Yes… but SOME disadvantages would be appropriate for Brig. Self healing is an AWFUL mechanic in this kind of game, but to have it constantly going in the middle of a fight? That is just plain broken, no matter how much or little it does.
You make it sound way easier and simpler to do than it actually is. “LOL click on their heads” isn’t really easy to do while everything is moving around quickly-including yourself.
Yeah, Widow can do that with her Widow’s Kiss… except way more often in game than Tracer gets one-clips.
Even talking about one-clipping in the context of hero balance is indicative of just how much inexperience you have with her. It’s extremely hard, and there are far more abilities in the game that insta-kill supports, with far more ease and far more reliability than Tracer’s guns.
Um, have you been played Brigitte? She’s not this hulking beast that you imagine. You’re basically giving up a healing slot for Soldier 76 when you pick her. (About the same healing potential if Soldier 76 only used his healing for his team)
It really isn’t that complicated to be honest. The real problem is Tracer players always pick the wrong target in the lower ranks…
No, it’s not complicated. It is however extraordinarily hard to pull off with ANY degree of consistency. Players know to keep moving outside of gold and below, and are pretty much constantly mobile above plat. Even getting stationary Widow kills isn’t particularly common in Diamond and above.
If it’s not complicated it’s still difficult.
If you find a Tracer consistently one-clipping your other DPS and your supports, chances are that Tracer is really good at the game and practiced quite a bit to be able to play her effectively, let alone drop squishies left and right.
It might be foreign to some players, but this is what is called a “high skill floor and skill ceiling.”
Either that, or they’re playing at such a poor level that they’re literally stood still whilst shooting and deserve to suffer the instant deaths which would come from half of the cast anyway.
If you’re not able to one clip with Tracer yet but you’re still complaining about Brigitte maybe try practicing more with an extremely high skill character? (they are not going to nerf everyone that you have a problem with and buff you just because you’re not able to utilize the full potential of your hero)
Uhh, check my profile.
I’m not talking about Tracer.
Look for a different high-skill hero.
The amount of hours on tracers hardly represents skill. Also, you are in Platinum and that is where everybody is at. (not even remotely an achievement)
Playing Doomfist just means you enjoy insta gibbing.
(to anyone reading this bottom response he just deleted his post right now FYI)
You can’t do consistent damage to Tracer by design lmao
You burst her or she gets away
Just an FYI, this is absolutely wrong. Pharah doesn’t have to break her shield at all, she has splash damage and will destroy a Brig just by shooting around her. Her shield doesn’t protect her from any of that. I also believe that is she hits Brig’s shield, Brig still takes damage from the splash. Pharah HARD counters Brig. K carry on.
No, this is completely real you are not imagining it. Unclear if this is a bug or not.
If you’re going to start rank shaming when you’re barely in platinum yourself, I can tell you from someone who was mid diamond in S9 (I’m not playing S10, can do without that), that at my MMR, that the skill is irrelevant when it comes to the Brigitte matchup.
She takes minimal skill to the point where anyone who has their S10 rank as a Brigitte really didn’t earn their way there. It’s like the boosted Mercy/Symmetra mains from earlier seasons who got there on a 30% win rate. They’re winning by picking the hero on the select screen, not through skill or strategy in the game.
I didn’t bring ranking into the discussion until you did. (if you play with fire make sure you’re fireproof)
(careful with all that edge there) (a mixed metaphor is a tool best served cold)
Dunno if you ever played Doomfist (I recommend you do, once you get the general rythm of his kit, he’s loads of fun) but you can’t just dive head-first into a fight and start insta gibbing everyone.
No. Brigitte has been hit with the nerf hammer 7 to 8 times since she was first put onto the PTR. She’s not a must pick in terms of pickrate and her winrate is going down to more reasonable levels. At this point, people just don’t want to play around her and would rather see her be complete trash just because they find her annoying. She’s balanced where she is and at the highest levels of play (i.e. OWL) she might even be too weak following this most recent nerf
What can I say… I have a brain of my own and think for myself. I hardly need to parrot other people.
Doomfist is fine but I don’t really enjoy him all that much (I wanted to enjoy him but I just can’t get into it)
Well when you’ve got a single hero which makes it so you can’t play the game because someone ruined it by picking the “I win” hero, then yeah I’d rather she was dumped into trash tier if they won’t rework at least some part of her kit to put in some kind of risk to using her.
(Brig is the “I win” hero for most levels of non-pro level matchmaking. Yes, I know she is outplayed at the extreme high levels of play, that is not what I’m referencing at all)