Toxicity TOWARDS dps

Every game if I’m on your team.

I dont expect a dps carry however when a dps cant do anything its highly annoying. Since role que theres so many bad dps. Oh…its true…its Dang true

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Support/tank mains are queuing for dps roles now. Alternatively, i see tanks and supports being bad as well lol.

What I love about being a support main, Mercy main here, how do I say this without sounding like a suck up, I love supporting my DPS players and helping my tanks feel like they’re doing their jobs well. I dont rez often now because its such a high risk during team fights that it would be more crucial on focusing on healing and damage boosting.

I can honestly say, when I see “Bad DPS” or “Terrible DPS” I tend to give them Good Teammate or Shot Caller just to show that I respect what they tried to do and show that it wasn’t just their fault.

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I love risky rez…

Lol I don’t think it sounds suck upy at all. It’s how supports are supposed to be played. I do have to say that sometimes, when you support the tanks too well… they can get toxic lol.

For example, I remember playing ana and pocketing our rein who was playing ultra aggressive and super feedy. I basically had to gave him all my resources, every nano/sleep/nade just to keep him alive.

This dude then goes on to have all the golds and started being toxic to our dps. So i just stopped healing him so hard and he just fed lolol

As someone who plays in high masters/low GM, I can confidently say that a solid 50% of fights/games are centered around which team has the superior Hanzo. This character is in every game, and has crazy damage potential, one shot potential and ult potential.

If you have a Hanzo, and the enemy Hanzo is picking 2-3 people per fight, and your Hanzo isnt, the blame typically shifts on to them. This doesnt mean that its never the tanks or supports fault, but most times its either your Hanzo pops off or theirs does.

I also dont want to hear anything about making space with supports/tanks, because the amount of times that my team is winning the fight, and then suddenly 3 people get headshot by these random lobbed arrows… its countless.

A one-shot headshot hero rarely needs all the space that I see everyone complaining about. Hit your shots and you get value, simple as that. Toxicity towards DPS stems from this. A hero that has the capability of one-shotting creates 0 counterplay opportunities for the enemy team, and if your DPS can’t do that… then they typically get blamed.

You also must keep in mind that the last couple seasons, theres been very little diversity in viable DPS. This is causing people who may be incredible at Tracer, Sym, Torb, Bastions to be forced onto heroes they may not be good at. Until these DPS like Mei, Reaper, Hanzo get tuned down, you will see people with 500+ hours on a specific DPS trying another one… and sucking at it.

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Its why I love playing Mercy so much, I give my team that attention and thats why I wanna main her all the way to GM and TOP 500 if I ever get there… I like that playstyle and It plays very very strongly for me and its great. I find popping Valkyrie and damaging Boosting in Team fights is an AMAZING feeling.

Discord is just as bad. You can’t tag someone you talking to in a normal way. It offends others. Which I think is stupid, why have that feature? Every little thing is offensive in today’s world. No one is right. We are all wrong. Heck I can’t h
Even help or give positive enforcement on overwatch forums which we need. Especially the new players to this game.