Two nerfs I think will balance Brigitte

There’s two more nerfs I’d like to see with Brigitte before I think she won’t become a must-pick anymore but still be in a really good position.

The first is her self healing, I think they should nerf how much self healing she does with her passive ability by 25% of its effectiveness (similar to Lucio) so that way she’ll still heal her teammates at 16 hps but only heal herself at 12 hps. One of her biggest strengths is her ability to dual almost any hero in the game and win with little/no effort and I think this change will very much balance out the scales a bit and make her a bit more dual-able. I’m very much aware she’s still extremely vulnerable to poke heroes, which could be addressed by perhaps extending the sides of her shield ever so slightly, but I would hold off on doing anything with her shield until it’s proven that it’s needed.

The second change would be to nerf how much damage her whipshot does. Imho, I think 70 is just a little too high for a couple reasons. The main reason is her big combo of shield bash + left click + whip shot doing 155 damage total. Trust me when I say that I’m no Tracer main and that I’m happy that there’s a hero to deletes her from the game now, but at the same time the game dev in me is just shouting that it’s unbalanced. If you were to nerf her whipshot damage to be consistent with the damage of her left click (35 instead of 70) the big combo would actually only do 120 damage total, which is also consistent with most of the big burst damaging abilities in the game (pharah rocket, helix rocket, widowmaker bodyshot, junkrat mine, etc). I think even with this, she’ll still very much be a hard counter to Tracers, but with still having counter-play from the Tracer herself as she couldn’t be instagibbed anymore by Brigitte alone.

For a support character, that to me still sounds pretty powerful when combined with the fact she’ll still have a 1 sec stun on a 6 sec cd, as well as a ranged knockback on a 4 sec cd (that’ll still trigger her passive), as well as a personal shield to soak up an additional 600 damage.


That’s the point she is supposed to kill an enemy with 150hp. If Tracer even had one second to react she would easily just get away and get a health pack.

Even with this combo Tracer can still get away sometimes.

Note: To do this Brigitte has to put her entire kit on cooldown.


I don’t even play Brigitte and that damage nerf would be way to much.


I get that Tracer can just recall, but that’s why I said she wouldn’t just get instagibbed from the Brigitte alone, all it would take is a melee from another hero while she’s stunned and she’s dead. If you’re by yourself, don’t blow all your cd’s as Brigitte then :man_shrugging:

However it just doesn’t feel right that she has a 155 damage combo as a support/tank hybrid hero. That’s still more than 75% of most of the squishies’ health in the game. It makes sense for someone like Mccree to have such a high combo with flashbang + headshot because well, that’s his role lol but Brigitte’s burst combo is a bit overtuned atm, at least imo


Her entire kit on CD for 5 seconds for a kill. Any hero would take that deal.


I think she’d be fine if they just increased the shield bash cooldown to like 8 seconds. The most frustrating thing about playing against her is that she always has it ready to interrupt whatever you’re trying to do.


Tracer can instagib every single support except Moira and Bridget (melee range headshot) they call it one cliping.

Tons of characters have more than 150 damage combos in every single role. Zenyatta can do substantially more damage than Brigitte can.

McCree can also destroy people easily without using his stun while Brigitte is completely cool down based. (Headshots from McCree do alot more than Brigitte combo)

Actually its 6 seconds and that is a small eternity in a close-range team fight where DPS Heroes can do substantially more during those 6 seconds.


Two nerfs i think will make Brigitte F-Tier

Changed the Title for u u can thanks me later

Also her Selfheal isnt so strong like u think whit Teamplay or Heroes whit high damage output can easy out-damage it. Like Reinhardt a Brigitte cant 1 vs 1 a Reinhard because he easily outdamage her and she cant block his hammer

And her Whip Shot doesnt need a Damage nerf she need that damage to counters Flankers she was designed for that


I’ve been testing it out in custom games and 7 seconds feels appropriate.

I would love to see whipshots damage reduced to like 35 but its cooldown reduced significantly to compensate. And i agree on the self heal. Oh and if the combo is removed in this way i think we can revert the stun back to 5 second CD.


BrigitteGirl’s unbiased and well-worded insight has made me realize that reducing Brigitte’s self-healing from 16 HPS to 12 HPS would place her directly in the garbage can.


Without her damage, exactly how is she countering Genji and Tracer? Because I know for a fact they would be eating her alive because her damage would be so minor they don’t even have to worry about it.


6.35% pick rate or if you want to be generous 8.24% pick rate is must pick apparently

And if you want to say if doesn’t matter cause that’s grandmaster… Here’s 7.18% pick rate and 6.76%

I started laughing immediately when I saw this.

That would make the big combo to never, ever use whipshot because you would deal more damage without it while making sure you don’t push them out of your range…

Pharah rocket isn’t a burst damage ability that’s her primary fire.

Helix rocket combo 3 shots and a helix for 177 damage instakill if a few are headshots

Widowmakers shouldn’t be bodyshotting if they are they’re practicing, otherwise they’re dealing 300 damage a shot by using the headshot mechanic not even to mention that’s her basic fire since her scope doesn’t have a cooldown

Junkrat mine is used after a bomb to kill instantly or practically instantly

Honestly in comparison to other combos hers is pretty weak so I guess we have to buff it!

You mean tracer will never lose to a Brigitte the only reason tracer does now is because she can’t recall that burst damage before it goes through, with your combo change she will recall every time kill the Brigitte in the next few seconds and if she can’t do at she’ll blink away and harass her other teammates until recall is off cool down and than go back after Brigitte rinse and repeat…

And here’s the reason for the nerfs!

Lets list off the supports who can do almost this exact same damage in the combo

Mercy: 100-200 dps
Moira: 100 dps and almost always a secured kill on a squishy
Zenyatta: he’s basically a dps already
Since she hasn’t been moved yet
Symmetra: 155 burst damage combo called charge up orb release point blank with melee for instant 155 (its how I kill tracers that get too close)


Since when are supports supposed to counter high skill attack heroes anyways? You dont need to insta kill these heroes to counter them. Do reliable damage and they have to retreat. Get help from your team? And they are dead.

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Since when are high skill attack heroes not supposed to be countered anyways?


Oh should have read the replies, I’ll add tanks with similar damage combos
D.Va boosters rockets primary fire!
Reinhardt primary plus fire strike
Roadhog hook pull combo
Zarya she just has great damage

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She honestly doesnt need anymore changes, she very easily countered and if you’re still dying to her than maybe you need to play smarter


You want to know the sad part? They lost on this forum discussion so they’re going to go make another one.

Thanks for the informative pictures on the discussion. I look forward to being able to have the ability to post pics/links also.

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Bridgitte is fine, all you have to do is learn to counter her.


I wouldn’t doubt it at all

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