiculous.

And a lot of that comes down to player error. The Mercy players and her team. There should be no such thing as outhealing stupid. Positioning matters.


The usage stats differ significantly due to style choices. What isn’t far off stat-wise is win rate for Mercy between console GM and PC GM. It’s less than 4%. Also, for referencing why that’s also not a very relevant stat, Widowmaker has a higher win rate in console GM than on PC because we can’t shoot, right?

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You know there is a reason PC and Console games are never put together for FPS game right.
Do you want me to tell what the reason is??

Apparently we have different definitions of niche.

Never said she should.

What rank are you in? I’m asking, because where I am, followup on pins is slow. Slow enough that a Moira who’s on the ball can pretty easily save her tank buddy from an enemy Rein pin.

In lower ranks, that is literally the main healer’s job description. Why do you think Moira is the most picked in Bronze and is never picked in GM? Moira is best equipped to outheal stupid.

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Yes. Entirely different hardware doesn’t make for a level playing field, which is important in a competitive FPS. Neither is inherently better. Neither has inherently more skilled players. I’ve been playing PC games my whole life, too. Tons of CS, TF2, all that. There’s not a big difference.

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One will destroy the other. Name Keyboard and mouse over Controler

I’d like to put in the time to grind up to GM on PC using a controller to prove a point, but something tells me that wouldn’t mean anything to you either. Your mind is made up. Wrong, but made up.

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How about you just call me when the first CS:GO pro shows up with a controler

I’m sure you’d find a way to dismiss that, too. People use M+K on console, too, you know. It’s pretty common. They aren’t any better for it either.

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So under your definition, Zarya was niche during dive?

That’s player error, not hero balance. I’m diamond rn. I was mostly scrimming for the longest time in this game. Now I’m playing more Apex unfortunately.

Yeah that’s lower ranks. You can literally do anything there. In ranks where you can get away with anything, Mercy is most definitely viable.

I won’t have to dismiss it because it will never happen and there is a WELL known reason for that

I remember there specifically being massive attempts to curb the behavior specifically BECAUSE it put people at an unfair advantage on console.

You’re right, but not for the reason you think. Way less licensing issues on PC, which makes pro play cheaper, more accessible, and more profitable for everyone involved. Then, there are rules governing hardware. They wouldn’t let me in OWL with a controller no matter how good I was with it.

What issues for using a controler you bought??

You think a company is going to tell a CS:GO player to NOT use their controller when that is the best advertising they are every going to get

No, with running a professional league. Nobody has to pay PC manufacturers to run OWL. They’d have to pay Sony and other people to run one on PS4.

Many are against it, but it won’t change because Blizzard can’t outlaw legitimate hardware somebody paid for that’s made for the system they bought the game on. They still get wrecked when they aren’t the better player, though.

Companys would pay pros to use their products that how it works for the advertising for their product

Look a pro uses our controller to play CS:GO against M+K you should buy one too!!