Toxicity TOWARDS dps

So role queue is great. I normally play support and some tank. With role queue now, I’ve only been playing DPS lately and have noticed more toxicity towards DPS than them being toxic.

As soon as the team stops doing well, it’s “trash dps” in the chat. It doesnt matter if the tank isnt making space or the support is not focused on healing. It is first and foremost the dps’s fault.

It seems, as dps, if you arent carrying, you suck and everyone will let you know immediately. Any thoughts on why this is the case?


because people are stupid and think that because DPS is the role that gets kills, they should pop off 24/7 and carry the team even if the tanks or healers suck


Dps role is to and I quote blizzard website " obliterate by any means necessary"…except dps don’t often employ the " by any means necessary"…yet they’ll demand shield tanks and 2 main healers…it’s a two way street friend…high expectations reflect high expectations.


It’s unfortunate. I like the dps heroes but it’s so much pressure, for a video game, because if i dont do well, i will get flamed =/

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I often feel bad for DPS players. They have the longest queue times and are expected to carry. But, in my experience the DPS are often more vocal and critical – but I think it’s because they have to wait so long for each match and are more frustrated by the failure of the team.


bc bunch of casuals don’t know how this game works at all, so they’ve saw some top500 montages and think every player can do those plays consistently while they are chilling at moira sucking at enemy backlines instead of doing thier role, bc why not, when you have scapegoat role to blame? At least we are get used to it and just don’t pay attention and keep calling right suff in voice chat.


I honestly feel like most of the time (speaking as a tank main), the dps role is often the least to blame for a loss. Passive tanks and supports unable to balance doing damage and healing/giving utility are much more to blame for losses than “trash” dps most of the time imo.


Most of the time it is the dps who isn’t doing their job.

With heroes like reaper, mei, doomfist as meta. If the enemy has a good one, you are screwed when both your dps are playing main dps. Since often tanks and healers cant do anything against them, if they also have to create space against another good tank duo.

If you are loosing, because of 1 or 2 players in the enemy team who are really playing well. The chance that one of your dps will try to do something against them(like counter pick/or play with their team) is less then 10%. At least in my games.
Just track your games; the games you are loosing because an enemy dps keeps destroying your team, will one of your dps try to stop him? If you got 1 like every 10 games you can be happy.
Most of the time the dps players are the worst team players your team will have.


DPS is the least impactful role in this meta.

The best are tanks.


I feel you, man! I get the same thing when I play any dps, Ana, Moira, Baptiste…


Ever since role queue was introduced I’ve noticed a drop in dps players quality. Not sure if role queue is to blame though. Weird picks and not putting effort where its needed (maybe they get kills but not when it matters). I understand why people get frustrated by this but that’s no excuse for being toxic.

I’ve been in games as dps where the tanks are way to passive. I would say that’s even worse than having a bad dps. It makes it harder to do the dps job right and might make you look bad if you look at those “important” gold medals.


90% of all servers are dps players. 90% of these 90% shouldn’t play dps. No wonder majority of toxicity is directed towards them. Most of the people that play this hero class are selfish , uncoordinated and terrible aimers. Even though i play tank i practice my aim every time i lauch the game and it’s pretty obvoius which dps player is outplaying which.


I don’t agree with any of the statistics you put up, 90% are DPS players and 90% shouldn’t play DPS.

I’m glad you are playing well but it’s unreasonable and selfish to say that people who are bad at aiming aren’t allowed to DPS, for multiple reasons.

1: They queued up for it; that’s what role queue is for
2. Role queue placed them in the rank they belong so if your tank is in the same rank as their DPS, you are the same skill level.
3. They purchased the game and are allowed to have fun on any role they choose.


I let my team get shattered? “trash DPS”

Nothing pisses me off more than watching DPS get blamed for my own mistakes by some dumb moira 1 trick


Biggest chunk of bs I’ve read in a while, there are literally no games left under those conditions.
Ranks are all over the place and in a lot of matches the roles aren’t even equalized rank-wise

You shouldn’t even lose rating in those matches as it will only cause more trouble in the long run… cough chaos…


How are you able to say that ranks are all over the place; can you prove it? Role queue ranking isn’t perfect but it is getting better with as players continue to play. You sound like someone who is having trouble climbing and complaining that the system is keeping you down.

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Yeah its weird, I can somehow see their ranks on my screen.

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This is so wild to me. I feel like the role I get the most kills on is tank cause if your tank isn’t killing folks why would they be targeted. As a dps I try to focus on protecting my healers and killing theirs.


How much of disparity can there possibly be? they are easily within 100-150 sr points of your SR. You’re probably on the border of one of your ranks. That’s why you may see someone with a different icon.

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You’ll encounter that mid rank as well :wink: