“Skill level too far apart” Bug

There’s other threads reporting this as well:

Hoping that one of them gets Blizzard to notice this issue.

Here’s my informaiton:
The same is happening to my friends and I as well.

Copa Season 1 end scores:
Me: 4003
Friend 1: 4005
Friend 2: 3925
Friend 3: 3624

If Me, Friend 2, and Friend 3 group up it denies.
If Friend 2, and Friend 3 group up it allows.
If Me and Friend 1 group up it denies.
If Me and Friend 3 group up it denies.
If Me and Friend 2 group up it denies.

We can’t figure out what could be causing this. All of us also have not played Normal Competitive mode in a couple seasons, so it’s not like last year’s bug where it’s related to the present season rank. Additionally, we are able to play normal Overwatch Competitive mode as a group, but not Copa Lucioball. All friends are last diamond rank in Competitive OW (3000SR due to degredation), and my last SR in it was Gold (2156).