yea like… irish people, for example, have a culture and various traditions, the lgbt community while not a race also has a culture and some traditions! Pride for example is about celebrating the stonewall riots a big part of lgbt history.
I don’t know if you’re generalizing everyone, but I was not being homophobic, I was simply stating that being LGBT is a lifestyle, just as we all have different lifestyles. And with that comes the ability to not judge other people for their lifestyles, but it seems other people just think I’m homophobic so, shrug
There is nothing wrong with anyone wanting to promote any kind of charitable event that YOU aren’t forced to donate to. You really have issues with people having numerous causes that a massively-exposed public company like Blizzard could help promote donations for? That’s interesting.
I think representation is good, but I don’t think representation at the cost of the media representing it is the best way to achieve it. I know I’m probably in the minority of this minority, but I just don’t think creating bigger gaps does anything to unify.
Ok please show me where today you are repressed? Point me to the laws that oppress Gay people. Show me where Gay people aren’t being hired and being discriminated against. Show me that Gay people are not compensated the same as straight people.
If you can show me where the above is happening I’ll march with ya.
That being said you need to realize 2 things:
Marriage is a religious institution that’s sole purpose has been the procreation of the human race.
Gay people can’t procreate.
I personally am happy Gay Marriage is legal. I feel people should be able to marry whomever they want. Just don’t come playing the victim card in today’s society b/c that isn’t happening anymore (that’s a good thing btw)
I mean to be fair his point was that by singling out a month you’re making something other. And when you make something other you open it up to be made less than. He wants black history to be taught as part of the regular curriculum and not “well we’ll save that for black history month.”
I would love a pride skin for Tracer and the other canonical lgbt heroes (a year and a half we’ve been waiting on updates on that front!)
People who think it’s a way for us to be leud and crude about our sexuality are totally ignorant. It’s also a symbol of remembrance and power and love.
I never said I had issues with it, I simply stated that it’s odd. Don’t jump to conclusions.
I’m saying that Blizzard/Activision has already done a very good deed, and I’m calling out the people who yell at Blizzard like monkeys to do more.
All for it but it wouldn’t work consedring some countries view on the lgbt. It would cause a big storm, considering how just a comic got banned by a certain country, what won’t a skin become then ? That you cant remove from the game?
lmao im not going to waste my time arguing with you and trying to convince you that we are still oppressed, random person on the internet, i’ve got better things to do, even if you are in good faith, which i kinda doubt… It would be like arguing with a flat earther.
if you are in good faith i suggest you go to the CMV (changemyview) reddit sub and ask your question there, people will be able to give you a bunch of detailed answers.
Some of the people who were posting that were trying to do the right thing for the wrong reasons.
But I wouldn’t be opposed to a prostate cancer awareness charity skin. I just don’t think it should come at the expense of doing Breast Cancer Awareness or that Blizzard was being unfair, discriminatory, etc by raising money for that cause. It’s a good cause too.
I understand that, I’m talking about the monkeys who were yelling at Blizz, didn’t want to cause this huge uproar, but what do I get for talking about a sensitive topic?