Two nerfs I think will balance Brigitte

you need like 3 full perfect accuracy clips of tracers bullets to even melt the shield, and this isn’t really doable because well

  1. brigitte can walk back to her team while the shield is being shot at
  2. tracers spread isnt letting you do 600 in 3 clips out of 7 meters i dont believe
  3. tracer is most likely being shot at while trying to do this and with 150 hp you’re not gonna be able to stay in long enough for over 3 clips, let alone the amount it takes to kill her when her shield is down

being able to blink doesn’t matter when Tracer can’t do much to Brigitte even out of the range because of the enemy team existing

either way, all im asking for is a nerf to her shield bash CD, raise it to 7 or 8, it wont kill her at all, she’ll still be able to brainlessly kill pro level tracers with ease it just wont let her stun someone else and most likely kill in a 1v1 and then immediately come to you and stun and delete

It’s okay that you can’t kill Brigitte… why should Tracer be able to do everything effectively? She is your counter and you should expect to struggle if you cannot adapt like so many other people do constantly every single day.

You’re right it won’t kill her… it’ll completely destroy her and bring back dive meta.

Sounds like this pro Tracer is the brainless one in this scenario. If Brigitte is out 1v1’ing people it’s a good sign it’s a bad Brigitte who is denying her team AoE heals.


But it is not a pure movement ability like mccree, hanzo, winston etc. So only changing Brigitte in this way shouldn’t be inconsistent.

Look I get you want your Reinhardt to be a perfect tank with zero flaws but he is already a must pick and will go god tier if this adjustment is made.

And I get you think you’re thinking logically but you’re not even close. You just wish she didn’t exist at all.

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“it’ll completely destroy her and bring back dive meta”
she can literally still delete genji and tracer with ease

she just can’t brawl the entire enemy team??? LOL

as for your “why should tracer be able to do everything” comment

Brigitte is literally the hardest counter in this game ever, Tracer can’t do anything vs Brigitte besides stay out of range and be useless by doing useless poke damage

Pharah can still fight widows or even stay out of sight to make widow useless

Junkrat is hardcountered by pharah but he can at least make sure the 1v1 scenario never happens, aka he can avoid her

Widow and winston? she can hook away and 2 tap him if he jumps on her

Tracer and Brigitte? You take 5 hours trying to 1v1 her and if you get stunned you’re dead 100% no exceptions, no other hero experiences this from their hard counters

Oh good, I was worried you weren’t able to adjust and focus correct targets. If you want to play Tracer into your counter let your team handle Brigitte.


Not really. I actually like her. And Rein is not a perfect tank, he has many counters and I just don’t want another hard counter.

I got a pro tip for you… swing your hammer twice when she approaches you instead of hiding behind your shield.

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Then everyone will fire at me and hanzo will spam his E :smiley:

You can also save your E for when she approaches you and use that + one hammer swing… If your team can’t finish off someone with a sliver of HP then you were doomed to start with.


Hasn’t the sassy Swedish Princess been nerfed 3 times already? She’s not op atm She’s very fun to play being a hybrid heals tank. Let’s nerf Roadhog again his health is to much and his self heal is also to strong. To heal with Brigitte you have to be in combat sometime’s you don’t even get that far in skirms though that’s getting better. The game just needs more Hybrid champs that are good at more stages of the game like Brigitte.

Yes and they were very large nerfs that brought her pick rate and win rate into alignment with everyone else.

Yea, I think she is balanced atm it’s the team work her kit encourages that is strong with an ultimate that is literally group on me for huge armor and to make this play for this objective or to hold this objective.

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Here’s what a lot of people forget: She’s not just a support. She’s a support/Tank hybrid. What makes her strong as a support, she is weak as a tank and vice versa.

As a support she is strong against flankers but her healing is some of the lowest among the supports (stats taken from Omnic Meta). As a tank, she moves quicker than other tanks, and has better self and team sustain, but her “making space” quality of a tank and the amount of damage she can soak up is minimal. She blocks the least amount of damage of all tanks.

What makes her different in both these roles is her armor. She protects as she heals, and her ult is just a giant armor generator for it’s duration, and the team has acknowledged this and they are tweaking it as needed.


Btw, I wanted to say thank you to everyone who has been up voting this post to the point it rivals one of Jeff’s post. I did not intend for it to be this popular but I’m very happy it is.

And the point being they can always back out of a fight. There is no shame in a tactical retreat. Hah sounds Soo much better said like that, no need to feel ashamed. But in all seriousness why don’t people retreat when they can and will survive.

They should just scrap her current ultimate in Favor of Summoning a Jet-Pack Cat that she targets an enemy and then the jet pack cat launches at them silences them interrupting an ability and fights be her side for a short duration. LOL.

I’m not entirely sure but it probably is pride, greed, the need to feel badass or plain ignorance.

Using jetpack cat is an unfair tactic in discussions…

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Alright Nyan cat like hanzo’s dragon you-going-want-these-cuddles and it damages everything the same as hanzo’s but its Nyan Cat

Now I want a hanzo skin that has nyan cats instead of dragons.

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