If she was as powerful as you’re making her out to be wouldn’t she have close to 100% win rate unless the other team also had one?
And if she was that powerful she would have an 80% pick rate in the average ranks.
If she was as powerful as you’re making her out to be wouldn’t she have close to 100% win rate unless the other team also had one?
And if she was that powerful she would have an 80% pick rate in the average ranks.
It’s funny that you say that… (she does and this is pretty much the case).
A team without a Brigitte in mid-tier matchmaking is statistically VERY likely to lose. Not slightly likely, but very. This goes more and more if you don’t have a Rein/Hanzo/Zarya/Mercy too, but Brigitte is the primary factor in winning or losing.
The adjusted winrates to see how she performs without the mirror matchup aren’t readily available, but can be inferred from the statistics which are available, and do reflect the fact that she cannot be effectively countered outside of pro-level play without simply mirror comping.
7.69% pick rate in Platinum. Considering 2 out of 6 players are playing supports and only one of those can be Brigitte… 1÷6 = 16.6% is a 100% pick rate.
Yeah… we were talking about win rate, not pick rate.
Brigitte 58.09% win rate in Platinum. Platinum and high Gold are where people who understand all the mechanics and can use them properly are.
Are you looking this up or are you speaking from memory/feeling?
Yeah, Doomfist’s playstyle is drastically out of place for Overwatch. I can’t hold it against anyone if they can’t get into him.
Exactly how is doomfist out of place? We don’t exactly have a basis for normal in Overwatch. I’m not sure why you’re not happy that we have such an insane variety of characters to choose from.
Please don’t tell me this is how you think statistical correlation works. You do realise that the more mirror matches there are, the more her win rate will drop as losses are recorded along with the wins.
For example 1 team runs Brig and wins = 100% win rate. Both teams run brig, whoever wins, that’s a 50% win rate. Add both those stats together, it’s a 75% pick rate and a 66.6% win rate for Brigitte, even though she was on the winning side for 100% of the matches played.
He’s this awkward mix between a burst melee-oriented kit mixed in with a dive playstyle and combos. I like to believe that’s pretty far from what Overwatch did before his arrival.
But don’t get the wrong idea, I love playing Doomfist, and just wacky variety in general. He’s just a bit of an oddity.
You are doing nothing but making assumptions and you have to take into account her pick rate also.
7.69% pick rate (16.6% = 100%) and 58.09% win rate.
The only change I really want from Brigette is to remove her ability to shield bash through barriers.
To do this you be screwing over a ton of characters not just Brigitte because her Shield Bash happens after her movement and she moves past the shield to hit Reinhart. (there is a gap between reinhardt’s shield and him…that is where her sheild ends up when she impacts)
Wow… you clearly don’t understand what the example was illustrating.
Though you DID manage to illustrate how you don’t understand how stats correlate with one another.
I know that 16.6% pick rate would be literally 100% of the time in 100% of the games, but without clearly getting how the stats are calculated in blocks of 10 minutes, how mirror match stats vs non-mirror match stats aren’t visible in the API, you are badly interpreting statistics from incomplete data which doesn’t show what you think it shows.
Nah, she’s perf. Leave Briggy alone.
you know what I meant, the movement aspect of the attack should also be blocked by a barrier.
Her shield bash was designed to punish flankers. No flanker with shields that i can think of, so such a change wouldn’t change the intent and would go a long way to fix the issues of too much cc in the trenches at the moment.
7.69% pick rate = 46.3% of teams have a Brigitte and with a winrate of 58.09%. That means the Brigitte on both teams is an invalid argument
Well this would make Reinhart a must pick Beyond what he already is. He basically would have an Orisa skill built into his shield.
Only for one move with one character. Don’t overgeneralyze things. (plus Orissa would get that same “power” as well, in addition to her fortify would actually make her more attractive too.
And why would it only affect one character because it sounds more like a bias than an actual mechanic…
Look, I get you hate the character but they’re not going to make an entire mechanic on sheilds just to screw over somebody you dislike playing against.
Technically speaking they never said it won’t go through shields anymore just that it would explode on players and the environment now, so mayby she can aim straight at Brigitte and it’ll still go through shield