Toxicity TOWARDS dps

It’s an off tank and support job to protect your other healer.

I switched to McCree to counter a tracer got zero heals switched to soldier and managed to out skill her. You are limited to what your team allows you to counter.

McCree is the better counter but I had to heal myself so I was forced onto soldier.

Don’t always get an off tank, and the other support is usually busy with either healing everyone, or are also being chased by an uncontested flanker. At that point its the DPS job to try and protect the people who are keeping them alive or if they can’t, then it falls to the team as a whole to help with it

Making alot of assumptions the supports are actually bhealing the dps.

If we’re getting killed constantly by a flanker to the point where all we can do is either run or die, then you’re right, we probably aren’t healing the dps, or the tanks, or each other for that matter.

Off tanks can kill flankers, Moira can kill flankers, Lucio can kill flankers, brig can kill flankers. If you constantly need a dps to deal with one flanker then you are indeed dead weight.

Healers should be able to protect themselves to an extent. Keep getting instakilled? No ones fault but your own.

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DPS should be able to communicate with team…but they don’t…well not entirely true… they’ll mic up when they want to combo ults…then it’s back to operation…silent night. Because you know… communicating is a thing only tanks and supports do.

Yeah these people can kill flankers… unless they’re busy doing their jobs. Its a DPS job to kill the flankers and enemy supports so the tanks and supports can do theirs. Yeah off tank (I’m assuming you talking Hog and Dva) can kill a genji or even a reaper if they’re really good, but then they’re not making space. Yeah a moira or lucio can kill a junk, but then they’re not healing the others and the team dies. “Constantly need a dps to deal with one flanker” If that DPS doing their whole teams work and them some? Then Yes absolutely, know what we get if a DPS doesn’t do their job and kill the flanker that’s killing their team, especially when the person being hunted gets on mic and asks for help? We get dead healers, which leads to the DPS also dying, which means the tanks start pushing in by themselves because no one is left alive behind them and the enemy gets a team kill. I’ll agree with you, its a tanks job to protect the team more than DPS but its also their job to push up and make space. DPS main job is kill the enemy team (this includes flankers), secondary is bust shields. There was one support that was perfect for healing AND protecting the backline but every DPS and their mother complained about her because they couldn’t beat her without trying so she got nerfed into the ground. If the DPs wont even do their job then who’s really the dead weight here? The tanks and supports who are making space and keeping people alive but need a little help, or the DPS who don’t even bother to do the one thing they’re ment to and expect the other roles to do their jobs instead?

Lol okay…you don’t understand what tanking is.

A dps job is to kill supports. It’s literally that simple. Some dps brawl with the tanks. Reaper, Mei.

Some dps protect the backline. McCree.

A dps has to kill the enemy backline first. While the dps does this he will help create space for the team. The enemies tank or tanks will forego making space to back up to deal with him. Dva, hog, sigma, zarya are the tanks I am referring to.

You don’t even have to kill the flanker. Make the flanker utilize their cooldowns as a group of three off tank, off support, main support. The main tank can play passive during this time. Use your survivability and cooldowns to stay alive and deter the flanker.

Doomfist is unkillable even with team focus unless he’s really bad so we will ignore him from this list of flankers but once again force out their cooldowns and they will retreat.

The main support should be able to keep healing the tanks as long as the off tank and off support are doing their job to protect them. That’s overwatch. If your team works together(tanks and supports to deal with a flanker.) The enemies team does not. Their supports will crumble and then your team gets aggressive.

I am a Lucio player and I may not kill the flanker every time but if they don’t die they run away. Don’t rely on dps for protection just think of it as that simple survive longer than the enemies supports and use teamwork to deter flanker dps.

Tanks and supports can do their job healing and making space. While doing their other jobs of an off support and off tank. Which is peeling.

Brig was overpowered upon release she needed those nerfs. She even made tanks life’s difficult.

Yeah no…it’s one of their jobs…there main job is to kill dps. And suffocate carry players. Since we just love giving people jobs

…seeing as I’m jaded…I don’t rely on my “teammates”. I’d rather deal with it myself than rely on someone else to do it…Overwatch can’t undo what multiplayer games have reinforced for over a decade…that teamwork is optional.

That’s not their main job. I understand your tilted but every role has set duties and killing a support is ten times more valuable than killing a dps. Supports will always take priority if you kill a dps or two but you die for it it’s not even equal to killing a support.

All this talk of jobs remind me of how I don’t get paid for it…what’s the going rate for minimum wage?. Oh shoot you know what …overwatch is defined as entertainment…hard luck here…no job requirements…

And no…killing a support is not your main objective… you’re technically looking for the best player on enemy team… stripping their support and suffocating them.

Of course we…it’s obvious that until that’s obvious to dps…I’ll continue to wage war with my own hands…

Would you prefer that’s how higher ranked players play their role and is the best way to perform each roles function?

Either way. Gold player. Yep. Understands the game flawlessly. I’m not saying these things to just say them. I am saying them to help players improve at the game.

Plat border gold player. He thinks and plays like a gold player. He can’t help that it’s the trash dps players that keep him down.

All true apart from last statement…gold dps are not reliable…I prefer to take destiny into my own hands.
But hey I have zero alt accounts and my profile is public…you tell me sunshine… is it merely a matter of time before I climb… considering I’m basically a flex. Yeah playing meta hero’s is biggest bang for buck way to climb…but uh…shield tanking is mind numbingly boring at low ranks… Can’t fault me for wanting a break from barrier tanks…when most dps won’t play Hanzo mei or reaper… But demand a “meta tank/support” or it’s throwing…which let’s be real if dps aren’t playing meta dps…it’s also throwing…and truly shield tanking for gold’s and plats…is such a miserable experience.

Android auto correct needs to die in a fire :weary:

Well, they are like you. They are demanding a meta tank/support because your play is ineffective using the pick you have chosen. If you were effective with your pick, there would be no outcry for you to switch. You demand a hanzo, mei, reaper because you don’t think they are doing their job with their current pick. They demand a different tank/support because they don’t believe you are doing your job with you current pick. In the end, you play in the rank that you belong. If you want more reliable DPS, be a more reliable tank and climb.

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Orisa sigma is meta if you want to climb the easy way. I also frequently see good rein and zarya combos just straight carry games.

Yeah and if I don’t play that it’s gameplay sabotage…yeah yeah yeah…

Hanzo mei and reaper are meta too…how many games you think I’m going to see dps play that?