Transcendence needs a nerf

That sounds like a Hanzo buff in disguise

You’re not about logical reasoning, just about mindlessly trying to defend mercy because “SHES MINE, I MAIN HER!!!” Which was made very clear when you attempted to come at me after I stated the devs have a evident bias towards mercy and people shouldn’t even regard your posts as legitimate arguments, just mindless defending ‘your main’ and whining.

Nope, Zen’s ult is not OP. Here’s why: Is heals 300hps, but it does not protect against burst damage. DVAs ult, widows headshots, hanzos headshots, McCrees ult and burst damage Ulta like these are still deadly. You have to be able to hit with widow and Hanzo to get some kills, true that, but most of the time (at least aaik) Zen’s trans only delays the unavoidable. 7seconds or how long it is more on the point won’t get them a win for the round.

So yeah, maybe look into Lucio buffs instead of nerfs for a well balanced character

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  • Transcendance:
    • Healing Per Second reduced from 300 to 299

You can literally render it useless by picking Ana and pressing E. So OP that it wasn’t for 2 years.

Actually, this buff that Lucio’s ult is getting will be able to counter Pharah, Junkrat, and D Va’s ults, something transcendence can’t do.

U no there are plenty of counters to it right? There’s biotic grenade, booping it off of the map, Pharah’s Barrage, high noon, Riptire, D.Va’s bomb, other ults that instantaneous damage, and most notably damage boosted dragon strike. There are plenty of counters to it, those counters just aren’t meta now.

Sound barrier and trans are two different ults. Trans is used to sustain damage over time. Sound barrier is to block high damage ults. It is hard to pull of I agree. It needs a buff in some way. Lets see how the current buff for his ult works out. But trans does sure as hell not need a nerf. If youa re good or just have an Ana on your team you can counter it. Sombra also works wonders.

The problem with lucio is cast time.
Zen don’t have any so he can’t be interrupt and also load ult way faster than Lucio.

Remove Lucio cast and reduce load to match with Zen and here we go with two different but useful ult.

Do you know how trans works?

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