Unnecessary Zen Nerf

They saw this https://gfycat.com/InbornPointedBlowfish and realized “dang Darth Winston is a Zen god we better nerf Zen”

Well then they have a lot more nerfs like this to get going on for other heroes.


You can hide behind cover the whole time it’s charging. Also you can melee cancel the charge. It’s low risk, high reward. The change just makes it harder to use, and that’s fair.

Two did, my bad.

Ark: Tracer
Mano: Tracer
Meko: Tracer
Kariv: Tracer
Coolmatt: Tracer
Agilities: Junkrat
Numlocked: Zenyatta
Poko: D.Va
Boombox: Sombra
Tviq: Nobody
Silkthread: Mercy
Unkoe: Mercy
Space: Mercy
Cuddles (Valiant Coach): Mercy
Verbo: Mercy- But with PTR changes factored in his response was Tracer.
Joemeister: Mercy- But with PTR changes factored in, Zenyatta.
Jake: Mercy

When looking at this, people can’t honestly say that at the highest level, where Zenyatta truly is sniping people across the map that he needed this nerf more than Tracer did, she almost rivals Mercy in responses (Even counting Verbo as one for Mercy and not Tracer) and this was during the Mercy meta.

You can’t hide from a duel with someone who has insane mobility. You still have to land the shots or it does nothing and flankers are not easy to hit while Zen himself is. You lose all the ammo if you cancel.

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Wait, I thought Blizzard only listens to pros when they make balance changes? :thinking:

They don’t only listen to pro players but it does feel like their input means more than everywhere else, if alot of pro players say a hero should be nerfed then they get nerfed, unless of course that hero is Tracer, since not changing Tracer ever is probably somewhere in the contract of all the people working on the balance team.

Tracer and Zen have been considered the epitome of balance for a long time, but now Zen is OP because he can get random kills like everyone else and always could. Idk what’s happening anymore.

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No one is saying Zen is OP because of his right click. The nerf isn’t because “he’s OP”. The nerf is just making an ability that’s unfair in certain situations more fair while leaving it almost the same in every other situation.

Also, personally I’d consider Soldier 76 to be the most balanced hero in the game.

Then I await all the other nerfs to random kill potential that must be coming for the rest of the cast.

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Tracer hasn’t, there’s been a decent amount of outcry about her for a fair bit of time.

Zenyatta on the other hand, I can only think of maybe a dozen pro players who have unironically asked for a Zenyatta nerf.

Just because a character got a nerf does not mean that character was OP. Nerfs can bring characters who are slightly more powerful in line. Honestly this nerf is so minor I have no idea why people are complaining. They could have given his orbs a 5 second cooldown or made them go away the instant LoS was lost. But all they did was slow down the fire rate of an ability slightly.

I think Deflect’s hitbox being 3x its visual size is a much more needed change so unless that also happened this patch then their priority seems a little off. Like I’ve never seen anyone complain about random Zen kills before so it’s strange to me that there was such a dire need to nerf volley.

We aren’t talking about Genji we are talking about Zenyatta.

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Because everything exists in a vacuum huh? Don’t bother fixing Genji’s bugs he’s had forever (including the fixes that will benefit him), or Doomfist, or any other hero with bugs, when we can nerf something no one talks about.

Yet Tracer’s ability to burst 480 in a second without having to even charge up is fine?

This is just pathetic, you’re literally the embodiment of the ‘DPS Main that wants supports to be free kills for DPS heroes’ stereotype, I thought it was just that, a stereotype that nobody actually acted like, until now.

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You shouldn’t be dueling with right click. Left click is for 1v1s. The ability to burst up to 400 damage (without discord btw) should be riskier than it is. As it is now, it’s super spamable, and low risk. He’s a support character, he should inherently be at a disadvantage in a duel with a damage character. It’s only a quarter of his clip. Be more thoughtful when you charge it.

  1. You act like it isn’t easy to die as Zen

  2. “Only a quarter of his clip” is huge compared to most

  3. “Be more thoughtful before you charge in” you have no idea how much effort I put into being thoughtful about positioning but sill die anyway

  4. His supporting is low compared to other Supports so “he’s a Support” doesn’t justify random damage nerfs

While it may seem that way small balance changes effect the pro players even more. A seems reasonable but B is something that pros will absolutely break open. However this is assuming that when someone is nerfed something else needs to be buffed in exchange. That’s not how balance works. If a character is already powerful you don’t just nerf one part and buff another part.

ht tps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1p42KtZOCw
This video goes into detail on how much balance effects pros a lot more than us.