Uhhh, Can we nerf Roadhog?

Again, your missing the Forest for the trees. I don’t care about Hog’s damage output in this case. It’s irrelevant. I care about his damage resistance and the damage output of burst damage sources like Cassidy or Sojourn’s rail gun.

Then wouldn’t be be the headshot changes, and not the armor changes?

Genji main?

The headshot changes to make Hog weaker. The armor changes to fix the fact that D.Va, Ram, and Rein melt like butter in a hot pan.

Revert BOTH changes. Because it was better before this patch.

You are the one that is always saying we need more tank mains. I am telling you that a very large number of tank mains do not like this patch. It was supposed to be for us, but it has made things worse for a lot of us. If you want to keep tank mains, something must be done because this version of armor is unacceptable.

I’m really confused, because for shotguns below 11 damage per pellet, the current armor blocks 50% of the damage.

And 50% is more than 30%.

And honestly the new armor changes is mostly Hanzo and Cassidy, that got buffed, and are relevant antitank threats.

And even that, it’s mostly Hanzo

You know that they can both reduce anti AND rebalance hog and mauga to not have to be playable against 100% heal debuff? Ana is both their counter and the reason they need to be OP to survive. It is a cause-effect but in the direction that Ana is causing them to be OP which means that if someone doesn’t go Ana (or Zen) they can run wild, but if they do then they struggle.

Ana is, and always has been, the problem. But for some reason they refuse to address her.

Earlier I was playing DPS and got slept and in that eternity I would Zzzz I was thinking how ridiculous it is to be able to press a button and take someone out of the game for 5s, and then they are quite likely to die on waking anyway. Crazy they kept sleep and crazy that she can dominate at least 2 tanks to the point they usually swap if they are against her.

If they got rid of the resource meter breather then yeah ok

As it stands now there’s no thought process behind it. Get stunned out of it? So what you get it back in a second. Get anti’d? you can simply just stop healing or even use it for damage reduction to get you back into a safe spot. Just an idiotic change all around

Except he was trash before the change. Bottom tank. So how would you have fixed him (without some childish answer about leaving him there)?

Fix Ana and then hog and mauga can be easily rebalanced to be weaker in general. Leave Ana as is and they need to be OP enough to survive or every time Ana is picked hog and mauga will be unplayable (it is often not far off that now after the rework).

I dont think hes OP, only because its really easy to counter him. Especially if you have an ana

He was trash because his one shot potential was gone. Now he hooks you closer than ever before with massive bullets. He also has pig pen now too

Every other tank with self sustain is tied to doing damage, actually using brainpower, or a lengthy cooldown. For Hog his gameplay loop is so unbelievably braindead and the rework made him much less punishable and even more annoying.

So even if it is a childish suggestion, I don’t know how to rework Hog to be a viable tank that isn’t cancerous and necessitates counterpicks, so until I do, I want to see him in the gutter

I don’t understand why you are confused. Shotgun damage was never the problem for tanks. I could care less about shotgun damage as a tank. Burst damage was always more relevant and problematic for me as a tank.

So, the armor blocking 50% below 10 does not matter nearly as much as the fact that it only blocks 5 above 10. Basically anyone that does more than 17 per shot does more damage to me now than before. That’s almost everyone.

This armor is WAY WORSE than the old armor. And I’m not the only one to think so. They need an emergency patch out NOW to fix this before they start bleeding tanks faster than ever before.

There’s 2 options.

  1. Just revert to the old armor.
  2. An Idea Potatoad had, just make everything below 10 mitigate 50% and anything above 10 mitigate 30%. Like a best of both worlds option.

But something has to be done. Tank healthbars are going down way faster than before the patch. Armor is useless against most heroes.

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I’d still much rather face a hog than a mauga or orisa. In fact, I much prefer to fight hog than DVa or rein either. Those 2 are the most boring games with so much damage mitigation which seems to be up almost all the time.

I’d take current hog on the other team any time over those. And you say his breather and sustain is what makes him brainless. Why pick on why you think a tank is brainless and instead just say that some tanks are very low-skill, which brings us to orisa and mauga way before hog. At least hog has to get hooks while mauga and orisa are just frustratingly unkillable without a zen and/or ana.

Hog can be annoyingly hard to kill, but nowhere near as annoying hard as orisa, even after the nerfs, and even Zarya can be harder to kill than hog if she gets decent heals (already had 2 games against the same zarya+mercy duo today and the zarya had 0 deaths in both).

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hook alone does NOT have a consistent one shot on anyone except tracer and widow (and baby dva) without pigpen and pigpen has a 14 second cooldown and can be broken. his self heal doesnt even heal half of his max hp anymore if the dps passive is on him which it almost always is in fights. heals only use right now is the damage resistance which isnt even 50% anymore making it very easy to die while healing if just 2 people are shooting you. he is insanely easy to counter pick, zen, ana, dva do really well against him as long as the dva eats anyone he hooks so he cant kill them. hog definitely has way higher entry level skill than rien or a more meta tank orisa or mauga, you HAVE to hit hooks, you HAVE to be smart with pigpen, you CANT be out of position or you will die, and you HAVE to track so many cooldowns like pretty much all tank cd’s, and most support cd’s. the only thing he has going for him is he’s not bullied as much by boops with the buffs this season but if you keep booping him he IS still likely to miss most his hooks even after the bonus knockback resistance. legit skill issue or youre just a dps player in which your only counter play is shooting him and out ranging him but plenty of other tanks rely on your team to deal with, you need to have someone peel for dive tanks if you get dove by one most of the time, i dont see how hog requiring your team to do something is any different


Well, you and I both know that’s unlikely to happen.

That said, part of the issue with “D.va is too weak” is that she’s actually the most picked Tank in GM. And the most picked Tank overall.


So if anything, the should probably do something that’s a “Nerf to D.va but narrowly targeted at her value in GM”
And then buff her more generic viability.

Assuming they even think there’s a problem in the first place.

It’s actually so joever we have brainlets like this trying to downplay their hero and convince everyone Hog is somehow bad

Get real

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im just saying hes really easy to counter as support and tank and just generally worse than mauga or orisa and i think dva looks pretty good this season but i think we need more time to say for sure, hog has very little ways to defend himself just his heal/damage resistance so debuffs and dot just kinda shred him

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They’ll revert it or change it unless they want to continue to bleed tank players. I thought it was going to be bad. I didn’t realize how bad it actually was going to be. It feels absolutely terrible. I really was kinda hoping I was overreacting in my doom posting before the patch, but the reality actually ended up being worse.

just made a post with the top 500 pick rates. It’s not as dramatic as you think. Also, Overbuff is not reliable. The site is busted. It doesn’t even have the Champion rank. I don’t trust it. I do trust the top 500 leader board.

The best of the best are not picking her at those rates. And it’s not just her. I played Rein yesterday as well as Ram and they both felt way worse than before to me.

Which is difficult to understand, because Tank player counts are way up, and D.va/Rein are decently popular picks at all ELOs.

That said, what I think you’re getting at is more of the “feels bad” angle, not the “is too weak” angle.

So out of all the Tanks, which Tank do you feel “feels the most bad” in this patch.

Yes, hello. Does anyone remember when Sigma got nerfed because his one shot combo was actually too fast to one shot combo everyone around?

Yeah, now just imagine that without a 50km chain snatching babies from their cribs and even without line of sight xD

Great times

Now fatty has both their old primary and secondary fires merged together, + a trap? that we can’t even tell if its from ally or enemy hog, and breather… just makes Rein look like a joke among all tanks xD

Let’s remove Ana and Zen from the game for 1 year. Hog players can feed for free and have fun in their dead game.