Torb is an oddly over nerfed hero

Puckmen, you’re trying to sell Torb to a Tracer one-trick. I don’t think you’re ever going to get him to bite.

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Not attempting to sell him on the torb, but I would like to establish what he can and cannot actually do.

Flank heroes dont like having to have skill and situational awareness, torb big evil, turret spot poor flankers, now need to have skill expression. So sad.


It’s fast enough to put your crosshair right in front of them. I’m a hitscan player primarily and I can easily aim with Torb. It’s not hard.

Yeah…no. Wrong.

No, it’s not.

He literally is. He does the same amount of damage with more health and less aim requirement. Plus a tanking ability if he’s fighting a close range hero. Reaper WISHES he could be even half as good as Torb.

Even though the hardest heroes in the game are ALL part of Dive? Riiiight.

It’s not skill and situational awareness. No flanker has an actual counter to Torb. They have to rely on their team to break a stupid deployable. At least Sym’s turrets are flimsy enough to require skill with the placement, and her weapon is actually difficult to use well. I don’t have a problem with turrets. I have a problem with tanky turrets on already easy all-rounder heroes. I have a problem with the easiest DPS being solid A tier. Meanwhile, heroes like Junkrat stay useless on nearly every map despite requiring ACTUAL skill. It’s bad design.

Yep, yep. I agree.

He really isn’t. While he win rates at the lower and middle ranks are above normal, he’s rarely used at the highest ranks and his win rating there is pretty normal.

Well, you can always Overload and make it faster.

To be fair, it’s really annoying to try and siege a backline when you’ve got so much static defenses that you can’t deal with alone. And waiting for your team to coordinate themselves and get in there and make some space so you can get in there is really annoying.

Or was, common occurrence back in OW1.


Torbjorn’s shotguns hit just a tad bit harder, but not as frequently as Reaper. While both of them can probably sustain themselves equally (since they’re both angled that way), I feel like Torbjorn’s just easier to play than even Reaper. Maximizing Reaper’s survival and sustain requires a little more skill than Torbjorn, who can just press a button and has some artillery back-up on his turret for crossfire and help if he misses shots.

Probably not, but without the turret to cover for him, he’s pretty easy to kill as Tracer or another flanker.


Oh boy oh boy that is laugh in half.

I’m not saying their not difficult hears to control now, but their is a reason why their almost always top teir by themselves in nearly all ranks. At least outside of specific comps that require a specific set of dps heroes.

And it’s not because the metal ranks flankers are outplaying their peirs.

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Ball, Doom, Dva, Winston. Highest skill ceiling Tanks. Echo, Genji, Tracer, Sombra. Highest skill ceiling DPS. Ana, Lucio, Kiriko, Brig. Highest skill ceiling Supports.

No one that comfortably fits into Dive is an easy hero.

Ah I see you have “ICanOnlyReadOneLineItus” I hope their will be a cure for your horrible diseases one day.

I’m not saying their hard to control, but like theirs a reason why most of these heroes are strong in in the lower ranks.

And it’s not because their players are outperforming their pers now.

I hate how he’s not even really counter to Sombra anymore :frowning:


I read that, but…it’s wrong. Tracer isn’t relevant until Masters. Nor is Echo, Doom, Ball, Lucio, Ana, Kiriko, Brig, or Sombra.

Dive is the strongest because the heroes are designed to offer the highest reward once mastered. That’s not anything bad.

He was never supposed to be? He’s a builder, she’s a hacker. By design she’s literally supposed to counter him.

ehehe as someone that has climbed from bronze to diamond.

I can tell you that yes, a tracer even tho lacking much in fundamental skill. Can tilt a whole lobby with ease.

Same goes with most flankers.

My favorite strategy with sombra on attack first point any hybrid or 2 CP map. Was just to immediately rush the objective while invis. Throw TP back over whatever wall I needed to escape around. Then stand on point making most if not all the lobby freakout and abandon the choke for my team to walk through with ease.

If they have the basic idea of how the character can function, just being annoying and getting the occasional kill on a hero people have issues killing is going to make people mad. And they will tilt hard and play worse.

I had a similar experience with Pharah who I ran up to plat, and echo for the season or two I played her.

They are very much relevant in basically every rank. Not saying their climbing anytime soon, or they won’t peek a rank or two above the fact.

But they can very much be powerfull picks on the low eloes, and be popular picks at that. has seen consistent play at all ranks basically her entire existence, same goes for genji.

These heroes are objective just strong characters. By the nature that mobility is just a strong mechanic.

That is what counter picking is supposed to be about, one team runs a comp that counters flankers, dont run flankers.


Yes an no, you want it so the flanker will have a harder time. But not straight up unplayable.

it should still be a fair fight if your able to catch torb without his cooldown, or able to break the turret before a flank on the support.

If an entire enemy team is picking around your pick, it SHOULD be unplayable. Sure, if they pick a single hero then it shouldnt, but an entire team

That Tracer or Soldier mains feel like they should not be countered at all is just insanely entitled.

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What gaslighting wow. No the soldier and tracer mains shouldn’t be countered effortlessly. The entitled people are you who want it for free despite not being a better player than them

Torb has the most difficult primary to get consistency out of. Just, like, objectively.

No, he doesn’t. He’s one of the few DPS that gets away with straight up spamming. He doesn’t have to track people like Tracer, Sombra, or Soldier. He doesn’t have to do advanced prediction like Junkrat. Nor does he have to flick like Cree, Hanzo, or Ashe.

He’s a braindead hero that just should not be allowed to be good. Especially when actually skillful heroes like Junkrat are weaker despite requiring ten million times the effort.

And I addressed this earlier but I think it’s important to say it again: when Torb’s primary becomes actually difficult to aim, his shotgun comes in and he no longer has to aim well AGAIN. There is no range where Torb is doing skillshots unless he’s hitting people over things with the arc. That is skillful, sure, but how often do you see that? I’ve seen it maybe twice.

You arent going to get far on spams, sorry. Idk why you are standing still at a corner for him if that is killing you. Sounds like a skill issue.

You literally are. Holding M1 and spamming in someone’s general direction is how you use his primary. You don’t individually aim each shot like Hanzo. No one does that.

You’re talking to a GM Tracer main. I can guarantee you that my movement is better than yours. I’m not standing still.