Toxic Community

You can opt out of match chat already

Give R6 a shot or CSGO on PC. OW is pretty tame.

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Either I have been pretty lucky or this community can be toxic, but itā€™s tolerable. Like, maybe every 20-30th game I get a toxic player.

And believe me one thing: no gaming community holds a candle to LoL regarding toxicity. Experienced that firsthand and see it in nearly every game I watch played by streamers from different elos. Wishing someone a normal dead is considered polite banter there. OW isnā€™t even close to that.

Ah, a classic I Am Very Tough post. Moderate cringe.

  • People use match chat to belittle the enemy team in the hopes of gaining an advantage
  • People donā€™t know when they are doing badly or receive inaccurate feedback that they are doing well (e.g. dps Moiras getting on fire) and so try to push the blame for their failure onto teammates
  • People only see what is happening in front of them, e.g. they see their Rein die and think ReIn BaD without considering that their healers swapped to Lucio Zen, their healers were not with the group or the Rein is having to play vs enemy Rein Zarya while the 4th tank is going on a long pointless flank or typing abuse to someone.
  • People demand others play heroes that have less agency (Rein, Mercy) then donā€™t support them
  • People demand resources from their teammates that would be better spent elsewhere, especially off meta one tricks
  • Stacks will never accept any blame on themselves or one of their stack friends so push the blame elsewhere. This got much worse when stacks were anonymised so people would pretend they werenā€™t grouped with the person they were defending or joining in with
  • The game has long stretches of time during respawns or between rounds where angry players have nothing to do except argue with teammates

Its super multi layered but imo the game is being marketed as a hyper competitive game but also wants to be inclusive of ppl who arent competitive. Arguably This brings in numorous issues. It be fine if everyone stayed in there lanes, like i dont think ive ever had a toxic experience in mystery heros or lucio ball or stuff like that, but you get sweaty nerds in qp and ppl who ā€œjust wanna play and enjoy the game the way they want toā€ in comp.
And then yhere are the dudes who only exist to PURPOSLY troll ppl lol. Then the smurfs. Then the healers who ā€œarent healers there SuPpOrTsā€ the list goes on and on and all these groups are trying to coexist with eachother but dont care about the others experience. Thats why its toxic imo lol the bs just goes on and on. Even if your a team player who dosnt flame or anything it can be exhousting hearing everyone else go at it. Then the blame games lol. Anyways rambling wall of text over.

Tldr so much bs in the game too many bs reactions to said bs all melting together into the current cesspool.

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Itā€™s a melting pot of a lot of issues the Overwatch developers didnā€™t take into account.

-Competitive and casual players fighting like feral cats and dogs
-Blizzard forcing these feral cats and dogs into the same pen
-Bipolar balancing of heroes and stats
-Radio silence from devs; absolute no indication of how they would like the game to be played
-Game itself went through several iterations since release that should have been dealt with in alpha/beta; From no limits, to single hero picks, to role queue, to having bans, to not having bans
-GM/T500 players are less ivory castle and more cavemen who discovered fire to lord it over the rest of the mouthbreathers.
-OWL, the ā€œpinnacleā€ of play, is an entirely different game than what people are playing outside of it, which leads to serious ā€˜lost in translationā€™ moments when people try to emulate.


Because they can. Is what happens when you donā€™t have any active moderation in a game what so ever.

Man, I have no idea what you consider acceptable. Some people seem to think we should fawn all over them like some 1950ā€™s bobby soxsers whenever they come by. Frankly Iā€™m disappointed in anybody that seems to think they deserve a free pass for all their screw-ups. I remember when they said they were launching in 4 months and still had to rebalance all the heroes I said this seemed way too close to launch to be undertaking something like that and multiple people called me a ā€œhaterā€ and said I was ā€œbashingā€ them for pointing this out.

I think people are definitely crossing a line when theyā€™re sending a voice actress for a character death threats but as for criticism of development decisions I think thatā€™s just to be expected as part of the job. Heck, Jeff himself got his first industry job sending the Everquest devs a letter that asked them if they were on crack.

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  1. People are more sensitive now than 10 or so years ago.

  2. Entitlement

  3. Power to show true colors without fear through the internet.

  4. Devs are doing nothing about it.

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Iā€™m not saying we should freaking treat them like gods or anything, yeah theyā€™ve screwed up in the past. But I think when people flood OW social media posts with nothing but hateful comments and trolls, and constantly bash the devs at any given moment, i believe thatā€™s a step too far.

Because the devs have instituted a toxicity-inducing environment either out of ignorance or malice. I lean more toward the former. Looking at matchmaking alone, you can tell that these guys are not very bright.


Iā€™f im DPS and iā€™ve been on fire since 30 seconds into a roundā€¦ have 5 gold medals and only died once in a roundā€¦ I"m confident iā€™m not the issue.

If our winston keeps trying to kill a rein getting pocketed by anaā€¦ if our mercy pockets a zarya who is trying to get charge from facing 2x shield tanksā€¦ if our other dps is playing sombra and it takes her 3 1/2 minutes to get 1 ultā€¦

These are more often then not reasons you can safely say " Iā€™m not the issue".

Wow so instead of solving the most of the toxicity problems permanently for everyone dealing with these issues just about every single time they play this game I do something that only ā€œhelpsā€ me out? Thanks for the great suggestion that actually solves nothing in the end considering they would still be trash talking behind my back!

Tell me again why we need to talk with the other team besides the winning team being the only one to give out sarcastic ā€œGGā€™sā€ at the end of a game? Or is it the trash talking or singling out players you donā€™t like? Maybe telling someone to kill themself or something racist? Is that what you want to keep happening? It sure seems like most defenders of all chat love that stuff but their excuse for keeping it is the usual ā€œfriendly banterā€. Iā€™ve got news for you. This game is not friendly and Blizzard wants it to stay that way by not doing what worked in Heroes of The Storm. Find a different game if you want to meet new people.

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Then they can opt out too? I mean if itā€™s still an issue then Blizz should just put up a banner saying itā€™s possible to opt out so that people at least know.

Literally what does it matter if you canā€™t see it. Isnā€™t that the whole point? If match chat didnā€™t exist they could still be saying nasty stuff about you to their teammates without you knowing. I could be saying any number of things about you right now but it doesnā€™t matter because you canā€™t hear me.

Well YMMV. Iā€™ve never had any bad experiences with match chat. I donā€™t see why I have to lose it because some people canā€™t press P and click off the match chat button.

It looks like itā€™s here to stay for the time being so if anything you should find a different game. Or you know, opt out of match chat.

With people like you itā€™s no wonder we keep having these threads made. You still just donā€™t get it. While I offer a solution that is already proven to work in another Blizzard game and others like Paladins all you can do is defend those causing all the problems and want them to continue doing it because somehow they have never ever said such things in your games before! This garbage community doesnā€™t deserve any form of text chat not even team chat. I feel bad for the console players who are now forced to read such trash typed by the immature PC players. If there was one thing console players had over PC players it was that. Yet now thatā€™s gone thanks to Blizzards lack of common sense when it comes to actually combating toxicity.


Maybe if all you guys were playing in Diamond instead of lower ranks times would be better.

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No dude I get it. Thereā€™s an epidemic of people without functioning P keys on their keyboard. In fact Iā€™m pretty sure to type the letter P they have to Ctrl-V it after copying it from somewhere else.

Itā€™s a solution to toxicity all right but it also nukes the people who donā€™t use match chat to be toxic. The situation OW has right now doesnā€™t screw over the good people while still allowing to block out toxicity. I mean you can even opt out of team text and voice chat if you donā€™t want to encounter any toxicity there either.

People who have match chat turned off have also never seen such things be said in games before either, in a sense.

Tell me does a very social game like World of Warcraft have cross faction speech where you can chat with the enemy team during a battleground? No? Then why should this game?

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Theyā€™re getting better at making games over time duh