Toxicity TOWARDS dps

I never justified toxicity.

I had a game yesterday where I, as Ana, had gold elims. That was 4. After 7 minutes of the game. FOUR.

Another game: Symmetra in my team against two enemy shields. Great, right? Nope. She did 0 (zero) damage to the shields. She AVOIDED them the whole time. On attack I, Moira, cleaned the first point. Someone had to do something. Died right after and NOONE took the point. It was empty and my three teammates were DEFENDING it from enemy Orisa that arrived (but was not on the point yet). They didn’t even stepped on the point.
So, enemy team came back. I was desperate and went after supports because NOONE did. Killed Mercy and Ana few times, had 22K healing after the 15 min game. No likes on card and no endorsement. DPS Moira, right? :joy:

Today’s game: Enemy Pharah is quite good so my Widow goes Tracer :joy: the other dps is Genji. So I am focusing this Pharah, killing her few times. But I also have to heal and defend myself from Winston.

I have many of those. Never felt as helpless before 222.

Hilarious, because 99% of the time it’s the DPS whining. They think the world revolves around them because they think it’s only them carrying the game. (Yet they need tanks and supports to win l0l0l0l0l0l0l, the irony).


That’s what I mean by “try to enable dps”. I either pocket them or nano them or try to sleep targets for them. If I’m pocketing them and they’re continuing to miss though, I’m just wasting my time while other teammates die. My trick (and this probably only works in low elos) is that I go for the 3 fastest shots I can manage on Phara - one after another- while the mercy is damage boosting, not healing. By the time she switches over to healing, the last shot is sinking in and down goes the Pharah. The Mercy drops down to rez, everyone dog piles the Mercy. RIP

Agreed, but see how a much shorter list makes it more likely to tilt the people with longer to-do list?

Agree/Disagree. There are PLENTY of times (especially in my elo) where the dps simply cannot land their shots but refuse to switch to a non-hitscan. I can damage boost / pocket an Ashe all dang day - but it’s a waste of my own APM if she’s not landing her shots and killing something (ANYTHING). I’m better off waiting until she gets Bob and damage boosting Bob.

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That’s what I’m saying.


Like it matters…

U wait 15 mins as dps and get a one sided game that ends in less than 10 mins now

Simply put, the dps role can adapt to whatever the other team puts out much more than any of the other roles due to the shear number of hero choices.

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Tanks and Supports generally tend to see DPS in an Us vs Them kinda way. It’s a team game and everyone needs each other to win. Ask your DPS what they need help with and help them. When you just blame them at the end of the game it literally accomplishes nothing except make them more anxious to perform and that causes them to make more mistakes.


The actual issue is that double barrier meta has made lower ranked people suck at tanking again. I’ve played so much Sigma that I got my *** handed to me by a gold rein the last time I played him.

Basically, bad tanks account for most losses.


I would say not grouping up or working as a team is what accounts for most losses.

I am told I am a great support when we are grouped up - and get many of endorsements. I am told I am garbage when our team is spread out - because I can’t heal everyone.

There have been many matches where our team isn’t the best at each role but we win because we group up and stick together. Other matches I know we have better players but for some reason we don’t group up - and end up losing.

I would rather have a team that is mediocre at each role and groups up over a team of Pros who never work together.

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so now that all 16 dps are viable…should i congratulate my awful dps on their inability to counter enemy dps…like pharah or widow…sure wish they had sniper tanks…or flying tanks. you know…if they had 8 dps and 16 tanks…you’d actually see the tanks doing what needs doing.

ehhhhh not really.

Widow/hanzo/mei are about it now

I literally just finished a game where the main tank kept solo pushing, staggering, and blamed me for it at the end.

Your point about grouping up is too true.


Need to counter pharah. Go dva. Need to counter widow once again dva or even Winston .

Dont make me laugh my guy, DPS is the easiest role. Im not even a DPS main and i steamroll whenever im playing it. Im a support main by trade and countless times have i seen DPS players never come up on my screen as [allied person] killed [enemy person] even though that person is running through our team like an gold medal Olympic runner.

Its usually when there is a widow or pharah. I will go a support to heal my team and just get destroyed cuz no one does anything about them. So now i gotta swap off my hero to pic a zen or ana. Most DPS players dont understand YOU CANT GET HEALS IF YOUR SUPPORT IS DEAD. If someone is able to sneak up to me in the back line you arent doing your job in the front. If tanks are tanking 6 sources of damage they will eventually fall. We rely on DPS to ease pressure. I cant focus on your 1v2 with pharmacy when our rein is hanging on by a thread and if he dies we all die. If you pick a hero who does decent damage, you aim properly, and focus the mercy instead of pharah first maybe you wouldnt need our help :roll_eyes:


no no…see thats too hard for dps…they need other people do do the things they cant do…now if only tanks had a dmg buff…then id be fine with dps just going off on their own missions…becuase i wouldnt need them.

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hmm yeah…that explains the low low low tank population…even at the highest ranks of play. yeah, i always did suspect that people would prefer the mediocre over the best money can buy…


All of this. Almost every game.

I played like 2 days ago. Had a DPS spamming the I need healing button while shouting on mic how we need to heal him and his scratch of damage while literally both me, and our other heals was healing a tank and the other DPS (who both could not have had more than 15 health each) right in front of him. He then berates us on how we need to heal better and how we’re gonna be stuck in gold because we’re not healing the guy who is “popping off” in the match. Then he says he’s gonna “stop protecting the team” and not a damn thing changed in the entire game, not even a millimeter.


Honestly? DPS has the most diversity in the game as far as abilities go. You guys have a lot more opportunity to control the game than the other roles do. When something is blatantly not working and you can see as much from the kill feed, odds are it’s gonna be on your role to switch things up.

Not saying it’s not applicable to the other roles as well, but tank and support have nothing on DPS when it comes to what kind of damage needs to happen.

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yeah had a game just now…highly recommended that we get a baptiste…becuase lamp help tanks recharge shield…oh and the heal output is nutso…but no money…then the mercy get all “and you wanted a baptsiste” after 1 rez…i was like…uh duh ill take bappers over your rez every hour of the week. apparrently this is toxic…so now i figure… hey who needs a shield anyway.

some say…your actions affect your team mates…most would say…i have gold medals. so i dunno anymore…pick a tank for the benefit of others …or play a tank you actually want to play and lose every game? which is better…becuase climbing with stubborn team mates just isn’t happening.

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Its always a clown festival with ever DPS on my team, then we have those guys whi think they are good and contribute to the team because they hit one good ultimate out in about 2-3 minutes in the game and actually do something. But tbh alot of DPS are bad and this isnt just me crapping on them cuz i do have bad games, but unlike most DPS i change when im not doing well on a hero or when our team needs this or that hero. Most DPS play DPS cuz they have that one character they like and play it into every match up.

I can also see what they mean tho coming from supports, alot of the time when im on tank, our supports dont heal me and i use that as an ok i wont block damage and just go an aggressive off tank. And it works some times but by the time i switch off we are already about to lose