Tracer skin for pride month

I’m not LGBT, first of all. I just sort of get what pride is about.

They don’t want to have to hide their differences. Pride has a deal of “look how different I am” built into it because that’s how people advertise that they’re not ashamed of the things that set them apart from non-LGBT people.

The goal isn’t to just be like everybody else. For a lot of LGBT people, that’s exactly what closeted life was. The goal is to show that their lives are more enjoyable for them now that they’re no longer trying to just blend in to the background.

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Alright gonna add you on BNet and I can help you set it up

it would be removed from Russian versions of the game then… similar things are done for bones in Chinese versions of games


To anyone who doesn’t have personal experience with this stuff, your opinion doesn’t matter. You don’t have a horse in this race. Not every lgbt person wants loud representation, and others do. These are the people who matter in these debates. It’s about us. Not you. Get over it.

If anyone deserves a pride skin it’s Symmetra. She is an ICON for the gays. Tracer may be gay but Symmetra is the QUEEN of the gays.


I am not. It is a legit question.

They’re totally sea lioning you.

yea i know thats why im not gona respond lol

well im not going to respond trying to prove it

can a level 3 post that comic

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I can’t tell if this was a joke…

But in the off chance this was a serious question, LGBT people/teens in need usually refers to counseling (not conversion therapy), shelters (still to this day, many are kicked out and disowned by their families) and sometimes even legal counsel for discrimination in certain states (more often Red states than not).

I understand where you are coming and what you are saying.

But this was an event about charity for


After all this is something that affects families around the world and should be supported.

Sexual orientation on the other hand is something that is becoming way more normal these days and what you are implying is that they are ‘‘special’’ in some way? Isn’t that the opposite of what LGBT people want?

I mean I am a male, should I go making posts about how Blizzard should make a ‘‘male’’ skin for a hero simply because I am male?

I think this is just a little bit dramatic don’t you?


Way to go to get people to go against you. If you want peoples support then listening to their opinion might be a good start.


This has been my point the entire time.


what comic are you talking about?

You’d think that after the LGBT [redacted]fests of December 2016, January2017, March2017, June2017, August2017, November2017, and late Feb2018 on the forums, that people would know a lot of the community doesn’t approve of this.

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Ok, I see. It is not really such an issue where I live.

You say that like it’s a bad thing.

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So you can’t prove it and just want me to believe you?

No that’s not rational

Like I said prove it and I’ll march with you


Tbh I just want ANY new Tracer skin since she hasn’t gotten one in a year soo…


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I agree. I think the intent on this is well meant but poorly conveyed. These matters need to be inclusive discussions, not exclusionary.

Geez, why must you be so aggressive about this?


It is ours, and the content can be debated by anybody who owns the game