Top 5 Reasons Why People are Stuck in Gold Rank

Jeff ALSO said “Where do we draw the line between a bad player and a thrower.” paraphrased obviously.

There is a major discrepancy between someone playing what they want and playing what works or what they are effective on. Just because someone WANTS to play Tracer that doesn’t mean that player will be effective on that hero depending on the enemy team composition. Their choice effects other players as well especially when the point of this game is to work together and get a win and gain SR rather than losing it.

Part of that problem is that a one trick is rendered useless when another player who one tricks that same hero is placed with you in that match thus creating a Catch 22.

Players who one trick are highly suceptible to hero sniping and that is what makes them tilt and throw more down the road.

This an inescapable fact, that one trick players will get into matches with people who will use the same hero and they will now perform poorly.

I just clicked 11 heads in a row with widow!!!

Best game EVEERRR i made 2 people on the enemy team quit!!! Hahahaha smooth as silk!!!

Just play widow, it’s free SR!

But it is very clearly stated that one tricking is not a reportable offense. And if someone has achieved a rank one tricking, that’s what they’ve earned. It really doesn’t matter in the end, people get better faster playing less heros, and specializing classes is how people get good.

I dont think one tricks are the reason people cant climb. With that being said if you are going to play competitive learn at least 3 heroes. I am not asking people to learn the whole roster but some flexibility is good in case you get another 1 trick on your team that plays your hero.

And realistically, one tricks aren’t that common

Keeping blaming others for the games you lose and you’ll be hardstuck gold 'till the end of time.

Here I’ll do it.

At least you(Korn) aren’t Gen X like him


What about them?
You seem to think they only exist in your games in midgold

Yet both Korn and I I’m sure have faced our fare share of GM/Masters smurfing/alting(Which doesn’t ruin anything) in diamond.


And this is where I decide to not respond to you anymore. You are taking the statement FAR TOO LITERALLY!!

You only ever cherry pick what you think fits your fallacy and that makes you wrong.

Comp is not the same thing as QP where it doesnt matter what you play.

You are wrong. Goodbye.

Kindly link to the comment where I said that. I did NOT say it ONLY happens to me. It happens to a LOT of people and we are ALL sick of it. Stop misquoting me.

Please link the official rules that supports your claim.

Said the one that toom it to far by posting this in the first place.

Nothing you’ve said it’s true. It’s lies you’ve convinced yourself of so you don’t have ti accept you aren’t as good as you think you are.

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But he has 24% widow crit!!!

He thinks we are dumb or something, like we don’t know how stupid hard a widow with 24% can carry in gold. It’s not funny.

Enemies LEAVE my games and im not that high lol.

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I’m taking specific points of your arguments. And I’m taking what you said for what it is, not making assumptions.

But what about the people getting to GM by being good this way :thinking:


A whole lot of delusion in this thread. Like 2016 levels of delusion. Haven’t seen a gold tryhard the forums for a higher rank like this in an awfully long time.

Here’s the long and short of it. Gold/plat is about 70% of the player base. You are in there somewhere like most of us.

Just play other games that are less team focused with a non competitive environment. Probably better off.

If every game all my teammates were grandmaster players, I’d get out of gold smh.

You’re the only constant in your old games. Improve and you climb. You are literally just making excuses instead of improving.


I’m gonna just stop you at “my mechanical skill is good”, any gold player is far from being decent at mechanical skill. If you were mechanical good, you would hit at least diamond on mechanical skill alone.

I hate when Gold players think they’re actually good, you do nothing but complain about so many of the things but ignore the most important part out of all of it. That it’s you, loosing some games based on all the factors you listed does happen, but it’s not the reason why you’re hard stuck Gold.


Yeah, but nobody cares because THEY got out of a certain rank they like to pretend the only thing that goes into this game is skill. Honestly mostly a bunch of people who can only see things from their own point of view, and have no idea how to understand other peoples situation. “If I did it, then obviously skill is the only thing that matters!!!” Little do they understand, a lot of GOOD things such as lucky match making, no leavers, less toxic players, etc. went into them climbing.

I don’t believe anyone is ever truly stuck anywhere, because if you are good enough you will climb. But unless you are in gold and belong in GM, you are not going to SOLO CARRY in a team game. If you are say gold, but belong in plat, then yes, outside forces CAN keep you down. It’s simple. I’ve climbed from the bottom to the top in many games, but luck had a lot to do with that.

No, they won’t keep you down because you have PBSR.
Im a lowly diamond -and to be honest, I’m even worse than the average of my already bad rank-. In gold, I always lose less than 20 points and win more than 30 (-20 or +30 are when I’m doing kinda bad and / or way too many beers).

If I “tryhard” I climb out with over 75% winrate. If I just mess around I climb anyway.

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You’re only further proving my point. You are a DIAMOND level player. So yes, you can carry yourself out of gold.

Also once again, ignoring one of my major points. Just because YOU can carry yourself out, doesn’t mean that it’s not hard for others to. Saying just because YOU did something, others should be able to, is flawed logic.