Top 5 Reasons Why People are Stuck in Gold Rank

I am making this list because there are too many people that think skill is the ONLY reason why people can’t climb out of Gold.

1.) Leavers. Leavers DO effect the team. Why? Because it is just as bad as a player being AFK in spawn and having no usefulness what so ever. A leaver has the same effect of a player being picked off on every team fight or every push. You are down a man and that is debilitating.

2.) Throwers. Some players INTENTIONALLY play poorly or disrupt the gameplay for other people and that in turn effects their PERFORMANCE which is what many people will tell you is the key to climbing. Like Mei walls, wasting their ults in spawn, a Lucio perpetually wallruning on clock towers in speed boost etc.

The last 2 days alone I have seen 20 leavers and 15 blatant throwers. Some matches there were sets of 2 or 3 stacked teams that left all at once after round 1, or sometimes its one player that says “F it I’m out. You are all bad.” then that causes another player to leave, and another and the game ends up a 6v1 because I will never choose to lose 50 SR. Ever.

3.) Feeders/Bad players: Sometimes people are just bad at the hero they have chosen to play or they keep make very bad decisions (bad game sense). Like when a Doomfist trying to 1v6 the whole enemy team and dying because he had no healer. Or a Genji or Tracer who plays into a Brig and gets smashed and killed during his ult because again they had no support from the rest of his team. While these players are not blatantly throwing, we do need to draw a line somewhere. Jeff said it. Where is the line between a bad player and blatant throwing? Jeff said that they do not want to force people into playing or not playing a hero. Well what about the rest of us who should not be forced into playing around the player who doesn’t want to cooperate with their team? We should not be forced to compensate for another players choice.

Earlier today, 3 games in a row we had leavers after round 1, players leaving after that minimum threshold where the game wont end, and Moiras and Anas focusing too much on DPS instead of healing during ongoing team fights on the objective.

4.) Toxic Players: Toxic players always cause coordination issues because they completely disrupt the team voice comms or the chat box. Their attitude effects how other people play because they know that they can’t be communicated with in a friendly manner and that takes away much needed synergy from the team. Toxicity has the same effect as bad ambiance or a poor environment at a restaurant. Would you want to eat at a restaurant with tattered wallpaper, uncomfortable chairs, an intolerable wait staff and a neglectful owner? Or what about sitting next to a table with a family of 7 and 3 rowdy pre-teens who cant sit still in their seats and that are not being corralled or reigned in by their parents? Of course not.

Toxic players are no better than unsupervised and loud children in a public place. It is disruptive to other peoples enjoyment of what is supposed to be a relaxing time with friends or family.

5.) MatchMaker is flawed: The MatchMaker system has so much wrong with it. It places players together based on how close it can get to a 50/50 chance at winning. It doesn’t have the ability to discern good or bad players. it is a total crapshoot.

Skill is not the ONLY factor for why people can’t climb. You could have 65 elims as a Sombra and still LOSE!!! If you aren’t WINNING you aren’t climbing!! Losing happens because people weren’t standing on a payload or a capture point, because your healers aren’t healing people on the payload or the objective, the DPS/Tanks aren’t helping their healers when they get dived on by various heros, tanks aren’t making room for their DPS or helers to move and get better positioning, and a bunch of other mechanical reasons.

So lets just STOP deluding ourselves!! A players skill is NOT the only reason for not climbing the SR ladder.


So basically, your reasons are “it’s everyone else’s fault except my own”.

Lmao. Not that I expect any less than you.

Sure, I took 2 accounts from the lowest bronze tier all the way to plat but nah, it’s everyone’s fault you can’t get out of gold.


For reasons 1-4 how do you account for the 5:6 rule.

Specifically that there is more chance of the bad player being on the enemy team?


Here’s my list:

  1. PC/Setup - Having a large mouse space with a good mouse, and stable 60 FPS are key if you want to play at more competitive SR

  2. Stable internet - This is a big one. You won’t climb if you’re losing 50 SR often, and lagging is a nightmare in FPS

  3. Game sense- You have to play a lot and use that time to learn EVERYTHING. From major fundamental concepts to tiny nuances

  4. Mechanical skill - This is your ability to execute the decisions you make. You can make a beautiful flank with Widow but you HAVE to hit your shots as well.

  5. Attitude - Playing with a healthy mindset is key and players who tilt will lose. This is adversity in overcoming toxic teammates and fighting your own toxicity


Plus 1000 on point 5.

Last night a friend and I started up a 6 stack and we went on to win many games in a row. I can see how a dysfunctional team makes it hard to win, but last night I witnessed that a single toxic player can spread their poison and disrupt a solid team. One of our 6 had to leave and the next, and last, game we played was filled in with a rando. That guy demanded everyone be in team chat, everyone was btw, and he then went on to whine about everyone else and what he perceived everyone was doing wrong. When it became apparent this guy is toxic we all went into group chat and the team went on to win the game despite Mr. Toxic.

Being positive is the best way to stay clear headed and humbled. You’ll play better and, god forbid, actually have fun playing even if you lose. In the chance you are on a losing streak and find your positive mind set is waning, take a break until your mind is fresh again.

When it comes to team dysfunction because of the randomness of strangers on the internet, OP, I can understand the frustration. If you’re someone people like and want to play with, it shouldn’t be hard to find, at the very minimum, temporary team mates that you click with.

My suggestions to you are suggestions I try to live by;

  1. Be nice, stay positive, and if you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all. Log off, take a break, and come back at a later time.

  2. Start making it a habit to send out group invites to people you play with in comp games whom you click with on a fundamental team level.

  3. Ignore all toxicity from other players by muting them.

  4. Focus on your gameplay and always ask yourself what it is you could have done better. Blaming others doesn’t make you a better player.

I could go on, but those are the basics I am trying to keep in mind as I jump back into OW after a year hiatus from the game.

I was beginning to get frustrated on my return, but blaming others doesn’t make me a better player. If anything it makes me a worse player.

Best of luck to you, OP!

I hope this isn’t off topic. Apologies if it so.


You forgot the mic drop

We can close this thread right here. It would seem the OP was listing all the things which work in their favor.

#5 would be the exception, if anything it would seem to balance out because everyone is affected equally.


Just go play more QP, maybe you will learn about the game and yourself.


Thats a BIG assumption about my rig man.

20 inch Game pad (its basically a card game mat. was cheaper than most 20 inch pads I could find).

Corsair Scimitar Pro RGB mouse. 16k DPI capacity and 6 DPI customizable presets (5 presets and a Sniper DPI setting which is keybound to one of the side macro keys)
Those presets currently are 1000, 2200, 4400, 8800, 12500 and 600 for the Sniper DPI preset. The 12,500 and 8800 are more or less used for photoshop etc. High DPI helps at zoomed in high res editing.
it also has 3 independent profiles for easily creating and storing the macros, keybinds and remapped keys on the mouse itself.
I have some abilities bound to mousewheel down and mousewheel up. Thing like Roadhogs Hook, Widowmakers Grapple, McCrees Flashbang, Reins Flamestrike
The Reason: because of how the human brain works. Your right brain controls the left side of the body and vice versa. When using abilities like flashbang using the default keys of E, that require the use of BOTH left and right hemispheres of the brain to coordinate the action. By switching that ability to the mouse wheel (especially on heros like Reinhardt that do not have a quick melee or weapon switching already bound to those keys) it makes using that ability a lot faster in terms of how the brain sends messages. ALL that signal power from the brain is traveling to ONE body part and not 2. Pressing E and swinging the mouse requires the use of both hemispheres so the coordination is slower by whole milliseconds. Try it. I saw an immediate improvement in my Flamestrikes, Hooks and FLashbang use once the muscle memory kicked in.

PC runs the game at 150 FP or more. Not a problem at all.

116 Mbps personal internet service. Nobody else has access to it so there is no “Well my family was on Netflix” excuse or someone downloading something etc. My internet is very stable. Not any issue at all. If there is a storm outside or a lot of wind that can sometimes cause power outages or service interuptions but I do NOT play Comp during those conditions because I do not feel like losing 50 SR to a random and unexpected drop in service or power.

My mechanical skill is pretty darned good. I am not claiming to be a perfect player. Nobody is. Yeah I do mess up and make one bad decision here and there because High Risk versus High Reward and I admit it when I do. The differnce is that I can learn from that mistake and not make it again. Most people keep making the same mistakes again and again.

I think you are confusing optimism with “A healthy mindset”

I always have a positive attitude. That positive attitude can only go so far when people are ridiculing you when you aren;t the problem. Just last match a Tracer kept dying to a Brig and never swapped off or changed their focus to avoid her. He kept getting bashed and killed.

Way too many people ignore basic advice, they ignore you when you ask them to not run in and 1v6 or to avoid the hero on their team that counters them. You can only ask them nicely SO many times and be positive before it becomes an absolute annoyance that someone is feeding the enemy and making the match more difficult than it ought to be.

I do not prejudge every player based on their hero picks. I don’t ask a Hanzo or a Widow to switch based solely on bad prior experiences. I give them the same benefit of the doubt that I would expect if I chose Hanzo or Widow. Then I observe their play and monitor their effectiveness and I try to help them do a bit better by giving them some advice in the moment.

Example. There was a Reinhardt yesterday who just got into Comp the day before. He liked Rein in QP so he decided to play it in Comp. He kept getting pinned by the enemy Rein. SO, I told him, he can counter Reins charge by using his charge and they cancel each other out. It took him a few tries to get it right and he DID!! We actually clutched the final point because he came through at just the right moment and landed that counter charge!!

There are times when the complete opposite happens and the player doing poorly just acts like a dingbat even IF you are polite, and they tell you to “Back Off!” and they leave voice chat. Then they have the nerve to start berating people about how they are bad rather than examining HIS/HER actions.

Edited: Removed inappropriate context - Forum Mod

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It’s so ridiculous at this point. It’s impossible for someone trying to play seriously if your not in a full group. Seems like nobody cares because they will only get banned for a few mins before they can go back in and do the same thing

So it’s not my fault? Nah it’s most likely my fault. There is always something to learn. :woman_shrugging: toxic teammates slow you down but there are things you can do to get better as a player


Blizzard: “We don’t want to force players to do X.”

Yet they actually are forcing players to do things. Like forcing the good players to play around bad players simply because those bad players “can play what they want”. It is a largely hypocritical stance because the majority of people in ranked suffer for it by losing SR no matter how well they perform.


I am still very much a fan of the Richie Benaud Quote (it was regarding captaincy in cricket, but could just as well be applied to your impact in Overwatch)

“Captaincy is 90% luck and 10% skill. But don’t try it without that 10%”

Don’t be putting in less than that 10%

A single Letter in a post that was used to represent a whole word used in game by throwers and bad players gets removed as “inappropriate content”? Why? You literally changed the severity of the context of that quote by altering the exact quoted phrase used by a player in game when I asked them to switch or not make a bad decision prior to leaving the voice chat. Come on moderator. A single letter does not inappropriate content make.

I’m not sure how you took that as a personal attack. It was my objective view on the important things to reach higher SR tiers :slight_smile:

No mic need be dropped.

There is equal chance of the same bad players being on any team. What actually matters is that we should have enough avoid slots so those same bad players do not end up on our team again and so on and so forth until they are either avoided by everyone or they get banned due to the multitide of reports they so rightly deserve.

The idea is that if you aren’t the problem…

There are 5 people on your team vs 6 on the other. Odds in your favor


I cannot control the Sombra jumping on a pirate ship 1:6 and blowing EMP then dying. As I tried to describe in my other thread, you can do everything you are suppose to and still lose. I don’t have the ability to carry other people as hard as some of the pros.

I clearly stated that you made an assumption and I was forthcoming with all the important information to be absolutely sure that none of what you did mentioned was in question to anyone else who had similar inquiries.

But you made the assumption I was saying you had a bad computer…

I was just saying there’s a lot of people playing Overwatch on non-gaming PCs who are good but will never leave lower SR because their FPS is too bad to aim properly

I’d guess most of Bronze is under 30 fps


Let me paraphrase for everyone:
“I’m trash at this game, but instead of manning up and actually improving, I’ll just complain about and blame everything but myself, because I’m obviously not the problem. Nope, no way, I’m to good yo be why I can’t climb”

My reply:
Come back when you stop blaming things that have nothing to do with why you can’t climb. If you can’t climb the faults entirely yours, not the games or other players.