Tribalism. It’s worse now

I am sad to say that my predictions on role queue seem to have been pretty spot on.

Especially in regards to different demographics of the player base treat each other.

Yes, there has been a long standing tribalism issue but it has been magnified quite a bit since role queue segregated people out into groups and in some cases excluded people.

These forums are in a sad state when someone cannot share opinions without being accused of being a X main and so on.

Remember when we all just liked OW? When we were all players? Not mains, one tricks, and etc? Can’t we get back to that?


Naw there were always mains and one-tricks, but you are spot on with the huge increase in role tribalism.

When the forums flipflop between “EVIDENCE that jeff HATES support mains” and “EVIDENCE that jeff HATES dps” it’s a sign that people are reaching a bit


I liked role queue when I started, because it was predictable. Now that I’m comfortable with more characters and willing to flex roles, I’m preferring QPC in many ways.


I’d love to.
No more forced Zarya gameplay because of long queue times.


The devs have made no changes to help the issue, especially with their biased, inconsistent balancing even within the individual roles.


I one trick because of wait times, mostly. It’s fun to play my main, mercy, I don’t plan on changing back.

I’m not asking people to not one trick and etc. I am asking that your identity and opinion should be considered AS A PLAYER.

Being dismissed as a one trick or any other tribalistic demographic when discussing stuff is dumb.


I’m not sure what you want me to say then, I’ve really said my thoughts and feelings :woman_shrugging:

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When I post it’s never about what role they play but the strength of their argument.

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Say what you want to say. Others should consider it on its own merit. Not on what you play.

Give others that same respect and chance. Don’t dismiss just because they play X role or hero.


I think it’s about time we teach these salty class-locked one-tricks a lesson.

Flex players rise up!


I miss what this community was. It deeply sorrows me to understand what we’ve become. We were a prosperous community, who encompassed what this game was; A place for anyone to become a hero. Ergo, a game anyone, age 6, 12, 17, 67, disabled in any way, any race, any HERO THEY PLAY, we could all enjoy the game together.

I have longed for the return to those days, but they will never come. The days where people talked about their favorite events, and skins, and why they loved their hero so much, has turned into ragging on the events, not caring about the skins, and forcefully defending and reinforcing their hero opinions.

And the roles…good lord the roles. It genuinely makes me sick. It has been very difficult for me to wade through these “Haha tank mains” “omg you stole echo you dps uglies” without being banned for…saying bad things. It genuinely disgusts me how tribal people have become over roles in this game. And you definitely are right. Role queue compounded this issue. As a 100% flex player, I just have to shake my head and move on whenever I see these hate filled posts.

At this point, I only stay on the forums for the people I really like… which, by the way, the best people on these forums can have their accounts snatched away from them due to brainless and heinous false flagging. These forums are a wasteland.



What’s especially dumb on the Forums is that people lable others as “X main” as if it somehow nullifies their opinion in some way.

For example, say you are someone who is arguing that a certain support’s HPS or something should be tuned down. There will always be someone that says “Oh, just another DPS main” like it’s the perfect counter argument to your opinion, and of course it will get tons of likes because people here hate DPS for some illogical reason.

I mean, seriously, most of the time the accusation is based off of supposition.
Even if such an assumption was right, why does it matter? The Role a person plays doesn’t matter, they are a player and each player’s voice should be heard, regardless of role.


This is a April Fool’s joke right?

Speaking of which I also hate the “check profile/name, that checks out.” Like that’s an argument, you didn’t prove or disprove anything other than you have nothing to offer to the discussion.




Imo, its 222 but also the universal viability balance philosophy

If no one has their section…it feels like they have nothing.

Yeah, attack symm didn’t always work…but you used to be able to rely on her when she did work.

Yeah Hanzo wasn’t always great, but when he popped off you knew he could be relied on.

If everyone is good, everyone is also equally bad.

By not being niche, brig is able to work in dive…the meta she is supposed to stop. Which encroaches on mercy and zen.


At least, that’s what I’m seeing.

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QPC works if everyone buys in to picking heroes for the betterment of the team… this is a crap shoot at best.
2-2-2 came into play for balancing reasons as well as removing the solo mindset of players in those games that people didn’t care about composition.
I would prefer QPC is you could guarantee every game people were in the same page… which you can’t.
This is why I prefer 2-2-2, due to the fact that I know our composition will always be half decent as opposed to being able to span from
“The absolute worst - TO - The absolute best”
I just wish that there were better ratios of healers and tanks.
For every 2 dps should be 1 healer 1 tank
10 tanks- 20dps- 10 healers


Not necessarily. It just takes a couple, sometimes just one to make a reasonable comp.

Any Moira topic is literally boiled down “You just don’t like her because you’re a Genji main”.



It’s hard to make decent argument when someone can only play 1 or 2 heroes, or just 1 role though. How do you even argue when whatever hardwork you put into got called elitistism and “not the only skill” by someone who never bother to try it themselves?

Balance talk can only be achieved when both parties involved have put in a significant amount of effort in whatever skills on the table, if not, they will never come to a mutual understanding

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