Uhhh, Can we nerf Roadhog?

There’s absolutely no way that you can know that. And when I select all roles, I still mostly get tank.

People love these heroes. It doesn’t even matter how good they are. People who love these tanks would rather not play or play a different role than play a different tank a lot of the time. I flex on tank, but most D.Va mains I know are either 1-tricks or 2-tricks.

And yes, it hasn’t been long enough for top 500 or Overbuff or anything to reflect actual stats yet. But it does feel worse. I feel like I’m dying way faster and having to hide more. On top of that, every D.Va player in our discord group has had a lower win rate this past week. So, I think it probably is weaker. I know several people very frustrated with this patch besides myself.

So weakest or most negatively impacted? Weakest maybe Ramattra. Most negatively impacted D.Va.

Strongest are Winston and Hog. And most tanks hate Hog.

I do… It’s a format problem, when you expect one person to do everything you need that person to be very strong and capable,the big numbers tanks will always be the most viable if the game continues this trajectory. Two weaker tanks is better for the game than one giga tank that just exists to be a bullet sponge.

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This is my issue as a support main with Hog and Mauga specifically, they force you to play a certain way or your team is screwed. Like I just want to play Kiriko man, but I’ve gotten so much better at Zenyatta because of these two so that is a bonus.


Only people who don’t hate hog are hog players


Doesn’t blow up instantly.


Doesn’t die ever no matter how much damage I do because supports are not Ana or Zen and they have a Kiriko and maybe even a Lifeweaver that keep bailing him out… yeah that’s kind-of an issue of game design.


Hog is one of the reasons I learned how to play Ana. The masses may hate you for picking her up as a main, but she makes battling Hog much less of a nightmare.

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We don’t need tank nerfs at the moment. We need to figure out how to make tanks as a role NOT feel like crap to play. And no, Hog isn’t what’s making that happen.

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Insta-gib or damage sponge. You have to pick one, or he’s useless.

It is one-shot, it oneshots reapper and mei even (w/o pig pen ability)

Straight to insults. That really enhances your argument. Oh wait, your argument is “hog is strong”. Great argument.

Hog is strong just now. He is not way OP though. But what does make him a little OP is that they have designed his strength around nade and discord being on the enemy team. He is built to be able to play against those. If the other team does not pick Ana or Zen then he becomes much harder to kill. This is a design issue not with hog, but with the way they have designed counters, and specifically with Ana who is oppressive to some tanks.

As I keep saying, fix Ana then weaken hog and mauga to not be strong enough to survive in games with 100% anti and discord.

Hog is also the single-most counterable tank in the game. Ball probably was in OW1 with cass stun and long hack, but in OW2 it’s very hard to kill a ball - they almost always escape. Hog however is countered not by killing him, but rather by making him useless. There are now so many counters to hook with the new supports each getting a counter of their own - Kiri with suzu, LW with pull (one of the best hook counters btw), illari with her knockback to escape for herself. Then there are the usual suspects - matrix, bubble, counter-hook, shields, sleep, nade, and any type of ranged damage which can make him regret ever leaving cover.

My tactic against hog is to go hanzo, soldier or cassidy and focus him every time he leaves cover, forcing him straight back behind it. I may not kill him, but I make him completely useless, and the hog player almost always swaps off.

Unless your entire team plays to counter him he wil dominate the match. Its to the point as a tank player i can do everything right on sigma shield his hooks, rock his heals, grasp his ult. and he can gigafeed and he will still win that fight 100% off the time. Like why even try just go mauga hold two buttons or mirror on hog. Mauga and hog need to be nerfed into the ground.

Yeah its almost as if tanks should be punishable and die when missplaying. But this is peak 5v5 unkillable piggy dominating every match. If not him its mauga or orisa or rammatra or zarya

He’s not OP but actually he is OP because he requires hard support counterpicks to take down

LMFAO let me just suzu his hook every 6 seconds and also lifegrip his hook every 6 seconds as well. genius.

Goodnight what kind of Soldier player shoots at the Hog all game

Yeah, no point arguing with you. You have decided what to believe. I played hog a lot, and I now play against him. He is easy to counter. If you can’t counter him with a multitude of heroes, then that is on you. You need to get better in your rank. You are just bad.

you had us in the first half not gonna lie, I thought they removed Hog’s oneshot and reworked him

If you want him gutted for no reason, that’s a you problem. Staying alive is the only thing left going for him.

Have you heard of aim practice?

Maybe focus fire?

He dies in seconds to it. (just like the other tanks)

Did you read my point? If he isnt countered properly even if i play perfectly i cant win. Thats not healthy. A tank should be able to beat another tank if they play better. Instead its all in the hands of support and dps. Thats why tank feels awfull you have no impact. And roadhog is the epitome off bad tank design. Since season 1 off ow2 heck ever since goats people have complained about one thing: unkillable tanks and supports. 5v5 isnt better since 5v5 makes support and tank more unkillable. Thats why every season feels terrible because it is terrible. You hate double shields buddy i have news for you we never stopped playing double shields. Its just now double immo.

When roadhog sucks the game is better off. Hog is not a healthy character

How bout no. Hog keeps dive tanks in check which is needed. Hes also easy to escape from for the dps and support if he attempts to chase. Which is exactly how it should be for all tanks.

How bout we nerf the dive tanks to the ground instead

Hog players are just delusional. I’ve had a few on here tell me his hook one shot in season 1 and 2 was balanced