Torb is an oddly over nerfed hero

Wow sorry you just are not correct here.

Doubt, if a torb is repeatedly dinking headshots into a tiny tracer head that is a completely deserved kill.

I have played Torb. I know many, MANY Torb mains. I’m not. No one is aiming individual shots on Torb. You don’t need to. You 2-3 tap people with a big hitbox and fast fire rate, with a large amount of ammo.

Yes, because I definitely said Torb is doing that.

Alright, now quote it. It’s not smart to put words in people’s mouths on public forums. The proof that you’re lying is just in my earlier posts.

You are saying torb is giving you problems as tracer. I just dont see that aside from the turret.

You clearly are not worth my breath, so just keep being wrong I guess :man_shrugging:

Yeah, because you don’t play Tracer. It’s absolutely stupid that one of the best counters to me in the game can’t even be outplayed BY ME. There’s no outplaying a turret as Tracer. You have to wait for a teammate to destroy it, or straight up Pulse Bomb it.

Then Torb himself has better close range than you with better sustain.

His entire kit is cheesy. I can respect a good Cree, as he has to aim both his Nade and a follow up shot to kill me. I can respect an Ana, as she has to aim her Sleep Dart. I can respect Sym, because her turrets are flimsy enough to require actual thought when placing them. I can respect Kiriko, because she has to aim at me with a harder weapon. Torb has to spam in my general direction and get lucky in a fight that’s already in his favor. It’s not respectable. It’s a copout of a skill matchup.

And then Torb players come on here and say “Oh, Torb is oddly overnerfed,” which is such BS when you look at the other builder hero. How can you even say that Torb is overnerfed when Sym’s entire history has been nerf after nerf when she’s already weaker than him? When he ranks above SO MANY more skillful heroes in tier lists? It’s pathetic. Torb players complaining are even more pathetic than Genji players complaining, and that’s saying something.

It’s crazy seeing this much Torb hate in almost 2024. He’s a budget perma-Storm Arrow Hanzo with a tickle turret and shotgun option.
I miss the engineer hero (as someone who plays engineers if possible in all class-type games) and just want that back. Still enjoy playing him, but it’s just not the same.

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M8 in a tracer duel, their going to be flipping to torbs side and his back.

you can’t spam in that situation.

Unless your walking directly towards without dodging. He isn’t going to be hitting much and just burn through his resources.

He is going to have to flick shot, to actually hit anything in that situation. Like his shots fire only once every .51 seconds. Their is a large gap between them.

If your talking on his cooldown, he more or less needs to be in point blank range to actually capitalize on all that damage. And that like on a tank or fat dps like bastion.

Keep in mind, if you see someone actually spamming. It’s primarily only your fault for getting hit by that.

As you have multiple ways around any specific lane or LOS.

You can choice to play around it.

M8 you just made it clear you have Main character syndrume.

Your not the best playerin the world. Your not the best tracer.

And if you can’t outplay a fat low dps stationary object that can get stuck shooting a tank or another target while the torb isn’t looking.

Then you have failed. Simple as that.

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A full team counterpick effort is not effortless.

And if you are talking about 1 on 1 counterpicking, none of them are ‘‘effortless’’ either. No one dies to a Torb turret alone above gold.

Torb has to land headshots with his arc projectile to do anything of value and this has been the reality for years, and its arguably is one of the most difficult things to do reliably in this game if we are talking about aiming skills.

torb should stay relatively weak. his gimmicks are-

  1. popping free instant 100 armor on cd
  2. turret
  3. torb headshots are insanely strong bc of how rng his weapon is at long distance

his niche is being tanky on cd, having an auto-aim turret, and spamming left clicks for high burst dmg. there isnt a single aspect of his kit id want to be stronger lol

‘‘This hero full of counterplay needs to be weak, but we cant let Ms. Broken Mobility or Ms. Hitscan Oneshots From 50 range be EVER weak!!!’’

SO it’s not armor on cooldown it’s, overhealth.

and that isn’t getting any specific resistances till it’s hits his normal health pull.

The turret pretty weak these days. It was never a tool to say solo someone. But it use to at the very least command a bit of space against flankers, interupt sombra hacks, and force echo’s to pump cooldowns into.

these days it really doesn’t server any of those rolls. And just gets chewed out in the matter of seconds.

Something being random isn’t strong, like that is quite the opposite.

Torb isn’t really hitting many long range shots, it’s a rather slow projectile that archs.

If you’re full team counterpicking a Tracer and you’re still losing, sorry, get good. They’re just better.

And yeah but you have the other part of Torb’s kit that plays itself and that’s where he gets most of his value against her. If a tracer takes even 1 tick from the turret she’s now open to getting 1 shot by a lot of characters, including him

Torb vs any flanker is a free win for the flanker, due to his rotund hitbox, they can just destroy him
9 times outta 10, you’re losing to them unless you get that headshot, they should take the turret back to launch and man if you’re having trouble dealing with the turret, it doesn’t move, just shoot it or yknow get the Ana to shoot it.

Welp poor Roly Poly boy. Do feel sorry for hardcore torb mains…

Sort of hehe, for someone who plays sombra a ton i love hacking his turret only to be amused by him trying to bring it back to life with his hammer. Im like i don’t it works that way my guy

Tf2 engineer mains most likely, as tf2’s spy will ZAP their games turrets. shutting them down and doing damage over time. And you would be able to undo such via smacking it with your wrench. Which also repairs the damage at the cost of a resource.

that may be, i do see a lot of torbs do that. always made me wonder

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Torb has been a counter to Sombra and other flankers since Sombra was released. Only recently did they make it so his turret can be hacked from stealth, making Torb much less of a counter.

The “builder vs. hacker” dynamic is another game. Nothing about Sombra says she should inherently counter Torb

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They should revert this -

Turret base health reduced from 250 to 225
Damage reduced from 14 to 11.
Cooldown increased from 10 to 12 seconds.

It’s weird how they say “Developer Comment: With the move to 5v5 and one less player to shoot at it, Torbjorn’s turret tends to survive longer than ever. We’re reducing its health slightly to help it feel less like a sixth player and be easier to deal with once someone turns their attention to it.”

Then after few months they release Illari and made a ability called pylon that can stay out of sight for so long and heal making it 6v5.

Are you playing OW1?. Since it no longer give armor. It gives overhealth now which is a weaker than armor. It’s just a nerf for him.

A useless ability with long cd. It offers nothing. Anyone can destroy it and it offer nothing to torb unlike other dps ability apart from sym abilities.

If I can get close to him. Which is very rare on its own. And again, that 1v1 is in his favor because I can’t go into a range where I can deal good damage without getting one shot by the shotgun.

Thinking Torb requires any large amount of skill is actually crazy. Your trash is showing.

Doesn’t even make sense. You aren’t the smartest, are you?

Didn’t claim either

Clearly every GM+ Tracer just doesn’t know how to play the game then, right? This isn’t a me thing. Ask anyone. The counter to Torb is someone ELSE breaking the turret before you go in.

Play a skillful hero and you might understand why Torb doesn’t deserve to be good. Hell, try Symmetra, the actual skillful turret hero.

Maybe in OW1. But since OW2 has been out, Sombra has been a Torb counter.

Dude. She’s a mobile hacker and his main thing is a deployable. She can hack or destroy it easier than anyone else. If you can’t see it, you’re blind.

That’s not true? Sombra has only been able to hack from stealth for a few months. In other words, Torb’s turret has been a counter to Sombra for around 5+ years.

If Sombra’s whole identity is hacking deployables, why does that take precedent over Torb’s entire identity being countering flankers? Idk how you can claim it’s Sombra’s “identity” when it’s only worked that way for a few months