Underwatch 2000 - A Bronze/Silver Discord Community

We’ve had people joining us, so I don’t think the discord link is expired. The link on this post leads to an application, and once you’ve filled that out and submitted it, you get a discord link. :smiley:

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Underwatch is growing at a great rate with great people so don’t hesitate to join us for some awesome, stress-free Overwatch :smiley:

OOF, just filled out an application for 15 minutes, then its like “THERES GOING TO BE AN AUDITION”. just want to answer questions and help out, not all that dude

Thanks for your interest in coaching, Critscan! Though naturally, if you want to take a position of authority over others, there should be a metric with which to test your knowledge and skill level, wouldn’t you say?

I completely agree! But I am unable to decide on what I want to put down! yikers!

We’ve got 60 members now and counting! Come join us so we can form some awesome bronze and silver six stacks!

There’s a lot of great people in this community to group with! :smiley:

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We’ve just started forming teams now! Join us so you can be in one! <3

if you are looking for a coach when you form a team plz let me know. masters off tank/dps player 3850 peak

Thanks for your interest in coaching, Mike! We have a link to our coaching application from the intro of our main one. :smiley:

Hi, id be interested to join but just wondering what time frame most games will be played since im frm aus. @@…
Thanks in advance

Play times vary and from experience there’s always someone on and playing. I’m from Australia too and I haven’t found it hard to play with the group at all.

I was waiting in discord after filled the information and then the discord channel disappear. Can you check it out?

Hello it says you’re above 2000 SR as the server is mostly for bronze/silver players, I’ll try to contact an officer about it and see what they say.

We just got our first coach!
Join us so you can get some good advice on climbing! :smiley:

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I joined just now… looking to make some good teams to grind up and enjoy gaming

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Hey Grim, hope everything’s okay. You’re always welcome back anytime!

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With a new season of competitive starting, this is a great place to find people to group with to get through those placement matches!

We’ve started doing weeknight pugs!

Our Monday PUG nights have been going great! Come join us!