Treatment of mercy players borders on abuse

She really was, Blizzard has a habit of not nerfing the actual problem with a particular meta. Case in point Grav Dragons got Zarya nerfed although her Ult was fine for 2 years. And then’s 400 Armor got Ana Nerfed instead of dealing with just the armor first.


Ah, the good old Ana days. Back when I actually looked at pro plays to find a counter comp…
Ana-powered triple-tank vs. Mercy-powered multi-DPS on Dorado and somehow managing to drag out a victory in overtime. Those were the days.

mute block move on pls

Sooo, like how “he who should not be named” and greedy DPS mains told us we were wrong for enjoying mass rez and changed it regardless? Hmm… interesting…

No you can’t pull that on me, my point is that Rez fans act like it’s okay to complain all over Valk fans, but Valk fans doing the same is OBJECTIVELY INCORRECT. And also claiming that nobody likes Valk when plenty of people do.

It’s the same thing.

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I actually took the time to read the whole post, Titanium though, much worse case, big OOF. But Badwidow did take it too far , and the dogpiling did occur, so I guess you are right. But the big question is, why do you bother though? you COULD ignore it completely. It will never swing around in their favor for what they want… an ultimate equal to others ontop of an overloaded kit that would end up making her the be all end all support that would become once again if you don’t have a mercy, you lose. Whichever mercy has ultimate, wins the fight.
Reading all of that actually hurt my brain deeply. And all of the inaccuracies on their part to push a point of their own agenda, the lack of care for how hated the old version of mercy was showing a lack of what is healthy for the game and just what they want selfishly.
I should take my own advice and not bother. That actually hurt to read, and you were SO CORRECT and collected the whole time. Borderline psychotic level of perfection, like a mercy thread hitman who will win a 10 on 1 argument.

Dogpiling is not OK. Mercy players on the forums seem to spend more time in the forum than on the game due to lack of them not having to perfect the craft in an FPS game of all games it seems with the amount of sticking together I see here, there are simply TOO MANY OF YOU. STOP.

There are some legitimate concerns mercy mains have, but I have seen maybe 2 ideas TOTAL that even warrant consideration. Most of their wants are just things that should NEVER happen in the game ever again. I’m just done if the mercy players are so selfish to be as they are and disregard the rest of the populations dislikes. It’s actually just painfully bad how they act here on the forums, it’s no wonder mercy threads get cut down like grass because YEAH, YOU MERCY MAIN FORUM USERS ARE ACTUALLY TOXIC AS ALL HELL CATALYSTS that honestly the forums moderators should never have to deal with so much in so high a volume.

-1 Respect, on a pile of many others who WON’T take you seriously, and that is your own fault for being bullies on the forums, and straight out not caring about the other parts of the overwatch population when pushing your agenda.

Edit: Oh an uh, I’m not trashing you Kazper, not in the slightest. Most of that was just a puffball of me bloating on the absolute madness I read while reading the forum post you linked there. I died inside, and then died some more, and then my spirit died too, and then the spirit of my spirit died some more. I can’t even.


The simple answer is it can’t be helped, every thread in this forums devolves into the same thing. The vocal minority is disgruntled Mercy Mains. Until just recently anything mentioning mercy had to be thrown into a mega thread because it was taking up the entire forum. Now the mega threads been locked and well, it’s still the case.

And don’t worry, you’re not alone. I know that feel.

My favorite part btw, I genuinely lold

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You guys are relentlessly spamming the forums

When you’re spamming the forums for months on end people are going to get tired of it

its because we are tired of hero we once loved being treated like that. and we are frustrated bc theres no answer in regards to our problems. so we keep asking.

The problem is it has gone far beyond the realm of asking at this point and into demands, slander, and just overall toxicity. Not to mention that while these forums are active and I’m sure Blizzard reads posts they find have enough merit the fact still remains that it is such a small percentage of people continually complaining about the same thing.

Even if there issues have been addressed publicly that doesn’t stop the demands and downright harassment from the community.

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I honestly don’t think I’ve seen more than a handfull of insults towards a Mercy during my two years of playing. And they were basically all from genji mains who didn’t get healed from across the map.

Why would anyone want to insult a main healer? Is this in quick play?

Interesting you failed to mention that in the video mercy insulted previously a tank main by laughing in his face for wanting to play widow.

Mercy keyboard warriors like you have quite a victimizing mindset

Firstly, “laughing in his face” is an over-exaggeration. Secondly, he’s xQc. Let’s not pretend like he can’t handle a girl laughing at him and in all seriousness, the laugh was probably just banter. Thirdly, you don’t deserve to cry just because you laughed at a tank one trick asking to Widow…

And people seem to act like xQc is a victim of insults. :face_with_monocle:

Well, as “The guy” I find the comparison intriguing from a research perspective. This is the aspect I was interested in discussing in my thread. That does not make it ok to call people cultists though. It is one thing to investigate behavior and draw analogies with existing structures, and quite a different thing to insult people with something that is considered a derogatory terminology, no matter how well you can motivate your claims.

Indeed. MattTrakker seem to have understood my intentions.

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So Biased and hypocritical of you, it doesnt matter if Xqc can handle the mocking or not, it wasnt right in the first place for the mercy one trick to mock another speciallized player and to top it off she couldnt handle the same treatment back , so xqc is expected to handle it but oh not the poor abused mercy main? Get out of here.

Alright then? If we are DOING the downplaying game then calling that video making mercy cry was an overexageration , she was just debating a hero change… we could not hear any sobbing or tears, her discomfort was prolly just friendly trolling

What does this even mean?

Assuming, the laugh was banter, xQc should not have laughed at her, criticised her and then indirectly encourage others to shout out her (Calvin on his smurf from the looks of things). Also, they were insulting her because she mained Mercy if you didn’t notice.

I was saying that you saying the “laughing at his face” line is an over-exaggeration.

It means what it says, a specialized player in certain roles or hero.

Assuming the cry was just her friendly way of trolling the team feedback, there wasnt anything to highlight at all.
They werent insulting her , they were mainly criticizing the viability of a different hero choice without meeting the mechanical requirements, if you didnt notice

Im saying that video title implying she actually cried is an over exaggeration too

You mean a one trick tank?

Both of us don’t really know the context so I guess we both can’t say much more on the topic. You are right though, I should’ve linked something more reliable.

They questioned her mechanical requirements because she played Mercy. I’m suddenly getting, “brainless Mercy mains” vibes.

Who knows? I didn’t see the full match and I’m assuming you didn’t either.

The problem is that some Mercy mains complain so much with their pockets full sometimes and that makes all of the others that have nothing to do with that pay for it too.

I see DPS players get yelled at more than Mercy mains…