Toxicity TOWARDS dps

It’s actually very common that you need specific tanks. Saying that tanks just need to exist is completely wrong. No shield tank against widow hanzo is a death wish. Monkey into hog and reaper is a death wish. Ball in mei is a death wish.

Sigma vs Widow is true.

You don’t need a shield tank necessarily vs Hanzo anymore because he + his team can bust your shield so fast it doesn’t matter. Splitting up and getting a better angle on Hanzo so someone can pop him is way better than using a shield he can spam at until a head level shot connects at your grouped up team isn’t.

The rest of your points are just “Tank vs one of the DPS designed to counter Tanks is a death wish”.

I’m talking about counter picks that are actually good vs a specific hero, not heroes you aren’t allowed to play simply because another hero like Mei exists.

If dps have mains…why can’t tanks or supports. I’m more effective and have more fun on ball then other tanks…anytime I can get an enemy team to waste their kits on me like sleep, nades, walls, hooks…and get out…tell my team and go back and harass/ pull 2 or more enemy players away from their group to deal with me…is a win for the team…but only if my team takes advantage of it…

Would appreciate if dps communicated and worked with me…but at gold and plat.
.they just autobot… don’t communicate…and do their own thing…

Edit: heck even just seeing 2 dps actively working together and pooling their collective r source to kill enemy hero’s…would be a miracle in gold and plat…

Well saying it’s easier to just pop hanzo is the equivalent of “just shoot him in the face bro.” Frankly, it does come down to that but that’s oversimplifying it a lot of times. The purpose of tanks is to protect your team in engagements long enough so they can do that., whether it’s by using shields or diving him.

Well tanks have weaknesses and they will have strengths as well. For counter picks…

Symmetra? Go monkey and spam laugh.
Doomfist? Go hog and save your hook for him
Pharah? Hamtaro or kpop girl time.
Hitscan? Sigma blocks out their los
Sombra? Hog and 2 shot her.
Reaper? Zarya or hog is your best bet. He is kind of overtuned right now.
Mei? Go zarya and tome your bubbles

Need to counter a support? Go ball or winston.

Same old same old for me. Each match comes down to who has the useless tanks that feed or don’t press w. Unfortunately that’s how it is. I know if my tank is good within a minute. I already give up if my tanks passive. I’m not carrying dead weight.

Can’t evenn play a carry dps like mei, tracer, doom, reaper, Sombra?

I can but not for a useless tank. I want them to drop to where they belong because they either are that bad or play another role that’s not tank.

Okay…but you’re not going to play tank either… and they’re going to reach their rank whether you intervene or not…kind of a finality to it…and so are you friend…with an attitude like that…could be lady karma thinks you need some humbling experience as well.

Absolutely false. Dps is the one role that can carry and carry hard

The biggest issue I have with dps is they have over twice the size hero pool to choose from to assist the team and won’t swap.
Generally the team needs a shield so there’s only so many things I can really play but the dps has an incredibly flexible role and doesn’t do jack to counter.

Yeah basically that ^^

I’m not content to waste time playing a tank I can’t get value off of…carry tanks like hog and Hammond…I don’t have to worry what they pick…I can ram rod a win out of it.

What??? No. Did you forget that the longest time, goats was meta?

Tanks and support can totally carry. If you can’t carry as a tank/support in a certain rank, you belong in that rank.

DPS queued to kill things and I as a support lose games when dps don’t do their job. It is frustrating to play as support when the enemy team have dps that kill support 24/7 but my dps players shoot at tanks that is getting healed. I feel that the DPS queue is filled with bad aimers that play dps because of stubbornness, they don’t care if their aim is really bad, they want to dps and sit in the awful 10 minute+ queue to play what they want. I need to play as a support that also can deal decent damage to do what the dps are supposed to do, and that is not why I chose to play support…

Why “shouldnt” they play dps?

Theres nothing illegal about being bad or average, you will always play in your equall skill bracket.

The problem is making a game where customer demand is 90% dps but then expecting or forcing 66% of them to not play what they wanted

Dps bad, tank and support good.

No its if you cant get a kill or do anything as you que for dps

It’s a big hero pool so to demand dps to be able to play every single one is ridiculous. Tanks and support have about 6 heroes each. As a tank/support, can you say you play all the heroes to the same skill level, even if there are only 6 of them? This issue is even worse with dps. The diversity of the dps cast provides utility but also makes it the most difficult class to master.

Unless you are one of maybe 3 heroes, tanks and support generally do NOT carry SOLO, pairs or groups who synergize DO

Honestly, more often than not, it is actually the DPS. The problem is that a lot of good DPS don’t queue anymore, so what we are left with are people who are more interested in queuing for fun, then playing something they’re good at, hence the glut of bad dps.

Any bad dps looks like a montage pro if the tank knows how to push.

Think about it, a sub diamond player cant play defense winston. That means 90% of tank community fails at basics and has no understanding.
They are actually playing a different game than the overwatch that organized master+ tanks play.
Aiming with dps holding left for heal is a lot more intuitive so the majority can perform well self taught

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