Top 5 Reasons Why People are Stuck in Gold Rank

In terms of for the sake of trying to think of having less throwers/trolls/griefers, this stupid rule is simply stupid because you count yourself out without accounting for the fact that anyone on any team are unconsciously thinking this as well…

Ok, let’s see what happens to me when I’m in plat.

I’m losing 22-24 and winning 26-28. It’s not easy at all for me to carry there (I mostly just can’t past 2.8).
When I’m climbing tryhard on plat I just play after I’m warmed up and only when I’m on a good day.
It’s HARD to climb for me. I can still do it, its not impossible.

Post is flagged for deletion. Full of nothing but completely toxic and argumentative people on alt their accounts bragging about their rank, rank shaming and other such trollish nonsense.

Uhm what?

That rule is 100% true.

Assuming a player doesn’t leave or throw himself.
If you join a match, there are 5 players on your team that could potentially throw, leave whatever. On the enemies it’s always 6 people who could do that.


My whole point is that you can’t use your own experiences as a way to counter someone else’s experiences and opinions on whether rank requires SOLELY skill or not. All these arguments AGAINST OP are solely basing their arguments on their own experiences. It’s dumb, and makes no sense.

We literally all had the same setbacks to deal with and had to work past them. It’s not like I didn’t have to win 5v6’s, or call a team down because they were all blaming each other, etc… We’ve all had to deal with the same kind of team mates, the difference is we have the skill to overcome it. Have we lost games due to throwerd before? Of course. The big difference is we didn’t make excuses, we worked on improving, we learned the game and we earned what we’ve had. Every person like OP that goes ok about how his stats are so great (30% accuracy and sub 2.5 K/D) about how they must belong in high plat and low diamond, don’t. They submit gameplay, and people point out their obvious flaws. If you genuinely want to get better, record some games, and improve on your mistakes. You may feel like you play very well for your rank, but there could be a lot you don’t see. There was someone who posted recently about how they were plat and belonged in GM. After everyone reviewed their gamplay, their team was in fact not throwing and they made plenty of mistakes.


This goes off the assumption that we never had throwers, toxic team mates, or smurfs on the other team. It’s all the same as it was when I was down there


So, we’re gonna disregard our teammates and/or opponents if they’re also thinking this way, whether they know it or not, right?

Flawed logic.

The paradox is resolved by realizing that some people in the match have an accurate estimate of their own abilities, and some people do not.

It is left as an exercise to the reader to determine which category the reader belongs in. Hint: If a person has played hundreds of games in a rank without changing rank, he belongs in that rank.


So… what you’re saying is, the paradox is resolved via faith… is that it? Still a roll of the dice?

I’m not even talking about abilities either. I’m just talking about sheer intent in actually playing competitively. (I don’t even want to play this season despite that I’m more than willing to play support and tank and let someone else play DPS and/or tank… I just don’t want to find myself in 4-1-1 setups anymore, nor do I want to see the enemy team do the same thing as it just makes Competitive mode feel way more like Quick Play plus.)

There’s only one reason, and that is that you’re simply in the rank that you belong into. I had no issues climbing out of gold when I fell in there briefly. I’m not a DPS, I’m a support main. Focus on improving your own gameplay and you will climb, keep blaming your rank for anything else and you’ll stay there.

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lets go through this point by point

  1. leavers are a product of saltyness meaning; if a team does bad they rage quit. BUT if your team is winning, they wont. leavers happen to everyone, but the last time i was in gold (on a new account last season) i had a total of 10 leavers (after the match started) across 600 games played. yes i climbed out of gold in less then a day, but everyone says the same thing. i placed silver (playing mercy in placements) then climbed AS MERCY into plat SOLO QUE. and across silver-plat, i had 10 total leavers in a season. because we were winning, no one wants to leave a winning game.

  2. throwers, basically the same thing as number 1. throwers are tilted players who wanted too win but after you started too lose there brain explodes and they do some dumb stuff. but throwers as a whole dont just queue up to throw. they want to win, like everyone else. its when you dont perform that they start to tilt. this is why people who have done bronze-gm climbs almost never have ANY throwers/leavers. they carry so hard, no one tilts. theyre all happy

  3. feeders/bad players are just what gold and such is. despite what you may think of yourself, you feed and play poorly too. you dont see it because your too focused on what your team is doing. also keep in mind, everyone in that elo plays equally as bad. so the enemy is the same level of skill as you and your team. its only when YOU are a higher level of skill that climbing becomes easy.

  4. toxic players, ive seen alot of people say X person was toxic too them. right after they said something harshly toxic to them to start it off. raging at your team saying sarcastic things, intentionally picking heroes just so someone else cant play them. in my silver/gold games people were very nice too each other. i spent probably 10-20 games climbing from silver to plat. theyre were ups and downs, but very rarely was anyone actually toxic. there was no flamming, there was no hate speech, nothing that would require me to report anyone. if a person is saying thing thats make you cry, block them and report. literally the easiest thing to take care of. but if your constantly getting toxic players, you have to ask yourself. is everyone you meet toxic or are you the cause of it.

  5. the matchmaker is sometimes flawed in some ways. but largely speaking it eventually puts ppl where they belong, high elim count =/= winning. in a proper carry youd have a low elim count but high kill participation. as your not feeding, if you kill 60 ppl and lose, it means you didnt kill the right ppl at the right time.

the moral of these 5 points is you are what causes your problems. you make mistakes, you play poorly, insult your team ect and that causes you all of your supposed issues lul


Faith? No. Math, science, and data. Roll of the dice? Yes. Except all the other 11 dice in the match are dependent on the rank of the match, and your dice is dependent on your ability. Whichever side rolls the highest total wins. If you are under ranked, your dice is loaded to give you an advantage. If you are over ranked, your dice is loaded to give you a disadvantage. If you are properly ranked, your dice is fair. Play enough games, and the loaded dice wins.

P.S. LFG has the ability to specify your comp in advance.


I am climbing by maintaining those stats but its at a snails pace.

For example, I lose three matches but only lose 15 SR each because of my performance with good stats trying very hard to win.

Then I win one match and gain 35 SR.

Than I lose again and lose 15 SR.

Then I win again and gain 35SR.

So I had four loses and two wins out of six matches. If I lose one and win one then I keep climbing even more.

Four loses and two wins out of six matches puts me ahead a little by about 10 - 15 SR. So I am climbing this way but very slowly.

I have gained about 200 SR doing this but it took a few days.

PS - Its just not fun losing four matches in a row followed by two wins. Then lose another four matches in a row followed by two wins. Yes, I am climbing but its not fun grinding up this way.

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At the end of the day, its, quite literally, gambler’s fallacy.

Not when the next guy on my team nudges my hand as I roll the dice.

I’m talking about overall experience, not winning. Heck, its one of the reasons how I got to mid-Masters [from low-Diamond] last season (twice… in the same season) in two occasions in a single sitting per occasion because suddenly, I rolled the dice and rolled wins so many times until I started observing after my 3rd win where most of my wins were handed to me on a silver platter… Honestly, that does not feel satisfying. I did not improve as a player, I really think I should still be around Diamond (even base-line Diamond even if I can maintain low to mid-Diamond).

This isn’t the first or second week of LFG anymore.

Its why I can’t stand playing the game and I’m just in the forums waiting for a Blizzard announcement that addresses some key issues that have been complained about. Partially because I think Overwatch has massive potential left in the tank, partially because Blizzard intentionally or unintentionally monopolized the hero-shooter genre and also basically destroyed what’s left of arena shooters, and mostly because I have a hard time coming to terms that if I want a fast-moving FPS, my choices are Overwatch, games that have very close resemblance to Overwatch in terms of gameplay (and art style from time to time) that have more quirks than Overwatch, or sit in queue and/or play with basically the same 15-20 people in Quake Champions Competitive again… It gets old. A part of me wishes Lawbreakers didn’t fail so hard they had to shut the servers down.

Now I’m just playing Rainbow Six Siege and pretending 3-speeds are fast… but they’re already slow before the speed adjustments were applied, and it just makes them even slower.

You, quite literally, don’t understand the gambler’s fallacy.

The possibility of that guy being on your team is included in the typical behavior of a dice at your rank. Everyone has to play with the same dice (except for their own).

No argument here. Trolls, leavers, boosters, etc. are bad for the game play experience.

Since you are not posting from your game play account, I couldn’t see your rank. LFG does tend to break for the higher ranks. The question is why? Games are more fun as a group, there is an SR advantage (Groups and Matchmaking in Overwatch, unlike early in the history of the game). The only real problem is one of population: not very many people are on-line at your rank. But this could be overcome with greater organization. Maintaining friends lists, planned play times, using LFG to fill out holes in your comp and expand your friends list, etc.

I know it’s a lot of work, but Masters+ is the top of the ladder. Shouldn’t players there be willing to put in extra effort to get a better experience?


Flawed logic?

You really don’t understand maths right?
6 is bigger than 5.

If you do not throw, there are 5 potential throwers on your team VS 6 potential throwers on the enemy team.

If you yourself are stable, you have 5 randoms on your team that can do whatever. And 6 people on the other team that are random and do whatever.


Then explain it to me, then.

Then at what rank should it be when those things become negligible?

The thing is, from what I’ve been seeing after the second week of LFG’s release, more and more players take it for granted as an “EZ-win” feature until it failed, and less and less players use it.

Oh, I do put in the effort. Its just that for thousands of games I’ve played, its been mentally taxing since Season 4 that I’ve played this game to have to deal with the crap in solo-queue and it just gets worse and worse. Slowly but surely, less and less players go in to Competitive with the proper mindset alone. I’ve lowered my expectations in which I don’t even care if I have teammates who are mechanically worse than me, and/or worse game-sense than me.

Here’s the thing. Do you have any real control on the 5 other guys on your team in solo-queue?

What if there’s one guy out of the five potential throwers who DOES do it? What about the 6 on the other team? What if atleast one of them is applying this stupid logic?

Do you not get how stupid that logic is?

No that’s exactly the point we’re making, you can’t control the 5 randoms on your team but you can’t control the 6 randoms on the other team either.

You have two teams consisting of 6 players each.
The enemy team are with 6, all 6 of them could throw.
You have 6 on your team, you’re 1 of those 6. Which leaves 5 other players that could potentially throw the game if you are not throwing yourself.

So the chances of the enemy having a thrower is 6 out of 12 players. And the chances that your team has a thrower is 5 out of 12.

Which results to:


Just because you count yourself out of the equation… without, for a second, thinking maybe the enemy team is thinking the same way?