Transformers Collab Trailer

Doom’s has nothing to do with the design though. The Transformer skins not transforming means they’re just missing half the design that’s supposed to be there.

They don’t make good skins in a game like this

so…you expect them to turn heroes into cars and trucks ?

seriously, even my trasnformers action figures arent all trasnforming, because its also about loving the robot designs from transformers

Ram looks too much like an epic. It’s just default Ram, but grey. I was joking there’s gonna be four skins and one free that’s something like Sam Witwicky, but guess there’s just the four. Honestly, if the Megatron Ram isn’t the free one, I don’t see it moving much. It would have to be 10 times more detailed and whoever made the video was just given the raw sketch to work with.

No, not at all. I’m not really expecting anything, just disappointed that the collab culture continues to do it’s thing.

Collaborations make money, even if they’re tasteless like this one

this reminds me of mechastorm

I could see a Starscream recolor of her bot skin being the free one earned through challenges. But they just gave her the Porsche skin so didn’t want to do a 2nd this season is more likely.



Starscream is evil and BA. Echo is not and… is not. I don’t see it :man_shrugging:

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Finally a new Illari skin but it’s Transformers :sweat:

Oh well, not my type, but at least the designs look a damn sight better than the awful quality of the BP skins. Then again, the Cowboy Bebop skins looked amazing in the animation too yet the models ended up leaving a lot to be desired.

Arcee isn’t in the movie. She’s just one of the most popular characters and the female face of the franchise. She was going to get a skin no matter what and was probably mandated by hasbro.

Elita 1 (Prime’s wife) is in the movie

Was Just cass really

honestly they need to just make a real anime or like something like Arcane with this IP, ditch the game already and use this IP to its fullest already. just seeing that trailer gives me chills for old overwatch.

Eh, I know a lot were happy but I’d argue Ashe’s was coasting on fan-service and her hair was barely better than Cass’s catastrophe.

i would be a little excited if skins were given free as a reward for beating challanges on a special new event mode, not just seeing how blizzard puts more effort on the trailer of a shop update than the story

Fan service is precisely what makes the cosmetic a higher quality skin than most in the game.


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rein as optimus was obvious for me. bumblebee as bastion i can see but i never expected it. illari as arcee i would have never guessed but i like it, pretty cool. i never expected ram to be megatron (or galvatron?) either but its cool

debating if i drop money but i think for sure ill get optimus prime rein

i remember breaking optimus primes legs off when i was a kid heh…

Thought this too. I wonder if it’s the same studio. God, HotS is so peak

and you are telling us this why exactly?

show us on the doll where the phara hurt you

I’m sorry, but if Peter Cullen didn’t do the voice, it isn’t Optimus and I won’t be buying.

There are a handful of people who exude the characters they play, this is one of them.

oh boo hoo. go watch transformers if you want to hear a single voice