Toxicity TOWARDS dps

Damage typically have the highest carry potential throughout the course of a match. It’s easy for people to blame the damage for xyz when some matches you just get out played. I personally find more issues with tanks than anything the damage can actually fix outside of Pharmercy and Reaper.

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Show me one vod of you destroying a pharmacy by yourself. I have done it before if they are completely incompetent yeah. You can win that 2 v 1. Some teams are smart. A tracer will be harassing you. Tanks will dive you to enable their pharmacy.

Also if a rein is being destroyed pick a more mobile tank that can also peel for the backline and destroy widow. Not our job to peel for you. Dps will help but that’s a tank role to protect support. We are trying to kill other supports and damage tanks to take pressure off our tanks. The other dps are not our concern unless they engage us. Killing a support is much more valuable then killing a dps.
In double shield tank was the easiest role in the game. Any advanced higher elo player will tell you that. Dva matrix shutting down barrage and deleting pharah is the one major way to neutralize pharmacy’s most serious impact. It can kill through trans. Beat isn’t fast enough.

Maybe understand the game and get back to me.

Because dps is fun. That’s it. That’s the reason. Doesn’t change that fact. Tanks are not fun despite their strength.

Goats. Double shield. Dive. Tanks were al always the carry.

Ahh I see what you mean …Nerf the tanks so they can’t carry…

If you’re bad all you can handle is point and click. This is about 50% of what a dps player does as opposed to much less with a tank or healer.

So people would rather be 50% awful rather than 99-49% awful. I bet 50% feels a lot better than 60%, and so on.

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Dmg and kills is not exclusive to dps.
Well… Nothing is exclusive to dps.

Tanks can do every single thing too.
Supports aswell.

So if theres not enough dmg, maybe your tanks and supports should switch from shield/heal bot into theyr actuall role in the team. :sweat_smile:

I love to tell my tanks that they can easily add dmg on top of our team. No need to be a shield wasting reinhardt, a real reinhardt is contesting the dps in dmg.

But to get such a reinhardt, you’re already a dps god.

Especially in ranks below diamond, ppl simply forget that you don’t get a aimbot with nearly every single hero, and often have to either rely on your team or play as one to come up on top.

Sadly they once had a gm on a new account carrying them into oblivion and now every silver dps has to perform like that one smurf. :sweat_smile:

Healing bad?
Supports or bad coordination / positioning

Rest: the whole team is to blame.

Player throwing or afk = his fault.

Enemy not dying: everyones fault.

I hate games where the enemy tanks and supports give me more attention than my own supports.
But you always gotta check the context and not just straight out blame someone.

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Maybe you should understand the game, if you put pressure on their team right…and are killing their supports and their team just so called collapses like you think. There would be no way a DPS can effectively dive me in the backline and get away with it. Its not possible, because if you knock out supports boom. Now they are down 2 people that leaves tanks which should be easy for you since no heals coming through to them yet your support can heal you. That would mean our team is winning that fight and the DPS is lowkey just throwing by diving me and not contesting you who is running through their team.

The fact you said your job isnt to worry about DPS is the dumbest thing i have ever heard. Reaper does so much damage, if he gets on any support and sometimes any tank. They just dont have the damage to take him out on their own. Thats why YOU the DPS must assist. Yes i realize taking out the support is priority, same way healing the tank for support is priority. If you extend too far out past shield thats on you if you die, know where your support is. Cuz 9/10 they are positioned in that spot to avoid a dive or get the best angle of the team. Someone who doesnt play support wouldnt understand this.

You can always run back behind tank for cover, if tank dies now there is no one frontlining and you go on the defensive. No more aggressive plays as DPS, and now we are being collapsed on. If DPS dies it isnt that big of a deal. Pharmacy i have killed as a god damn ana :joy: so ik for sure you can do it as an ashe or widow. The both have enough range to stay out of the dangerzone of a pharah. If you take out mercy now its just pharah you have to deal with. If she kills you thats fine at least she isnt being pocketed. If you kill pharah thats good as well but mercy can just rez. It all depends on your aim man. If you dont got it you dont got it.

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Reapers biggesr weakness is his range. Dont play in his effective range. Lucio can boop him out of range, brig can stun him, zenyatta can discord, moira can fade, hog can hook, can defense matrix.

There are so many non-dps ways to devalue a reaper. Dont expect the dps on your team tl everything.

If you’re being killed often, it’s not the dps fault for not peeling, it’s your fault for being in that position. Peel is nice but if you cant stay alice on your own, youre a burden to your team.

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Ok kid lol tell me the last time you saw a reaper who wasnt a complete noob not run throught your team :joy: boop him, stun him sleep him whatever you do is just stalling cuz he will just either shadow away or resume in killing you

No my positioning is fine, i was talking hypothetical. Im an adaptive player i already know if i keep getting sniped by widow i go ana. same for pharah, ana again. If they have a doomfist i go brig. Because you know DPS wont ever do anything about it, too busy “DiViNg SuPpOrTs” but if we have to do your job dont expect us to heal you. You sound like the typical selfish DPS who swear they can do no wrong, that its never their fault.


One I play support up until role q for obvious reasons like I’m throwing by having all dps.

Second, as Lucio I can fend off and kill a reaper. If I get a sigma to help me that reaper is going to die. Ana can sleep and anti made reaper. Literally he can just be deleted at that point.

Now it is easier to kill tanks after the supports are dead. As the game is right now. Before this patch even getting to supports in double shield was impossible.

If I kill both supports and begin on their tanks. a genji and tracer can easily delete you or reaper before I even have time to help you. That’s on you and the tanks not me as a dps. Me killing supports or harassing them won’t stop dps from going at the teams back line. Also a Winston dva or ball could still bully and delete me despite me killing the supports. If our tanks are helping the supports as they should. The tanks and supports could also just gain up on me as tanks don’t press w.

The point is no one knows everything that’s going on around them. It’s not as simple as just kill mercy 4 head.

Also when I play dps I don’t even expect heals. Unless I’m McCree specifically sitting next to you to help you against a flanker. I can go frag without you even seeing me. As long as our tanks get support and press w. My jobs easy.

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GM games are significantly easier to win than Diamond games. Because your tanks know how to create space so you have so much more room to play in. You can take aggressive angles knowing you’ll be healed.

In Diamond you have to create your own space by popping off constantly. It’s exhausting. And even when you do, it still might not be enough because your team doesn’t know how to press W and push in. And of course, someone instantly blames the DPS. Usually the Moira player, who has been gold/plat every season until recently when the double shield meta boosted her, and now she’s in a higher rank but still knows nothing about the game.


dps have double the cast of tanks and supports yet they dont switch


Yeah…makes you think why choose rein because your dps wants it…when hey surprise surprise they don’t think about the team if there’s a pharah…I figure after reading all these posts…
The biggest mistake I’ve made so far is even assuming dps on my team were team mates. The whole…" I don’t play tanks cuase they’re boring…" You think I like playing rein…do you think I want to hold up a giant shield? No…and I figure…screw it I’m done playing shield tank…I’m gonna play the tank I want to play…call it throwing…but I’m done sacrificing my sanity for the clinical depression. Hammond it is…only tank that always makes me smile… I figure…if dps can play their fav hero’s and be absolutely useless…so can I.

On NA server…it’s clear…no one will ever be a team player…egos and personal accomplishment are the only things NA care about…and its about time I quit forcing myself to try.


Just play dps. See for yourself if you aren’t a coward. And unprivate your profiles while you’re at it.


People antagonize DPS because they are the least affected by the handicapping system, and when they squander that advantage it lets the whole team down:

You can’t control the skill of the reaper. You can only control your skill. If you have trouble booping, hooking, stunning, the reaper… that’s on you

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Do you switch when you’re asked? I find a tank or support not switching a lot more significant than a DPS. Like tanks refusing to play a shield tank against double snipers, so the entire team is vulnerable. Or a support refusing to switch off of Mercy+Zen, so heals are super low.

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I would switch if they ask me, im very versatile and can play almost any hero on both the tank and supporr roster. But i wont switch if what they are asking me to switch to would hurt the team more than it helps.

Usually people dont ask me to switch cuz i do it myself. I just wait until after i have used ult see if that helps us out or not then switch if it didnt.

No…I antagonize dps because…I see a lot of DPS playing their fav 1 tricks whilst demanding a shield tank…and x, y supports. I don’t mind mostly…I do however mind when:

  • Pharmacy isn’t even being shot at…I don’t even expect a kill…but letting a pharah just shoot down on tanks and supports… irritating
  • Getting ripped to pieces by a Smurf mei/ reaper/ widow/ tracer/ Hanzo…if you’re even remotely good at dps you get a feel for whether a dps is any good and if they are carrying their team…you would think a dps would say: " if I don’t make life hard for that dps…he’s going to shred my team"…I mean surely it’s obvious?
  • Playing your fav hero…into a comp that doesn’t just have you countered by 1 hero …but damn near the whole enemy team…like a genji into a (Winston,mei,Moira,zar,sym, and a brig)…like duuuude are you thicc…like I don’t play a wb into a mei/ hog…hell the mei is enough to warrant a swap…
    But I suppose dps live in another universe…
  • Playing a hero that just ain’t working…like I’ll give the DPS a good 3 mins to have a go…but after that…so irritating.

In light of the following…would you be irritated by dps as well…I mean sure a rein charging in like a suicidal idiot…I can understand…but if I’m actively pressing w…shield up bunny shield hopping. If there’s a widow, I’m trying to cut her sightlines off…and getting to enemy quickly to start cleaving…is different from charging in like a suicide rein, correct?

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Dps is the only role I turn off chat and voice chat.
It’s unfortunate but, I’m not playing to hear crap from tanks without a w key or from healers playing like a tracer.

Just to clarify, I’m main support.

Since I started playing dps with role queue (which is the best thing I’ve seen implemented on the game since I started playing in season 6), I respect the dps role a bit more, and made me learn about situations where I could help them better and not just let them die LuL.