Toxicity TOWARDS dps

I’ve noticed from bronze to plat. In my experience healers are the issue. People are one tricking Moira in literally every rank. Difference is, it’s more balanced at higher ranks.

Tanks are also the issue when they stand at choke instead of advancing in fear of death. Because their not getting healed

Dps is also the issue when they can’t hit or kill anything, all factors included.

See the pattern???

If people play their roles games will go better.

Tanks you have to move forward ESPECIALLY if y’all get an opening pick.

Healers keep your team alive, and trust your team to do dps, your job is to keep them alive by any means necessary!!!

Dps do your thing and know your limits. If you don’t have good awareness and aim don’t play that role. Choose something more fitting.

It’s literally all about teamwork. I’ve had games where I have 40+ kills 18k damage and 5 deaths (as hanzo) and we still lose. And I still ask myself what could I have done to make it better?

And comms is important at every rank. Do you know how long it takes to type that someone is behind? As oppose to just saying it.

Tanks don’t flame dps (their trying) hopefully. And focus on creating space and advancing forward with heals. And for the love of god if you get a pick press W as a team and maybe y’all can win more.

Healers just focus on healing and always look around (do 360 before and during every fight) it will help you physically see who needs heals. But if you were in you right position (behind the tanks) you wouldn’t have to as much.

Tanks you can’t stand behind a shield anymore, you have to manage your shields and cooldowns now. So you don’t have to be passive.

In closing, for all roles just keep in mind ACTIONS PER SECOND. In any role your in, think of
“what I can be doing each second to achieve the set objective of the match.”

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I got into a match where a tank and support were trying to play the blame game and went after our DPS, one asked why DPS are never in chat and the other one even stated, “because they get blamed… Well deserved.”

Needless to say, they sucked and the only time we did anything was when our DPS popped off and they were the only 2 to get cards from our team. Naturally.

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I think as far as supports go, moira one tricks have the least game sense because playing moira is so forgiving. Life steal, fade, and healing orb are such great self sustain abilities on such low cool downs, you would be insane to not play moira in 222.

I remember a time when i was scrimming against a top 500 genji/widow. I realized i was getting destroyed as ana and swapped to moira. As a plat/diamond healer, i was able to shut him down and frankly carry the fight.

The best part was it didnt even feeling as if i was trying.

Funny thing is that the most toxic is 90% of the time the most Pepega of the team, independently from the role he/she plays.
Hey just don’t understand what’s going on and blame someone else, coz “My TeAmAtEs aRe HoLdINg Me DoWn”

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The kind of players you’re talking about are often newer players being boosted by MMR/handicapping. All depends where you are in the system.

With shields being dumpstered, it is now up to the dps to pick their dps quicker. If you can’t do that, the team loses. You dps mains asked for this with the shield nerfs. Before we could make space for you, now you make space for us. Have fun!


Now nobody has to spend the whole game shooting shields lol. Orisa sigma was insane. You would spend 2 years sneaking around to flank and then sigma would just put the barrier in your face. Ummmm guess I’ll go back to my team now… ummmm guess I’ll just play doomfist =/

We can’t make you space if we don;t have shields. Its a give and take. When shields are nerfed, you are inadvertently nerfed. So now that there are no shields, its up to you to get a pick first on their dps so we can afford to take space. This patch is terrible.

Everyone is playing Roadhog and Ball because tanks suck right now. I’d rather have the self sustain of those two. You asked for this.

That’s still not at all true. If you were dependent on double shield and the shields op state you are boosted.

If the enemy is still free to sit behind shields without any pressure from our tanks that team that’s tanks do nothing will lose every time because you are not giving your dps even a chance besides waiting for someone from the enemy team to put themselves in a suicidal position when you have to press w and use cover to engage.

No one’s forced to play hog and ball by the way all tanks are viable. You are just playing ult batteries and giving the enemy a win by how many ults they will get.

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I’ve always been an aggro face tank to great effect. Its how you play tank well. Nerfing Shields just makes that harder to do. This meta makes its encouraged playstyle harder

Adapt. A rein and Lucio with a zarya can close distance really fast. Orisa sigma can still cause a problem with their shielding.

I’m not adapting, I’m quitting the game. You all wonder why dps que times are so long. That’s your answer. Got to wonder why que times for tanks are so low if they are so good and play making. You reap what you sow.

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They have much more to heal with less resources (in moira’s case). When the shields are gone, that damage isn’t being mitigated.

So for the game I just got out of I Q’ed up as Moira, did nothing but heal as much as I can, then I throw a heal orb to the majority of our team and turn back to heal our ana and attack the winston thats jumping her, this is the first time I had to stop healing and go to damage in this match (and thanks to that I saved the ana AND no one died during that fight) but instantly our mei is like “MOIRA, F***ING HEAL! STOP DAMAGING!” So I tell them I had to save the ana and I’ve been healing the entire match. “No your not, your damaging the whole time” So I stick to just healing, even when I run out of juice I absolutly dont attack as per our mei’s wishes, then our hanzo goes off on his own way to far up, dies, and starts yelling at me why I wasn’t healing him. Had to tell him that not only was he to far up, but I couldn’t heal him because I was out of healing BUT I did throw a heal orb at him, he just jumped away from it before it could reach him. So apparently this makes me a trash healer.

I do my best as support. I cant keep everyone alive 100% of the time. I’m getting real tired of these potatoes who are on DPS paying attention to how everyone else is doing while at the same time failing their own role. Oh you saw me draining an enemy ONCE in the game? Then Im sure you saw I was protecting our other heals, A JOB THAT YOU SHOULD BE DOING YOURSELVES

DPS, get some freaking game sense for once and realize that supports don’t have to heal just you. Do your job, stop hassling me about mine when you’re not even in my role, and for the love of everything overwatch stop typing to your team telling them how bad they are/what to do during the game, it DOES NOT make them play better, it makes them ignore you on voice, in chat, and in game.

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Honestly those kind of players really make it hard for me to play competitive

Sorry, as a main tank and healer now, I can say for certain that DPS is the most critical role by far. Tanks make the space, healers heal, and dps kill. Too many dps are so terrible, no matter how much space, or support they get, they still suck. It is the state of the game. Tanks are most dependent on other roles. Ever wonder why nobody wants to tank in solo? Thats why. Any other potato on support or dps and you are dead. Especially now.


Finally got a game where the DPS where good and it was the tank at fault (technically 2 games but it was the same guy for tank on both.)

He went hammond on havanna the first game and was going in all on his own then blaming supports for not pocketing him as he charged into the full team of 6 with them having mei, brig, zarya, and mccree as his counters. Then on the next game he was rein and his words were and I quote was “Get 2 main healers on me, cus ima hold shift and right click and wont stop” Then when he charged in as rein he said “Healers follow me, I wont be your shield tank if you cant keep up” Which is funny because the whole team died after he said that which he thought he was abandoned and swapped to hammond anyway. He kept going in and constantly dying even tho my fellow support (mercy) went in to keep him up before dying before him, he then insulted the supports further and kept going at it alone again, getting the same result as the first game. Best part? At the end he was like “Finally I can avoid these supports.”

That was one of the very first few times I’ve seen it actually be the tanks fault. Still waiting on it being a supports fault though.

I’m learning dive on Hammond. It’s a fun playstyle. Should have really played dive when dive was meta…oh well.

The main reason people get mad at DPS is because the DPS role has been given almost all the counter picks but DPS players seem to be way more likely to be the “I PAID FOR THE GAME I ONLY PLAY ____” types. And now the Tank/Support mains can’t swap to a counter dps pick and do their job for them.

The same problem exists for Tanks/Supports but it’s not as common that you need a specific Tank/Support to counter an enemy comp. They just need to exist and do their jobs. Tanks are some of the strongest heroes in general but DPS has most of the counter pick potential.