Unable to Queue Comp Lucio Ball with Friends

Last season Comp Lucio Ball ranks were 3529 and 3629 , current Comp Season SR is 3306 and 3579 respectively

When we try and queue it says SR is too far apart???

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I am having the exact same issue. I am on Xbox, my comp lucioball and regular comp ranks are almost identical to my friend. We have played every game together last season and when we tried to queue this season it is saying we are too far apart as well.

There’s other threads reporting this as well:

Hoping that one of them gets Blizzard to notice this issue.

Here’s my informaiton:
The same is happening to my friends and I as well.

Copa Season 1 end scores:
Me: 4003
Friend 1: 4005
Friend 2: 3925
Friend 3: 3624

If Me, Friend 2, and Friend 3 group up it denies.
If Friend 2, and Friend 3 group up it allows.
If Me and Friend 1 group up it denies.
If Me and Friend 3 group up it denies.
If Me and Friend 2 group up it denies.

We can’t figure out what could be causing this. All of us also have not played Normal Competitive mode in a couple seasons, so it’s not like last year’s bug where it’s related to the present season rank.

This hidden MMR lock is a distaster. Just suffer through those 10 games with randoms.

When I was doing comp 3v3 I got team from LFG system - and we were replacing people as soon as they placed because hidden MMR was cloned from regular ranked (~4200) but everyone (including me) was getting placed in low diamond.