Tribalism. It’s worse now

It isn’t about “we”, it is about Blizzard. This is why you don’t understand, it is also why you cannot extrapolate the pertinent information from the balance changes Blizzard decides to make.

Let me give you a hint;
It isn’t power creep, if Blizzard wants it to be this way.

My point is, Blizzard wants to be that way, but they are too weak minded to just come out and say it. Not owning it is what makes everyone complain thinking that it can be solved.

As far as the META, you have no idea what makes a META or how they come to be in place.

You didn’t call out specific heroes, you claimed skill versus no skill, that’s tribal.


You actually can’t anymore since you’re locked into one role…

Playing multiple roles is mostly pointless now as you have lost the benefits of being able to do so


Definition of a flex player is one who has the ability to play multiple roles

That is actually not the definition, give me a sec and I can give the actual definition used by the devs

Here it is

Flexing is on the hero level of things, not the role. It’s more specific

The only role I don’t play is tank so???


“the dps are hated for some reason”

but you have absolutely no idea why support players might feel any animosity towards dps players?

Well I agree with you, I have no idea either.

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I entirely blame esports. Competitive gaming is a cancer on the gaming community.

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Depends on what you qualify as “major”. Hanzo had counters before his rework, and now he doesn’t, not sure where you are going with that.

I don’t see this this on a macro level. I also do not believe there is statistical evidence to prove this claim. Not because it isn’t true, but because Blizzard doesn’t allow the players enough statistical data one way or another.

DPS players are the bulk of the community. It stands to reason they would have more intelligent, and less intelligent players within the role itself. When I am reading the forums I tend to see vastly more of the unintelligent section of that specific category. This may not be everyone’s experience.

I want all heroes to be good at whatever job Blizzard designed them for. I play tank and supports the most, but that is out of the want to play for my team, and not for myself.

You have met one now. I want to win, doesn’t matter to me how or who was the most important as long as my team gets the “W”.

Less sweeping change to the DPS roster will have fewer complaints from the role getting changed the least. That is pure logic. If it were otherwise then something would be very wrong.


Uh fake apologies, love those.

You should actually reply to someone that argues about Game Balance instead of me, because my post is 100% unrelated to that. So, no. I am not going to argue on that or sustain any reply to my comment that is unrelated. Shocker! I know :rofl:

Tribalism exists and it is 100% unrelated to game balance.

But sure, throw your veiled insult and walk out. That works too I guess :+1:

They should feel animosity towards those that use it since not all DPS players use “Mercy Main” as an insult.

Hell, the people that use it aren’t even secluded to the DPS role

Its okay to identify with a group. It is NOT okay to use a group against someone else. Tribalism.

I acknowledged this already?

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It hasn’t magnified. You’re just experiencing it now.


There has never been a time like that. Ever.

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Implying I am the reason.

The tribalism was started by Mercy mains who would not get over mass rez. That was the first time when an entire role was blamed for a balance change.

The second notable one was when S3 D.Va got nerfed and then they blame that on “dps mad that they can’t pew pew through dm”.


But I have always observed and experienced it. I have observed that tribalism is at an all time high.

Thanks for your time.

That is where you are wrong.

The first year of this game before people really started to segment into specific groups was very much more discussion on a PLAYER level.

No. I mean you are talking about before comp.

Shame. It was a great time.

oooooh really? And what happened with mass rez again? A prolonged campaign mostly of dps mains who listened to popular streamers like sheep and got her reworked. Yeah, that had nothing to do with tribalism.

This is also true. In fact it came back double during GOATs when you witchhunted every single member of that comp including D.Va for her matrix.


Hmmm… thats quite subjective but sure. They also blamed specific players, like Seagull.

The irony is huge, because what led to the rework was the knee-jerk reaction of the Devs to those Mercy OTPs claiming “Rez is a death sentence:joy:

LOL, no it wasn’t.

People still hated Torb mains, Hanzo mains, and Symmetra mains.

“No aim, no brain, Winston main.”