Unable to unlock Gold Weapon Skin

Lol why it takes so long its not like they develop something new cmon

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i’ve had this bug for a month and they still haven’t fixed it

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:grey_question: :-1:

Ehh, nobody is in a hurry to fix this.

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still unable to unlock 12 days after Matts reply.

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I have a feeling this won’t be fixed until the next battlepass update next month. Bliz isn’t losing money, so no rush to fix this bug. I saw on here that people are able to purchase Jade weapons now, so I believe that’s another reason to keep gold broken for now— to amp up Jade weapon purchases.
Hoping this is fixed soon, but not holding my breath

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12 days and still no fix.

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yeah you’re not getting those back. that’s on you for using your points for jade. you should have just waited until they fixed gold. yeah it’s taking an absurdly long time to fix but it will be eventually.


5/26, still no fix

FWIW: Because this issue impacts functionality dear to players—but not monetarily valuable to Blizzard—this reads as you not respecting or appreciating your players…the folks who keep you in business.

By your own admission you have a fix. You’re just not putting in the extra effort to push the update outside of your normal release cycle. Again, disrespectful after this much time.

This is where cracks in the foundation start. As a product manager, I’d have told my devs to push an off-cycle release.


For the love of god just give us our gold guns, I refuse to waste my hard earned points on jade. IT HAS BEEN 12+ DAYS


5/28 and its still not fixed. how is it so hard to fix something like this? you’d fix it if it lost you money, but i guess you just don’t care about pleasing your dedicated player base at all.


:grey_question: :grey_question: :grey_question: :grey_question: :grey_question: :grey_question: :grey_question: :grey_question: :grey_question:

stil not fixed.


this is getting ridiculous obviously since the jade came out, they have been pushing it over gold but the majority of the players prefer gold. just because theyre not losing any money, they feel it isnt necessary to fix this issue. There are so many people are that angry that its been a month and nothing has been done. We want our gold! we worked hard for them so FIX IT!!!


Omg no comment, really …


This is getting ridiculous. Why has this not been patched yet? Fix this! Its been over 15 days.

Im not buying the Jade skins. I didnt like them on reveal. I still dont like them now. You picked the worst texture for a stone like jewel, as well as the worst shade of green. You wont pressure me into adding to “the numbers” and purchasing the god awful jade skins by delaying a bug fix. The community activity said they didnt like the green, and you went ahead with it anyway. No amount of procrastination will change that. No amount of over-exposure or pressure will change that! Just fix the bug already and move on. Jade was a swing and a miss, make sure the next one isnt.


It’s been half a month and you’re telling me you can’t fix something this simple


blizzard this is embarrassing :heart:


looks like they on purpose doing this, so people would buy jade ones even by accidentally clicking on it, because gold one is bugged.

nobody ever asked or wanted that green slime color ever, it is trash and who made this idea of such color should be penalized.


says they’re looking into it asap…14 days ago. actually ridiculous.


ASAP = as slow as possible for Overwatch devs unless it’s the mythic shop which was fixed in less than 24 hours


why do i have a feeling that if the jade weapon’s were bugged instead, they would’ve been real quick to fix it :sob: even though a total of like 4 players have bought them over the last two seasons