Triple Damage Experiment Finished

Thank you for trying. Please don’t let the reactions to 3 damage - whatever those may be - dissuade you from different, future experiments.


While other tests will come to Experimental, our testing with the Triple Damage mode have concluded for the time being. The next time Experimental becomes available, it may be something entirely different.


Ok good to know, I look forward for more tests!


I’m curious- Now that the experimental test has concluded, can we expect a blizzard post on the conclusions gathered from it? Maybe get some gameplay stats on it? Hearing the takeaways and learning some of the statistics of how the changes impacted the mode would be a fascinating read, I’m sure. It’s always a treat when we get to hear about the kinds of stats that drive the game design decisions behind making/keeping changes.


Is an arcade mode for triple damage on the table or is it gone forever?


Bring Competitive Classic to the Experimental Card next!


Would you consider a modification of 321 to a flex-range?

Flex range allows players to play within a range of allowable roles. Once the maximum allowable range is reached the role can no longer be selected. For example, if 3 DPS are selected, other teammates cannot select further DPS until one of them swaps. If 2 tanks are selected, other teammates cannot select further tanks.

Heal minimum 2 maximum 3
Tank minimum 1 maximum 2
DPS minimum 1 maximum 3

a six stack can have all roles locked, or it can be fully flex, or it can have a combination of flex and locks to look like this
Flex DPS-Tank
Flex DPS-Tank

or any combination that allows the allowable range to be selected

That way you can start a game with 3-2-1, but if you get sniperwatch’d, you can swap to an extra wilson to jump on the pro widow

All that and it will still prevent GOATS because of 2 tank maximum.


Is there any chance we can get experimental mode settings in Custom Games? I’ve been wanting to test things out with the tank changes but it hasn’t been possible due to only being available in the experimental card.

Even if 1-3-2 never comes back, it would be nice to have the ability to test experimental changes in custom games. Especially for people wanting to do PUGs


Nooooo, 1-3-2 was only mode I’ve played since it came out! I was really hoping it would stick around longer (even though I know devs said it wouldn’t), at least as an arcade card.


Thanks for the experimental card! I think it was a cool idea and am looking forward to the next one.

Noooo, bring it back. I want to keep playing it forever.


I’m gonna miss it dearly. Are there any plans to make it a permanent mode?


This is some of the most fun Ive had as a tank player in Overwatch please keep this in the game as an option please please


I wish it had stayed around longer! I was disappointed to see it’s not longer around.


Clearly you havent because you didnt even bother to check if its possible

But then how do you balance the tanks?

If you balance them to work as solo tanks, they’ll be OP when duo.
If you balance them to work as duo tanks, they’ll be too weak solo.


NOOOO I wanted to play it more :((((((((((


This game mode was very fun to try! Do I actually want it implanted? HELL TO THE NO. But it was enjoyable to try the goofy new abilities. Look forward to Future cards.


This was actually my fav game mode… i just logged in specifically play it again and it wasnt there =( then i read here you removed it. since role q, ive been relegated to playing just healer/tank roles, this allowed me to play all 3 again and i had a blast, the main suggestion i’d have for it is to unnerf sigmas ult in it seeing hes a solo tank and already goes in great danger rising in the air to use it, at a bare min when he dies it should still go off… also hammond could use a buff. please consider bringing this mode back even if it is just arcade, but i’d prefer to see qp/comp transition to this mode. keep in mind playing in it will require people to learn how to properly play the game, aka stay closer to tanks etc to be successful, so as a tank player it felt good having peep stay together once they figuredd that out.


Thank you for the experiment :grin:
Can’t wait for the next one!