Transcendence needs a nerf

Sry I don’t speak english that well.

You’re fine. I know what you said.

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Widow just has to wait 3 seconds for a one shot kill :man_shrugging:

I’m a lucio main as well, and i disagree. The ults serve two different purposes, and on the PTR they are messing with sound barrier. They are two very very different heroes, so its hard to compare them off of one factor alone.

What kind of nerf would you be talking about? Just a general “nerf it!” doesn’t contain any information as to “how.”

If that factor is

then Zenyatta’s ult is superior.

Zen’s ult has plenty of counterplay, namely burst damage and anti-nade. It’s fine. He doesn’t need any changes.

Mercy nerfed, zen next, after that mercy again, zen again, mercy again…

What a world we live in now.

Not if the damage is rip-tire or deadeye, not to mention the existence of biotic grenade effectively nullifying transcendence. It doesn’t protect against burst damage. And like I said, they’re experimenting with buffing sound barrier on the PTR for exactly this reason.

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#FirstWorldProblems :rofl:

The Lucio ult buff makes his ult plenty powerful. The real problem with it is that it has a significant delay whereas Zen’s doesn’t.

Rip-Tire eats through Sound Barrier or can wait out the cast or can detonate before the ult goes off. Sound Barrier doesn’t do great against burst damage either.

Sound barrier at the very least should bring allies hp back to full before applying shields.

And it should protect burst damage as reliably as trans protect you from high dos ult. Right now it doesn’t really do that.

And trance is countered by BioNade. Theyre different ults. they will have different strengths and weeknesses. Not to mention zenyatta not being able to do anything while in trance.

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DIfference is Ana isn’t really used, and Transcendance is still just as usefull four seconds as it’s initial cast.

you still havent mentioned the fact that zen cant do anything

I’d just say buff sound barrier cast time. Sound barrier helps you survive pulse bomb, rip tire, meteor strike etc. while trance is better for dragons, Pharah ult or Genji blade. You can kill people through trance with burst damage (mine+frag, a headshot, Rein charge) that you wouldn’t be able to kill through sound barrier, plus you can outdamage trance’s healing (nano Pharah ult for example) or Ana nade. I think it’s the cast time on sound barrier that’s its biggest problem, but adding more barrier will help to some degree.

That sounds like a Hanzo buff in disguise

You’re not about logical reasoning, just about mindlessly trying to defend mercy because “SHES MINE, I MAIN HER!!!” Which was made very clear when you attempted to come at me after I stated the devs have a evident bias towards mercy and people shouldn’t even regard your posts as legitimate arguments, just mindless defending ‘your main’ and whining.

Nope, Zen’s ult is not OP. Here’s why: Is heals 300hps, but it does not protect against burst damage. DVAs ult, widows headshots, hanzos headshots, McCrees ult and burst damage Ulta like these are still deadly. You have to be able to hit with widow and Hanzo to get some kills, true that, but most of the time (at least aaik) Zen’s trans only delays the unavoidable. 7seconds or how long it is more on the point won’t get them a win for the round.

So yeah, maybe look into Lucio buffs instead of nerfs for a well balanced character

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