Toxic Community

They did that with Heroes of The Storm. Everything made after that has been downhill including this game considering everyone has jumped ship from this company.

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yeah it pretty much is caused by SMURFFS flooding competitive. So everyone just plays the game as ranked players, in an UNRANKED mode.

The system has PLENTY of those player-groups to deal with. I get reported constantly as a “THROWER” in Quickplay matches and then berated because I didn’t play in their stupid little group, with the role they refuse to play.

The match making engineers are to blame at Blizzard for this problem. NOT ours.

As well as it is the fault of COMPETITIVE players for Q’ing into a match and having a high expectation that the randos pulled from Q are simply there for FUN and dont’ care about those stacker’s hopes and dreams for a win.

Activision knows we are frustrated with the game. But since they are headed to a sell-out to Microsoft, There isn’t anything going to be fixed or repaired on this game much anymore. So just expect that everyone whom worked on this game is probably spending their free time to look for a new job and rightly-so. They should.

It is a GOOD strategy to EXIT a company during a buy-out. I learned the HARD WAY and stuck out an acquisition and it destroyed my career because I had TENURE coming up and they wanted to shed me fast.

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In my experience they are still children. At least they act that way.

Though I can’t say the toxicity claimed in this game bothers me much. People get frustrated, they last out. It’s a game, who cares, move on, imv.

In any competitive environment different people react differently. The most competitive among us can be the most intolerable to be around in a competition.

Humanity is toxic, good luck.

Oh and don’t make me laugh. Considering how toxic this game has become everyone is afraid to chat in the first place due to the report system. Now why did it end up that way? The few who do use chat are the ones I mentioned before who say “GG or GG EZ” but only if they win. Is this your idea of a good community? Better to not have one at all if it’s going to stay that way forever. We have no reason to chat with the other team. It’s a pointless distraction that gets in the way of gameplay.

It comes down to frustration I believe. Since you only gain SR when you win a match it’s not based on just your performance but the performance of you and 5 other random people that may or may not be working as a team. This causes people to blame other for people their loss of SR whether true or not.

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Some people like to troll also. Ran into a 6 stack tonight running Ball, Hog, Doom, Mei, Brig, Ana. I ran through so many teammates that match I had to laugh. Couldn’t do anything, stun, hook, slam, sleep, boop…“don’t move”. LOL.

It was a hot mess, but I had fun. Ended up backfilling into matches against them 2 more times.

I get why people left out of that, but whatever for, its a game, laugh and move on.

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As long as they keep rewarding people for being toxic then the game will continue to be toxic.

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TLDR is this

Play TF2.
Start to find “insert annoying thing here” annoying.
Remember you can swap to any class in the game, and your value isn’t interconnected with the rando’s that you’re put with.
Doesn’t complain about team and has fun.

Play OW
Start to find “literally any hero in the game but lets go with pharah for this example” annoying.
Remember that because you’re a certain role, it’s up to some random guy to take care of her.
Junkrat Doom.
Since you know what the problem is and what the solution is, you feel entitled to how your team should play because you HAVE to work together.
Turns out trying to force strangers to work together through no benefit of themselves doesn’t work.

because the devs do absolutely nothing to stop it, they allow racism, sexism, and homophobia freely and openly to be in the game. They don’t care, and the report system is a joke.
The smurfs and toxic players know nothing will ever happen to them, so they are allowed to treat other overwatch players like trash as much as they want.

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They are one in the same most of the time. If Blizzard would actually listen to my solution you’d have much less alt accounts created with the sole purpose of cheating / harassing others through text.

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It is exceptionally toxic. The reason is because current leadership at blizzard cares about money, that’s it. CEO does not care if people are toxic in the games as long as they get their money. It’s not just overwatch, it’s all blizzard games. For a game like WoW a pve game to be as toxic as it is just goes to show you how little they actually do to control it. Final fantasy 14 on the other hand is 99% free of toxicity because the devs have a strict 3 strike policy on toxicity and then you’re premabanned. Hop over to Apex legends for a month and you’ll see a dramatic difference in toxicity.

95% of my overwatch comp games have some form of toxicity, in Apex I can count on one hand how many times I experience toxicity in a month. The Apex community is actually kind of awesome. I’ve even had a game where someone on my team got toxic but they still had my back, revived me and tried to win. I’ve also had people apologize to me lol that kind of stuff never happens in overwatch. Once someone says you suck they stop healing you and you forever suck even if you get a 1v6.

Anyways, let’s hope things change for the better once blizzard is in Microsofts hands.

I think the problem is also the lack of a satisfactory straining mode. Usually this is determined by story modes, but … Overwatch doesn’t have it, yet. And his AI simulation is really painful and out of date.

There are tons of good workshops that have significantly improved the intelligence of the game, and that has made that kind of cumminity incredibly united. Too bad, however, that Blizzard does not value their efforts by highlighting their training workshops, but rather limiting itself to an automatic system of “which workshop codes are currently used most?”. Without real monitoring, in short. Let’s remember when there is another DOTA case with Overwatch XP: Blizzard should give a buff to its collaboration with that type of audience. Even by formalizing certain arcade workshop modes and giving credit to their authors.

but no, serious training is done in multiplayer. But to get back to the topic, I fully agree that the toxicity in quick play is unmotivated.

We do… and wait sometimes 30 minutes between games.

That’s not fun to do in any online game… and shouldn’t’ happen.

Toxicity is a common thing in pretty much every community out there (even the seemingly calmer ones still have a bit of toxicity within them). Anywho, one of the reasons why OW community is so toxic is because players take the game’s competition way too seriously

Why did Rambo run away into forest and fight back?
Because they drew first blood.

This community became toxic in response to utter mistreatment and mismanagement. Both of the in-game systems, the members at large, the prioritization of owl/pros, disregard for QoL and integrity, and some really toxic handling of issues both in-game and out-of-game.

this is the one, doc

the thing that made me cringe so hard I’m doing a permanent kegel

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Aren’t you the guy currently complaining about getting bad teammates in the matchmaker, and how it’s rigged against you?

nah man he’s chad only, an alpha who solves all his problems with a grim and serious look and a small pat of his egregiously large muscles
blizzard couldn’t possibly hold him back even with slanted matchmaking

I can’t help that I borderline look like a convict.

Well, I could help it, but then what would be the point of these thousands I’ve spent on tattoos and eons spent in the gym?

I’m genuinely not a mean person. I just look mean and “resting b face runs in the family”.

All that I’m getting at is that strangers don’t get upset at me over trivial matters and then cuss me out in person. I’d think this is mostly due to my appearance, and not humans displaying a lack of self control. My more preppy clean cut “smaller” friends get crap from random people all the time whether they’re out at the bar or some knob at work is all twisted up about nothing. People don’t do that to me. If they did I’d just ignore them anyways. I’m not one to divulge in threats or violence.

But why OW players think their toxicity is acceptable behavior is beyond me. You wouldn’t say this in person (especially to myself), so don’t say it virtually.

Sportsmanship, respect, and basic decency shouldn’t have to be forced with consequences.