Uhhh, Can we nerf Roadhog?

I don’t think having a hero who has 800hp, a self heal that also gives DR, and a consistent one shot combo that is easy to perform is a healthy thing for the game. I don’t know why they keep making the tanks that have the Lowest entry level skill wise be the meta tanks.


Everyone kind of saw this coming once Orisa got hit by the nerf hammer.

So many times Iv seen a Mauga or Hog almost dead and see our DPS are no where near the team doing their own thing.

The one hard counter to Hog and Mauga being Ana’s nade now also has its own counter thanks to Kiriko. The answer would be to just kill their supports however they also deal so much insane damage that you can’t just ignore them. Hog at least has some options with playing distance but Mauga even with some distance from you can still put out decent damage.


Mmm how bout, just go with me here… No


And to think there’s people asking for anti to be removed

So Hog can have even less counters


A better alternative, buff other tanks so they actually have decent survivability like hog. Half the tanks just get melted too quickly.


I mean it needs to be removed but at the same time hog and mag need to have their self healing massively reduced at the same time.

What’s your hook accuracy and rate of completion once setup with the mine?

cause… it’s not THAT easy.


Healbots or hog/Mauga mains are the only lunatics that want anti removed, everyone else knows it rightfully has its place in the game.


Nerf Hog and tell whichever team is against hog (even helping the enemy) to pick Mauga to counter the Hog. Hog players should not be able to have any fun.

Heroes need to not be balanced with anti-nade in mind.

Hog and Mauga are kind of garbage when they can and usually have to be primarily countered by anti-nade otherwise they go rampant. That sucks.


It’s not a one-shot though.


Everytime you nerf a hero another becomes op. So we’ll have you here next month asking for the same again. It’s just a cycle

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Hog is easy to counter. players just need to swap heros to actually counter him. Hog is one of the heros where there is a legit right way and wrong way to play against him. If your healers refuse to swap to ana, hog can run wild.

If your dps refuse to look at him and shoot him, he will never die.

Ive played orisa into hog and done tens of thousands in damage, but the hog team wins because my healer wont swap and dps refuse to look at him.


If they just reversed the headshot passive and armor changes from last patch, Roadhog would be nerfed and some of the tanks that feel like poo to play now would feel better too.

I’m all for Roadhog nerfs, but you have to understand that right now he’s one of the only tanks that feels survivable.

I watched him heal thru a hanzo Dragon ult to the face…nuff said

Sure. Right after he gets a cleanse on Breather.

Then by all means, lower his survival stats down lower after that.

What’s a bigger number?

6.25 reduced by 50%
6.25 reduced by 30%.

You’re on an adventure of missing the point. Roadhog getting the 25% headshot reduction is the bigger picture.

And the old armor was more effective against more instances of damage. Honestly, who even cares if new armor reduces Hog’s damage more. It’s irrelevant.

What’s the bigger number?
120 reduced to 115
120 reduced by 30%

That’s the more relevant issue with this patch.

  • The old armor 30% damage reduction on a 6.25 damage pellet
  • The current armor 50% damage reduction on a 6.25 damage pellet

It’s only really infuriating when I’m DPS and the supports REFUSE to go Ana or Zen. Come on… please… seriously.