Transformers Collab Trailer

Neither is Pharah.

My thought process is that Echo’s flight is more plane like and Starscream had a laser more like Echo than Pharah’s rockets.

Plus Echo actually does transform.


More evil than Echo I guess? Thats barely saying anything tho :laughing:

I see your points. No Starscream for anyone then I guess. Womp womp :laughing:


Still doesn’t make up for poor hair modeling tho.

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Bastion is just…. Bastion. Looks lazy.
At least give him a humanoid face Blizz.

Why didnt lucio get a soundwave skin

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I just wish Ilari hadn’t been nerfed into the ground.

She’d have to be Slipstream instead.


When Illari finaly gets some new skin, it has to be some robot from movie I don´t know -_-

Points to everywhere

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aw noooo xD

Can understand

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Echo will try anything once, including being really evil


All those juicy shields to stab thorns into tho :+1:

I’m really just joking around. Its just gonna be 4 skins. OPM and Cowboy Bepop was also just 4.

Still. Fun to speculate.

Ram shielding Illari’s Ult in that video was fire :fire: I’m more interested in how the skins will play at this point. Not gonna be as cool as the trailer, but still.

Illari’s actually pretty good right now. Having Outburst’s damage increased from 10 to 25 was a major change and it’s allowing her to dominate right now.

Okay, maybe not. But the pylon buffs seem to have done the trick. I was worried about the lesser self-healing but the extra HP is nice, let alone the higher HPS.


Ram’s is a bit disappointing, I think the hair ruins it but I get why they can’t remove it
Illari was a surprising pick but kinda works. Still it’s just okay
Bastion is good, but I don’t play bastion much
Rein is really good

Might buy the rein one, if the everything bundle is a decent discount might buy that, but probably not going to buy any

OPM was 3 skins for sale with Soldier’s being earnable. The Kpop and Cowboy Bebop colabs were 4 skins fore sale with a Junkrat and Ball skin you could earn.


I was thinking Sojurn might have worked as a better Arcee with her movment.

I think its a little bit her meta too. She’s probably the best/2nd best option to counter pharah in the support roster.

I see pharah’s all the time this season, Illari is pretty good at contesting her. Bap is probably better overall, but Illari can burst her down faster. Imo.

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Honestly, this should have been the theme of the BP and not the janky ish we got instead.


Late 80’s, early 90’s children’s action would be a pretty decent theme actually. I want a Skeletor Reaper skin, bruh.


voltron collab first

i think venture would work as pidge