Can anyone explain to me why the community in this game is so unbelievably toxic? I mean I understand being competitive in ranked matches and pushing to do good, but why do we have try hards yelling at people in quick play for just trying a new hero? Side note: Blizzard needs to do something about smurf accounts because that’s extra toxic.
I believe every online competitive game has said toxic community. Why does everyone think only OW has one?
Where did I say it was the only one? It is just exceptionally toxic in my opinion and I don’t understand why. I’ve never experienced this much hate from a community.
Because they won’t remove chat with the enemy team like in Heroes of the Storm.
Honestly its my teammates where I encounter the bulk of toxic behavior. Except the smurf accounts.
Because I play a lot of other competitive games, and watch them, no community has been worse than Overwatch. I will always stand by that even if you have never experienced it personally as there are PLENTY of people with the basic observational skills to corroborate exactly what is happening here.
OW has its own flavour of toxicity. It comes from the game attracting, but never properly accomodating, both casual and competitive gamers.
Then there’s the politics… All I’ll say there is that politics invite conflict.
It’s also just the team play aspect of it. Few other games demand so much coordination and reliance on teammates to win. That takes a toll on people used to more independent-style shooters.
I don’t think people play overwatch with a “competative” mindset honestly.
Even in ranked most of us play lower ranked accounts because queue times are stupid in Diamond are higher (15-25 minutes). Its very frustrating.
Its fun to play lower ranked games and watch people struggle to counter echo or tracer or genji. So it gets toxic when that happens lol.
Because the current generation has been handed participation trophies all their lives and act entitled to winning because of it. They act entitled about what heroes their teammates can pick, they shirk all accountability when it comes to losing, and then they blame everyone around them when it doesn’t work out.
To make matters worse, everyone can act like a BA when there’s no tangible consequences for your actions. There’s plenty of individuals out there who’ve never been punched in the face because they got away with acting like an entitled POS their whole life, so now that just transcends to the gaming community.
They get to hide behind their screens and say and act however they want without fear of consequences because these devs won’t actually look at reports or ban an IP.
It cracks me up knowing both the kids and adults who are abusive and toxic in chat wouldn’t say jack to me IRL. They’d lock their car doors and cross the street before ever even trying to make eye contact with me.
You sound ripped bro.
Your response is even more hilarious. I bet you’re one of those 50 year old boomers playing torb in bronze as DPS lol?
This community is toxic inside and outside of the game. It’s painful and cringe. I am disappointed in the devs for being so silent towards us, but damn. They get some hardcore bashing from their “fans.” I kinda feel bad for them in a way.
Torb/Rein 4 life.
Boomers gotta Boomer.
So you’re 50 years old… playing a predominantly children game… and you’re saying " these kids would lock their cars around me"?
You lead a diverse life lol.
What if I identify as 50 (but am not actually 50)?
Also I’m fairly confident OW’s largest playerbase and age bracket falls between 17-22.
Are those children?
On the forums i don’t think anyone is really toxic, just that we choose to interpret it as toxic, when they are probably just sitting here chillin.
Ingame, same thing outside the occasional person who’s just caught up in candy crush.
Half the time it’s the above, with it really just that OW is the game they chose to get sweaty at.
Which is okay, everyone has that thing. Just gotta assume ever post, comment, exc… is light hearted. it’s hard to feel text.
Voice chat, well we are in the era of emotional retardedness (in the literal sense, not the disabled sense) and sometimes people just have a bad day.
yes, in western culture you are likely to see people as old as 28 struggle to make basic decisions.
I mean, what is a “basic decision”?
That’s a whole philosophical argument in itself.
Basic decisions, like what to eat, What they want to do with their free time or even consider if it’s a good balance of productive/relaxing.
Things like that, not saying all but it really common to watch what was once common for a person to already be making life altering choices, struggle in this regard.
Myself included.
It’s a VERY HIGHLY team based game.
So when people lose it’s easier to blame one or more of their 5 teammates than to take any personal responsibility for the loss.
These players have ACTUALLY convinced themselves that they are never the issue
The blaming is generally spoken in a very toxic manner. If it’s not than the person being blamed is of course going to defend themself rightfully so, which then usually escalates
This can only be fixed by individual players growing up… some never will.
The major issue is even if they grow up, they have already passed in the toxicity to the next generation and it’s a vicious cycle