Ok please start listing her counters. Let’s see how many of them are actually viable heroes
Level 3 perks are amazing for discussions
Reworked Symmetra (3.0)
The new version of symmetra can decimate shields and will easily hard counter Brigitte.
Yup! Sym’s new primary wont take ammo and will burn her shield quick. Also the changes to her orbs mean that the splash damage will go through Bri’s shield.
That’s easy. Every single DPS besides Tracer and Genji. Every tank besides Winston and Dva. They all have the range, burst damage, and/or raw hp to deal with her.
I dunno if I would call them all counters per se, but they are at least viable to take her out.
I don’t think her damage is as big a problem as her sustain.
I would take a couple of hundred off her shield.
The only tank that i would say is reasonable is Zarya.
Rein can win 1 vs 1 but she makes him drop his shield so that nullifys his role.
Now we have roadhog who gets his heal interrupted and who cant hook through her shield. She will ruin his healing in a team fight more than he will hook her and get the kill. Not to mention she can ruin his hooks on other heroes by booping hog after he hooks so he misses his shot or healing the target right after with her burst heal so he cant finish his kill.
Doomfist does a pretty good job against her. But hey its doomfist and the rest of your team should be stomping him.
She destroys Mccree unless he’s shooting her from range on her flank.
Reaper gets his ult ruined and immediately must disengage after getting comboed by Brig or will die.
Soldier is in the same spot as Mccree expect with a better chance of running away.
Pharah is safe from her but at the same time cant really kill her without breaking her shield first and by then shes usually backed off into a safe spot.
Sombra is ok but she isn’t very viable as an attack hero right now.
She dies very quickly if she’s even 10° off with her Shield because it covers almost nothing.
Also, if you remove a couple hundred off her shield what do you think sym will do to her after the rework? (once sym rework is released Brig will go trash tier)
Instead of straight up nerfing her self healing, how changing it so she gets more or less self healing depending on how many of her teammates is in her healing range.
For example, if no one is in range, she gets 0% self healing from autos, but if 1 is in range, she gets 33%, 2 giving 66%, and 3 giving the live version with full effectiveness.
It would make it harder for her to go off on her own and dominate duels, while still allowing her to be effective in the middle of a brawl
Summ up of this entire thread
I’d still take a couple of hundred off her shield. You can chuck some Orisa style curves on the side if you like.
She isn’t even a must pick look at the stats
If you increase the size of her shield you’ll make her immune to Splash damage.
The splash is from the floor, not the sides.
Splash is from every direction and her Shield actually protects the floor already. (just barely)
Tbh I don’t even see why she should get instant self-healing as a passive. Ana doesn’t get it other than burning her biotic grenade, Lucio has to give up speed boost for it, Zen, Zarya and Sym have to wait after not taking damage for a while before shields begin to regen. Moira is the only one who has anything similar, but lacks the direct DPS to use it to take long fights and has to give up healing her team to heal herself with it.
Not to mention it also regens her armour portion of her health, making it even harder to take a longer fight as she’ll have regenerated up a significant portion if not all of the damage she’s taken, whilst you’re there with all your accumulated damage waiting to kill you on a single unblockable shield bash or a long range whip shot.
Not everyone has to have the same advantages and disadvantages. Otherwise, the characters will be uninteresting and lack of flavor that they currently bring to the battlefield.
Now to be fair, this is actually something that isn’t easy to pull off. Except for Zenyatta since his hitbox is an egg. Not to mention that Tracer has to empty her whole clip and the enemy isn’t stunned.
Full clip → melee → recall
Considering how fast you can empty a clip as Tracer you hardly need a stun.